

A king betrayed by those who were once his most loyal servants, but as the stories of the past are revealed, an evil hidden in the confines of history will be unleashed.

Victor_AS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

chapter 1


Hearing the words of the man they swore loyalty to, only made them feel more guilt than they already had for the act they were committing.

But what drove them to commit this act of betrayal towards the man to whom they swore loyalty and with whom they could perform such amazing acts that could only be classified as fantasy in itself, but he could make it come true.

When he was just a child he manifested an unknown power that he used for the good of his people, as time went by he was able to better control his power so that there would be no more famines or wars around his empire and in the process he acquired the title of pharaoh.

So why did they betray the man who offered a dream and made it come true, it was fear at the beginning of his reign he was a wise and kind ruler to his people, he looked out for the good of his people and abhorred slavery which was rare at that time, but not everything lasts forever with the passage of time the change was not sudden it started slowly and the first to realize it were his most loyal servants, they thought it was only their pharaoh's concern for the people and how to help them but they realized it was not that.

But when they wanted to do something it was too late, no matter how much advice they wanted to offer him, he ignored them, until a comment from the pharaoh made their faces turn pale and they desperately tried to convince him otherwise.

But seeing that their voices did not reach him they felt desperate, and to defend what they believed was right they decided to betray the pharaoh, this action did not make them happy at all, they would be remembered as traitors and would carry that for the rest of their lives.

After sealing the pharaoh they used their power to hide the place, and seal it so that no one could find it and with that they disappeared from the world.


"I tell you we should leave these caves are dangerous because you always drag me into these things Melissa."

"I didn't ask you to follow me, besides who was the person who told me he discovered these caverns was you. "

"By saying that you make me feel more guilty for mentioning this place to you, I just hope a mountain doesn't appear like it did in Gotham I don't want to be the one responsible for releasing something scary."

"what a coward no one takes us seriously we will be the first to reveal the secrets of this place, well of course only if there is something here."

"Besides, why worry about the heroes saving us, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman."

"You forget about Aquaman, do you have something against him?"

"I don't have anything against him, how much of a fan are you, besides he needs water to fight, that's what I heard, it's nothing personal."

"we'll be fine, stop worrying"

Seeing that no one answered Melissa turned to look at her friend who was still nervous.

"It's ok we'll see a little more and if there's nothing we'll go back, it's ok".

"Thank goodness I knew you were a good friend."

Hearing that Melissa just laughed.

To their chagrin as they went a little further they discovered a huge door with hieroglyphics on it, seeing this Mark and Melissa were surprised.

"I told you we would find something never doubt me again."

"okay, but you can understand something because I can't."

"I can only understand some of it, but not the rest, it's Egyptian, there's no doubt about that, but there are parts where I don't understand anything."

If you can't understand the darkness in your heart, you will never understand the pain and suffering of others.

"And what does this mean, do you have any idea Mark?"

"nothing at all this part is your specialty I know you can"

"until a few moments ago you wanted to leave and now you're encouraging me to find out the rest of what the change is about."

"don't throw it in my face, we discovered something that seems very old let me rejoice, even if it's just a little"

Melissa couldn't help but laugh as she nodded her head at her friend's words.

As she continued to study the hieroglyphs she found something that made her excited.

After pressing the hieroglyphs in a designated order the door began to open.

As the door opened they quickly entered, but what surprised them the most was how well preserved the place looked like they always cleaned this place.

"we did it we discovered some ancient ruins Mark finally they will take us seriously, we discovered an ancient palace in perfect condition, I'll give you something I thought we archaeologists would become extinct as there were no longer many places to discover."

"I know, I'm already calling him, but I'm not getting an answer, damn it."

"turn on your cell phone camera and broadcast it live so people can hear about the discovery."

"okay, let me get a good spot in focus now 3, 2, 1 live."

"hello everyone my names is Melissa logbrak archaeologist and my partner Mark, and we just made the discovery of an ancient palace in perfect condition as you can see behind me you can see that we are inside a palace that is very old, we still do not have complete data, but we suspect that older than the pyramids."

After finishing the video both Melissa and Mark were happy, it is not every day that you make this kind of discoveries, and the messages they received only made them more excited.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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