
Yu-Gi-Oh In America

A grumpy history teacher finds himself unwillingly thrust into the world of Yu-Gi-Oh. His main dilemma? He's adamant about not reliving his childhood after finally retiring. Will he be able to return to adulthood, or will he endure the trials of childhood once again?

SecondVoidlord · Autres
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8 Chs

Connor two

"This air conditioner is freezing me to the bone," I grumble, shivering as I pace back and forth across the room. "I can't keep waiting around; I got a bye in the first round. After this body's father dropped me off, all I've been doing is waiting for the second round to kick off," I think impatiently. Just as I'm growing restless, the booming voice of the announcer breaks through the quiet.

"The second round is starting! All participants, please proceed to your designated areas," the announcer's voice echoes throughout the room.

"About damn time. I've been waiting ages for this round to start," I mutter to myself. Stepping into the massive duel arena, I can't help but notice the resemblance to the one from the first episode of Yu-Gi-Oh. "They really need to beef up the safety measures for this place," I think as I cautiously approach my spot for the duel. Suddenly, the arena begins to shift and lift, transforming into a platform. I grip the rail tightly to steady myself.

"This setup feels just like the one from the first episode. They really need to put more safety measures in place for this arena," I grumble inwardly. Across from me stands a young black teenager, his dark blue glasses matching his hoodie.

The loudspeaker crackles to life, causing me to wince at the volume. "Welcome to round two of the local championship!" the announcer booms with excitement. "First up, we have the local teenage genius, Devin," he announces. "And facing him is an unknown underdog, who also happens to be the cousin of the Duel Monster United States champion," he adds.

"I wonder who my famous relative is, Maybe they could give me some connections that I can use.," I muse silently.

"Let the game start between Devin and Connor", The announcer says. "I will start my turn with the spell known as a Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards", Devin says. 

I roll my eyes at his statement, "Everyone knows what pot of greed does at this point", I say. "Well not everyone knows what the card does . "Who doesn't know what Pot of Greed does at this point?" I retort. "Well, not everyone knows, like the audience," Devin replies smugly.

Glancing at the audience, I see a few puzzled faces, and I can't help but sigh inwardly. "Great, now I have to deal with an audience who doesn't know the basics," I grumble to myself.

Devin continues his onslaught, playing Tremendous Fire to chip away at my life points. "which deals 1000 damage to you with the payment of 500 life points for me", Devin says. I look at my life point counter as it falls from 4,000 life points to 3,000 life points.

 "I play the spell card Goblin Thief next which deals you five hundred damage and gives me five hundred life points back", He says."You're already struggling with just 2500 life points left, and it's not even my first turn," Devin taunts, his tone dripping with arrogance. "The light must be on my side today," he adds cryptically.

"What is he even talking about? Please tell me it's not some bullshit like the heart of the cards giving him unbeatable luck," I think, growing increasingly frustrated. Devin summons Sengenjin, with 2750 attack points, "you're done for", Devin says.

"The light is messing with you today," Devin sneers. "I set two face-down cards and end my turn."

Drawing my next card, I can't help but challenge Devin's cryptic remark. "What exactly do you mean by 'the light is on your side'?" I inquire. "It's about fighting for something you care for. Well, I've got a tournament to win, so you might as well give up," Devin replies confidently.

"Well, I'm not going down without a fight. I activate Graceful Charity," I declare, ready to turn the tide of the duel.

"Lucky me, getting this card in my starting hand. It should help me get the cards I need," I think to myself. "It allows me to draw three cards and then discard two of them," I explain to Devin, my opponent. "I play my spell card, Enchanting Fitting Room, which lets me look at the top four cards of my deck at the cost of 800 life points," I announce to the silent crowd.

"If I find any monsters with three or fewer stars, I can bring them out. Come out, my Sonic Duck and Mad Lobster," I declare confidently, summoning my monsters onto the field. Despite the audience's whispers, I brush off any concern. "Summoning two monsters in one turn isn't a big deal," I reassure myself.

As my life points fall to 1700, he taunts, "What are you going to do with two weak monsters? My ace monster can easily defeat them." A smirk creeps across my face as I begin to chuckle. "You're not entirely wrong, but you won't be keeping him for long," I retort. Confused, Devin asks if I plan to use a card like Dark Hole.

"Nope, but I do have Creature Seizure, which allows us to swap one monster each," I reveal. "That's a pretty good move. Since my only monster is Sengenjin, you can have it," Devin concedes. "Sonic Duck is yours, but I must offer a normal monster for the exchange, of course," I reply, seizing the opportunity to gain the upper hand.

"Wow, that's a real change of pace. Now Connor is in a strong position while Devin's back is against the wall," the announcer comments as the game progresses. "Next, I play Pot of Greed. You know its effect, so no need to explain," I declare confidently, drawing two more cards.

Concerned about Devin's backrow cards, I decide to set a monster face-down just in case it's a trap like Mirror Force. "I place one face-down card in my back row and set one face-down monster," I announce, preparing for Devin's next move.

"Now it's time for Sengenjin to finish off Sonic Duck. Sengenjin, attack his Sonic Duck and send it to the graveyard," I command confidently, expecting victory.

"Well, looks like you fell into my trap. Looks like I win," Devin boasts, his smirk widening. Confused, I ask what he means, confident that a Mirror Force couldn't end the game. Devin's laughter rings out as he reveals his trap. "Nice guess, but it's a Magic Cylinder," he declares triumphantly. "No one will be able to stop me from winning this tournament for my brother," he adds.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath, my frustration boiling over. "Sorry about that, folks. Some of our players may swear, and since this is live, not much I can do about it," the announcer apologizes, though I can see my father shaking his head disapprovingly from the audience.

Then, a realization hits me. "Wait a minute, I can use my spell card, since they all count as quick plays due to the anime rules," I realize. "Not so fast. I use my spell card, Creature Swap, to give you back your Sengenjin, but you have to give me back one monster of your choice," I counter, hoping to turn the tide in my favor.

"Such a shame that you chained your spell to stop my attack. If you don't have Sengenjin on your field, my trap won't work," Devin retorts confidently. "No one can beat me in this game. I am still winning this duel, and you're going to be just like the rest," he declares arrogantly.

"I'll place one card face down in my back row and end my turn," I announce, trying to maintain my composure despite the mounting pressure. As Devin prepares to make his move, I silently strategize, hoping my bluff with Amulet of Ambition will pay off. If Devin targets it with his face-down removal, it could save my Wall of Disruption.

"My turn. Well, I admit you did pretty good for a brat, but you're going down this turn," Devin taunts. Irritated by his condescending remark, I retort, "I am not a brat," crossing my arms defensively.

Devin summons a powerful monster, along with flipping over Mystical Space Typhoon to target my face-down card. As he makes his move, I breathe a sigh of relief when he chooses the wrong card. "That was a close call. If he had picked the other one, I'd be in trouble," I think to myself, thankful for the small stroke of luck.

"Such a shame. Your last hope of winning this duel is sent to the graveyard. Better luck next time," Devin says smugly, his smirk widening. Determined not to give up, I activate the effect of Amulet of Ambition, adding it back to the top of my deck.

"Adding back your cards won't change anything. With this card, the game will be over," Devin boasts confidently. He equips his ace monster with Axe of Despair, preparing for the finishing blow. "It's over, brat. Now, Sengenjin attacks your Mad Lobster for the game," he declares triumphantly.

As my Mad Lobster is destroyed, my life points drop to 1250. "You really should count all your chickens before they hatch," I quip, inwardly relieved that my Wall of Disruption saved the remainder of my life points. "Say goodbye to your win, then, jerk," I think to myself, preparing to turn the tables.

"I activate my trap card, Wall of Disruption."I use my trap card wall of disruption which decreases your monsters by 800 attack points per monster on the field when you attack me. It's time to finish this duel," I declare confidently.

"I end my turn. You think you have enough firepower to wipe out my life points?" Devin challenges cockily. Unfazed, I summon my ace monster, Jerry Beans Man, and equip him with Amulet of Ambition.

"Now, I flip summon Hunter Dragon and attack his Summon Skull," I say, watching as my Dragon blasts a fireball, destroying Devin's monster. "You're going to have to do better than that.Devin life points counter shows that his life points fall down to 3100 left. My monster still has higher attack points, even after you destroyed my Summon Skull," Devin scoffs.

"I have more money to build a better deck. You're going to lose when I get a better card next turn," he continues confidently. 

"You won't get another turn. Jerry Beans Man finishes off your ace monster," I declare triumphantly, watching as my monster charges into Sengenjin, destroying it.

"That's impossible! You must be cheating!" Devin accuses, disbelief written all over his face.

"Not with my spell card, Amulet of Ambition, which boosts Jerry Beans Man's attack points," I explain, enjoying the shocked expression on Devin's face. "That means your monster gains 2500 attack points."

As Jerry Beans Man finishes off Sengenjin with 4250 attack points, Devin's life points plummet to 1000. "No! I won't lose to a weak Sonic Duck! This is unfair!" Devin protests.

"Well, life isn't fair. It's what you make of it that counts," I reply calmly, as Sonic Duck charges towards Devin, aiming for victory. "Now, Sonic Duck delivers the final blow for the game," I declare, watching as Sonic Duck crashes into Devin, reducing his life points to zero.

"The light has failed me. Fighting for others will not let me win," Devin mutters in defeat.

"Well, it looks like the underdog beat the giant, and I doubt his career can come back after that duel," the announcer comments. "Looks like Connor will make it to the next round," he adds, his voice booming over the microphone.

"Connor's next opponent will be Matt, returning from his participation in the Duelist Kingdom tournament," he announces. I can't help but hope that this next opponent won't be as challenging—or as creepy—as Devin. With my luck being what it is, I'm probably going to meet another strange character.