
Yuji Itadori the anomaly

Honored_Ones_books · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Finger

"They're going to die."

"Sasaki-senpai? Iguchi-senpai? They're—…" Yuji felt his ears ring as the realization dawned on him, and when his mind finally caught up to his body, he was already running. 'Grandpa— now, them?' This wasn't like him, but he couldn't help the panic that resided in his gut, and it did not subside.

"Itadori!" Fushiguro— the student from Jujutsu Tech, yelled out to Yuji. The tenseness in the air and the suffocating feel became more prominent the closer they got to the school.

Yuji let out labored breaths as his heart beated rapidly, 'Can I even help?' The faces of his seniors flashed in his mind, a shuddered breath left his lips. "What is this pressure…" He couldn't help but mumble, it felt like he was about to get crushed by some outside entity. "Fushiguro!— hey! Wait up!"

Fushiguro hopped over the school gate without looking at Yuji, who furrowed his brows but wasn't going to just wait here.

"Oi, you said it was dangerous, right? I might've only known them for a few months, but they're still my friends, I can't just stand by!" Yuji took a big step forward, before Fushiguro finally looked his direction.

"Stay here." Before jumping in.

"Hey!—" Yuji was now stuck on what to do, he felt sweat drip down from his forehead as his brown eyes frantically looked around him. "Am I seriously going to wait here like he told me to?" The streetlight next to him flickered gently, like a firefly's glow. The cool nightly breeze hit him as a shiver went down his spine. "…What am I so afraid of.." He tightened his fists and clenched them, Yuji tilted his head up and looked at the upper floors of the school.

"I can sense death all the way from here." He let out a breath, "I'm scared of dying. Am I afraid of it? It didn't feel like I was, though." Feeling his arms twitch slightly, Yuji looked back down at the cement below him, his thought process going haywire.

"My grandpa's death and the death i'm facing now…how are they any different?" Unclenching his fists, his shoulders slumped while his hands trembled like the buzzing of a fly's wings.

"You're a strong kid, so help others."

Yuji knew, he couldn't just stand here and wait like an idiot.

Stepping forward, his hands lifted up to grab onto the bars, "No way am I waiting here."




Glass shattered as the shards glittered from the light of the moon. Yuji grabbed the top of the window and swung himself in, pulling back his fist and sucker punching the cursed spirit away while Fushiguro yelled out towards him.

"This death…"

Yuji persisted nearer towards the cursed spirit, his arm outstretched to grab Sasaki.

"…Is wrong!"

His hand wrapped around the fabric of her uniform and pulled her up while the curse tried to retain its hold on her. He swiped it away and jumped back, holding his senior firmly in his arms bridal style.

He laid her next to Iguchi, the both of them in a state not so good, but they were both alive.

Yuji stared at them for a moment, before at the monstrosity before him. "This is a curse, huh? Not what I was expecting.." He mumbled, "It looks like a deadite from Evil Dead—"


Thoughts interrupted, Fushiguro quickly finished off the cursed spirit. The sudden attack surprised Yuji, but not enough to garner a physical reaction.

"I want to ask you what you're doing here." Fushiguro then made his way near Yuji and he seniors, while the wolf-like creatures dug into the remaining chunks of the cursed spirit. "..But good job."

Tilting his head, Yuji raised an eyebrow, "Why so haughty?" Not letting Fushiguro answer, he moved onto the next subject, "By the way," looking towards the two wolf-creatures, "Whats that munching on the curse?"

"My shikigami." Fushiguro paused for a moment, before continuing, "You can see them, then?" He watched the shikigami chomp on the curse while Yuji glanced over at Fushiguro. "Normally, a curse can't be seen. Not unless you're on the verge of death, or in a special place like this."

Looking back at the Shikigami, Yuji nodded, "Yeah, that makes sense. I've never seen a ghost or anything before tonight."

The black haired teenager seemed a bit taken aback by Yuji, "You're not scared, are you?"

"Well, I was scared for a bit." Yuji looked away, and towards his seniors, "But did you know? People really can die."


"So I at least want the people I know to have a proper death you know." He still kept eye contact away, observing the state of Sasaki and Iguchi, before getting up abruptly, carrying Sasaki. "Not that I really get it myself." Seeing something almost fall to the ground, Yuji quickly caught it as his eyes widened momentarily.

"This it?" He raised an eyebrow at the mummified finger.

"Yeah." Fushiguro answered fairly easily, "Thats the special-grade cursed object, Ryoumen Sukuna's finger." He let out a quiet sigh, "Its a miracle that it didn't get swallowed."

Yuji blinked, "Why would anything eat it?" A curious gleam was in his eyes, "Does it taste good?"

"Don't be stupid. You'd do it to gain stronger cursed energy." It seemed like now was time to quit asking questions, "Its dangerous, now hand it over."

"Sure, sure." Yuji stretched out his arm and handed it over to Fushiguro easily.

That was…


Fushiguro took a large step forward and shoved Yuji away as a loud crash landed in front of them.

Another cursed spirit..


A boom-like noise, making their ears ring as debris fell and dust scattered. Yuji held firmly onto Sasaki and kept Iguchi away from the damage. Yuji's vision was heavily obscured— he couldn't see what had happened to Fushiguro. What he did know though, was that there was another curse present. There was an obvious thought running through Yuji's mind, why was there another curse? Hadn't Fushiguro taken care of them all?

He wasn't too knowledgeable on the topic himself, so he couldn't come to a good conclusion. What he knew though? Was that he had to keep out.

Electricity sparked, showing a large and dark silhouette in the dust. Just one movement from the curse caused the dust to fly away, the strong and hideous stature of the curse loomed over Yuji and his Seniors. Its disfigured appearance and its bulging teeth from its mouth, its red beady eight eyes stared dead straight down at Yuji, who held onto the finger of Sukuna.

In its left hand, it squeezed Fushiguro like a ragdoll, his feet dangling in the air as the curse let out a snarling growl.


Despite the danger of the situation, Yuji couldn't help but be fascinated by the sight of the curse. This one- he was able to get a clear look at. His fingers twitched slightly as he suppressed a grin. Now was not the time to be amazed by the sight of a curse who's trying to kill the one man who can save them all!

Shuffling in his spot, Yuji stood there uncomfortably, unsure of what to do. He knew one thing though— from the way the curse was moving, that it was planning to devour Fushiguro.

That was until, Fushiguro suddenly whipped out a bunch of hand signs.

Fushiguro yelled out, "Nue!" But as soon as he did, the curse launched Fushiguro onto a wall as blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Fushiguro! Just kill it!" The adrenaline in Yuji's heart pumped wildly throughout his body, as he took a step forward, prepared to punch the curse— or something that can do damage to it. Sure, he was being a bit illogical with his decisions, but what else is supposed to do?

The shikigami Fushiguro summoned sunk to the floor like mud, their existence now looking as if they never existed.

"Fushiguro! Come on!" Yuji's eyes looked at his Seniors and back at Fushiguro multiple times before multiple bright yellow flashes of electricity obscured his vision before the floor underneath him began to shake as Fushiguro was thrown through the wall. "HEY!—" Sweat dripped from his forehead, Yuji wasn't necessarily panicked per say, but he felt a bit…erratic? Just something, he wasn't sure. Things just felt out of his control, he couldn't— no, he can't do anything. And it was all because of that damned crusty ancient finger that he currently possessed.

In all honesty, Fushiguro didn't mean a damn thing to Yuji. But it didn't mean he'll just sit back, and see someone die right in front of his damn eyes when he just declared he would make sure people got their proper deaths!

Laying Sasaki down, Yuji's foot stomped onto the floor before dashing forward- he's always been a fast runner, he'll make it. He'll make it before the Curse reaches Fushiguro, no doubt about it.

Pulling back his fist as he jumps up into the air, his heart pumping loudly in his ears, Yuji sucker-punched the cursed spirit, ruining its balance as it stumbled back. He heard Fushiguro yell out his name, but did he care to acknowledge it? No.

It was like he couldn't hear whatever Fushiguro was saying to him. But he could make a guess.

He isn't going to run. Despite what Fushiguro says.

Call him crazy, because anyone would've dipped and ran for the hills the moment they got an opening. But Yuji? He doesn't run, he's never felt this type of adrenaline before.

It was kind of…addictive. The adrenaline, the way his body seemed to move on its own.

Despite his internal thoughts and his expression, Yuji was thriving in this feeling. Something an ordinary person, like Yuji, shouldn't have.

"You're in big trouble yourself!" Yuji couldn't help but grin, it wasn't anything sinister. He just couldn't help but grin as he dodged the fists and swings at him from the cursed spirit. Yuji is in no way powerful, strong— this was proven by the few times he was thrown and hit like a doll. But the sensation, the pumping of his heart which flooded his ears…He couldn't help it.

Fushiguro obviously caught on by now, he was definitely annoyed at Yuji for not following his orders— but who was he to make Yuji listen to him? Especially with him in this bloody beaten up state?

"Itadori!— Only curses can exorcise other curses!" There was no hope for them, was there? Fushiguro can barely move, his body ached. And he was the only one capable on exorcising the cursed spirit. "You can't beat it!"

Yuji clicked his tongue, "Is this really the time to be saying that?!" He yelled this while in the air, himself pretty beaten up too. "You're the one who's going to die at this rate!"

He knew he can't keep dodging forever. Yuji could feel the fatigue starting to wear on his body.

"If I went home now, i'd be having nightmares!" His throat burned from all the yelling as he gasped for air while dodging the blows from the curse as best he could. "Besides…" Yuji gulped in as much oxygen as he could, a vision of his grandpa appeared in his mind.

Help others.

It was like an echo as the words repeated in his mind, over and over.

"—I have my own…" He stared intensely at the cursed spirit in front of him, his fingers twitching, "…Troublesome curse already!" Moving to the left to avoid a fust before being hit with the other, blood welled up in his throat as he spurted out the crimson liquid. His vision blurred slightly, but he kept his eyes open as he stuffed his hand into his pocket, took out the finger, and tossed it into the air.

It immediately grabbed the attention of the cursed spirit, Fushiguro was just about to yell at Yuji before—

He jumped up into the air just as the cursed spirit's large hands gripped tightly around Yuji while he used the shoulder of the curse to propel himself up.

Yuji opened his mouth, and caught the finger in his mouth. Its wrinkly finger dangled from his mouth.

Fushiguro— he knew what Yuji was planning to do, he couldn't let him do it! "You idiot! Its going to eat you! Hand it over!"

The cursed spirit was quite literally, trying to eat Yuji as Fushiguro said that. It took every ounce of Yuji's strength to not fall into the depths of its mouth.

'Why would anything eat it?' He wondered to himself, the suspense of the situation weighing down on him.

Thoughts continued to swirl in his mind, he had to make a decision, now.

'There IS a way to save everyone!'

"Itadori! Don't!"

Flicking his head up, he tossed the finger up a little before opening his mouth wide…

"Don't do it!"

And chomping down on the finger.

The bones of the finger crackled as the pungent rotten and bitter flesh overtook his senses. It took everything in him to not spit it out.

'It will give me cursed energy!'

Yuji of course, is far, far from normal.

It was obvious from the start.

A gulp was heard, nothing of the finger was left in Yuji's mouth. He had consumed the finger of Sukuna.

Sukuna's finger was practically poison to anyone who would try to eat it.

But..There was a chance.

1 in a million chance.

1 in a million chance.

1 in a million chance.

Until suddenly…

The cursed spirit exploded.

And there stood Itadori, markings forming along his face and exposed arms. Fushiguro in that moment felt an overwhelming and menacing aura flood the area making it seem as though the air itself was toxic to breathe.

The overwhelming and dark feeling began to recede as a manic and loud laugh erupted from Itadori, it wasn't long before Itadori tore his hoodie off and began to yell.


Fushiguro upon realizing what itadori had done, brought both of his hands forward in closed fists and began to chant an incantation. However that is brought to an end as Itadori— or Sukuna now, notices and begins to sprint towards Fushiguro with his fist raised back; but before he can bring his fist down he's struck by a unseen force as he is knocked unconscious.

Authors note: this was an experimental chapter, I tried out a new writing style. If chapters going forward are written in a different way I apologize this is a very difficult style for me to write in.