
Yu-Gi-Oh: Phonefiction

[PLEASE NOTE THAT I WRITE THIS ON MY PHONE WHEN I AM BORED, RELEASE SCHEDULE INCONSISTENT AND THERE WILL BE SPELLING ERRORS.] Isaac Fortis died. It wasn't anything brutal, he simply died in his sleep of unknown causes. Isaac was age 16 during the time of his death, and could honestly care less about the very same death. Why? Because his dream came true! Isaac was offered to isekai by a very benevolent god! "So, mortal, which world would you like to reincarnate into?" "The YuGiOh GX world! 15 years before the canon!" "Hoh?"

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Initiation and Time Skip

"That damn ROB why didn't he warn me! I thought I was dying again when I entered this black void!" Isaac complain, as he stared at the screen in front of him.


It said, showing Isaac a list of every Red-Eyes card in existence, on top of every non Red-Eyes card released before GX.

"It seems I can't add in some of the better Red-Eyes cards like Red-Eyes Fusion or Red-Eyes Insight yet..."

"Ohoho... nothing is banned in that world, huh? Then let's add a pot of greed and heavy storm... hehehe..."


"Alright, deck complete! I made it taking coolness and GX level into account..."

(A/N: I'm not making him some god with modern red-eyes support when ancient gear golem is considered op, the mans will lose duels)

[Affirmative, commencing birth procedure.]

"Birth- I don't get to skip that?!"




"Now I know why babies cry..."

It was disgusting.

After being given birth to, Isaac found himself laying down, wrapped in what seemed to be a blanket, as a new born he didn't really have the ability to see well. Neither could he hear well, he assumed the voices speaking were hospital staff and his mother.

For now, he'd simply cry and fall asleep...

(A/N: Gonna timeskip because y'all don't need to see his first years.)


[Five years later]

Isaac was currently watching the Battle City tournament on TV, he didn't know this in his past life, but the events of YuGiOh transpired exactly 10 years before GX! That means he can watch Battle City live!

He was currently watching Joey duel Mako Tsunami, and was awestruck.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye he saw someone walking up to him, but he ignored it.

"Honey, are you enjoying the battle city tournament? It's happening just a few miles from here!" a sweet voice said.

"Yes!" Isaac responded with a strong nod.

Isaac hadn't mentally aged a day since he arrived here, due to ROB's influence, so acting 5 when he was, in reality, 16, was very hard.

...Except when it came to Duel Monsters... his passion may as well have made him a child.

"I see, well honey your birthday is tomorrow, so you have to sleep early! Okay?" she responded.

The sweet, middle aged lady was Isaac's mom, Bella Fortis. Isaac got his pure black hair from her, along with his sharp eyebrows and stoic expression. His father thought it was quite cute when either tried to look serious.

"Yes!" Isaac again, responded with a strong nod.

Chuckling, Bella walked into the kitchen.


[One day later]


Inside of Isaac's room, of whom was sleeping, the door creaked open, Bella walked in.

"Happy birthday!" she exclaimed, pulling her son out of bed by the colar.

"Mooom... 5 for more.... nimbus..." Isaac mumbled.

"Oh dear I guess he doesn't want cake..."


This has happened on every single one of Isaac's birthday so far! At the mere mention of cake his mind runs full speed.


After Isaac had cake with his mother, an unexpected guest barged in; Isaac's father. Clad in shorts and a tshirt, with a messy, blonde hairstyle and playful orange eyes, it was Zack Fortis.

"Dad?! I thought you were working on my birthday?" Isaac said.

"Haha, I lied!"

"Wha- why?"

"You think I could design cards on my son's birthday?! Of course not! I simply cashed in a favor with my boss and got you your present!" Zack said.

"Present?" Isaac asked, confused.

The reason for his confusion was simple... his dad's boss was Maximillian Pegasus!

"This!" Zack said, pulling a deck of cards out of his back pocket.

"A CARD DECK, REALLY DAD?! REALLY?!" Isaac said, the happiest he had ever been, in both life times.

"Not just any deck son! A Red-Eyes Black Dragon deck! Your favorite type! With the last three remaining Red-Eyes cards in the world, along with new Red-Eyes cards made by my boss himself! It's a one of a kind deck, nearly as powerful as Seto Kaiba's!" Zack said, clearly trying to get cool points in the eyes of his son.

"Yes dad! You're the best! Can I look through the cards, can I?!"

Throwing a glance at his wife, Zack affirmed his son's request.


Isaac was mind blown! Who knew ROB would simply hand this deck to him? On top of that, who knew Pegasus owed his father a favor?

Each time he saw a card he got happier and happier, but then it dawned on him.

"Why does this deck only have 39 cards, dad?" Isaac asked, confused. Afterall, it was missing the most important card!

"Ask your mother about that, son." Zack said.

Turning to Bella, Isaac asked: "Why is there only 39 cards, mom?"

"Because, honey, the last card is my present to you. The Decoy Dragon card. It isn't very powerful, but it is my favorite card, I hope you like it." she said, handing the final piece of the puzzle to Isaac.

if one looked closely, they could see Decoy Dragon's mouth forming into a smile...

"This card is awesome, mom! Thank you so much!"

"No need to say thanks honey, I have another present anyways."

"Another?! What could be better than this?!"

Bella turned around and walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a box labeled "Kaiba Corp." This made sense, since his mother worked at the very same corporation.

"Those duel disks you see in Battle City were originally only supposed to be for the tournament, but us engineers had the privilege of bringing two of them home with us! I'm giving you one, Isaac!"

Stars found themselves in Isaac eyes, as his face went slack jawed. AN ORIGINAL, BATTLE CITY DUEL DISK?! One had to note that these were just as capable as the disks used by the duel academy in the future, but simply having one was too cool!

"Thank you both so much! I'll become the king of games with these!" Isaac screamed, on the verge of crying.

"That's enough of that honey, why don't you take those cards and duel disk for a test run and duel your father?" Bella said.

Isaac looked towards his father who already had a duel disk on, and ran outside.