
Yuji Haruno- The Cherry Blossom Swordsman

Reincarnated as Sakura's younger twin brother. Watch as Yuji evades danger hidden in the village and outside it. And reaches realm of Gods through nothing but pure hardwork. Watch he who know as the Cherry blossom Sword Saint defeats legends though his polished Kenjutsu and Mountainous Presence alone.

LastsonofZod · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs


Training Ground 69, Konoha

A child of four dropped to the ground panting after a round of intense calisthenics. This child was Yuji. It has almost a year since he awakened his Chakra, just last month both him and his sister's chakra reserves reached the level of Low Academy student. His sister had definitely developed better than she would have in cannon due to his presence. Sakura definitely didn't want to lose her 'Big sister' status. Therefore she had been training quite hard. As their Chakra reserves had reached the required level, Kizashi taught them Leaf sticking training. Yuji definitely found it to way harder that it seemed.This training method is done by placing a leaf over an individual's forehead and having them direct all their chakra onto the leaf, using it as a focal point. This exercise can be used by Academy teachers as a way to teach students how to control their chakra more effectively. However, the true purpose of the exercise is actually to hone the individual's concentration and to keep their mind from becoming distracted. However their father explained only those who have worked hard on their ability to concentrate can become excellent shinobi. For generations Konoha ninja have practised using this method in order to better their mental focus. The leaf emblem on the Konoha forehead protector is said to originate from this training.

As Yuji kept training his body for the past year, he quickly found out his naturally strong physique that he had inherited from Yuji Itadori. Taijutsu stances came naturally to him as if he had always known them. Kizashi explained that certain people are born with natural affinity towards a particular ninja arts, Sakura quite did the leaf excercise which meant she was naturally quite good at Chakra Control which she could learn Medical ninjustu and Genjutsu in the future. Yuji on the other hand had naturally robust physique. He knew even if kept working hard on his Ninjustu, he would only reach Jonin level by his late teens as he didn't possess monstrous chakra reserves that would allow him to spam Kage level jutsus in future. So Yuji had to concentrate what he already had and refine them to the peak. One such art was Taijutsu. All though he wanted to start wearing body weights, his parents explained that wearing weights before the age ten might stunt his growth. He definitely didn't want a deformed physique for his life. So he had decided to work on his bodies natural stamina, strength and flexibility as he trained himself in hard-core calisthenics.

As he lifted himself and made his way towards the Ninja Market. Like most Weebs from his last life, he was obviously a Kenjutsu enthusiast. Yuji soon entered the largest weapons shop in Konoha.

'Kinoe Buki-ya'

As soon as he entered the Weapon's shop, he assaulted by the view of numerous Katanas, Wakizashis, Naginatas, Odachis, Kodachis, Tsurugis, Shurikens, Ninjatos and etc.

Numerous Bukijutsu enthusiast, masters and apprentices were in the shop, gracefully view such beautiful pieces of art. As people entered the shop, numerous salesmen explained each weapon as their best proponent. Yuji definitely seemed out of place in the shop as he had never shopped for a weapon before. However, soon a saleslady walked upto him, "Hey little guy, are you lost? With whom did you come here?" she asked in a non-threatening manner. But Yuji answered definitely surprised her, "No Ma'am! I'm not lost. I'm here to buy two training Katanas !" "Oh is that so? Although the training swords would be slightly larger for you. I'm sure we can find something for you". Yuji soon found what he wanted. They were definetly on the larger side for him as he only four years old. However something as simple as 'slightly larger' wasn't going to him who was an Odachi loving Giga Chad!

Just then Yuji felt as if someone was standing behind him. "Hi there Little guy~" A green haired muscular man of average height with lightly tanned skin. He carried his three swords along with him, bundled up with a green haramaki over his right hip, allowing him to easily draw them with his left hand. His right hand seen resting over them, he can also use this hand to pull his swords out before sitting down. He had three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe. His body is covered with scars from his many battles. "Kids using large blades to train huh this does bring back memories. Hey lady, yeah you there I lack of Orientation, hey do you mind telling me where I'm currently? my friends must be waiting for me."


As Yuji left the shop with new training blades he soon recalled the weird man he had met earlier. 'Hmmm~~~ A green haired swordsman huh he definetly seemed familiar.....WAIT A MINUTE!!!
