
Chapter 23: Rematch

How did Obi Wan describe the death of Alderaan? 'As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced'.

That perfectly described what Drake was feeling at this moment as the stars burned. No not the stars, Astral world. He didn't need Astral's screams of pain to understand, he didn't need his knowledge from other worlds. He could feel it all for himself, every agonising second of it.

Drake didn't know how long this attack lasted. But it was too long, even a single second was too long for such an abomination. When it finally ended it came as a relief to Drakes senses.

"I… I remember…" Astral mumbled to himself.

After what had happened and with the Numbers Drake had given him, it seemed like something was starting to click with Astral's broken memories. But why did Drake care?

A part of him that was afraid said this wasn't Drakes fight nor his world. He was here to defeat the servants of the Orichalcos, that was his mission. It wasn't to right the wrongs of this world, but still…

After what he just felt, how could he turn his back on those in need?


Dr Faker was resting in his office, the results of the nights attack had exceeded his expectations greatly. Using the Numbers to amplify the energy of the Chaos Crystal and led to a 40% increase in the Chaos Cannons power. At this rate it would only take a dozen or so more attacks before Astral World was destroyed and he could save his son.

If he could gather all the Numbers it would take even less.

But what really limited his work was something out of his control, the frequency of the world aliments. No matter how powerful the Chaos Cannon was, it could only be used when the veil between earth and Astral world was at its thinnest.

His thoughts were interrupted when his son Kite barged into the room.

"Father what-"

"Kite, I know I haven't had much time for you lately but I still remember teaching you basic manners like knocking first, right?" Faker interrupted his son. He was annoyed his son would just burst in like this.

"Enough of the jokes father. What are you doing about Dextra?!" Kite demanded.

"There is nothing to do." He calmly replied. He had received Heartlands report about what had happened and his computers were already analysing all the data from Dextra and Kites Duel Disks but beyond that he had taken no other action.

"What! You can't be serious?!" how could his father be so calm about this.

"Without her soul there is nothing to do, even I cannot change that." It was the simple truth. They could look after her body but without her soul she would only be an empty shell and Fakers science could do nothing about that.

"Then we should be hunting down New Order! We know Shark is involved with them, if we mobilize the Security Forces then-"


"…What did you say?" What was his father saying?

"You will not take any action against Shark or New Order outside of the Duel Carnival." Dr Faker ordered.

"I can't believe what I am hearing. They are dangerous and need to be hunted down!" Kite argued.

"They can wait, collecting the Numbers comes first and I won't allow any interference in the World Duel Carnival to threaten that. Now leave and get back to work."

In his eyes this New Order was nothing but a crazy cult, they may have somehow found an incredible source of power but that was all. They were dangerous but not a threat to his work. His focus was on saving Hart, on destroying Astral World. And to do that as soon as possible he needed the Number Cards.

As for Shark… it looked like his plan had finally succeeded and his Chaos power had awakened. Now all he needed to do was have him defeated in a duel in a place that power could be extracted. With a second Chaos Crystal the destruction of Astral world, and if necessary Barian world itself, would be close at hand.

As Faker turned his back to his son Kite realised that he would get no aid from his father. But perhaps there was someone else who could help him, someone who might know a lot more about New Order than his father…


The next day things continued as normal. Yuma went to school with his friends in the morning, minus Bronk who had apparently come down with a cold and was off sick, and Drake went out and did some more duelling to fill up his Heart Key. It appeared to be a normal day but Drake kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. To be ambushed by New Order or something.

But when it did come it wasn't what Drake expected. It was a familiar face that Drake had been hoping to have another run in with. He had been found by Kite.

They were in the square in front of Heartland City Museum when they found each other, Kite had been looking for Drake all day. After his father had refused to help deal with New Order, Drake was the only one he felt he could turn to for information.

"You here for a rematch Kite?" Drake asked. He had honestly only expected to see Kite again in the later stages of the duel carnival. He wondered what the Number Hunter wanted.

"No… I want to talk to you."

"About?" Drake was surprised. This wasn't like the Kite he knew, he seemed hesitant.

"New Order. Tell me all you know." Kite demanded.

"You first." Drake replied in surprise. So Kite knew about New Order? He could also tell something serious must have happened for Kite to seem so out of sorts, but he couldn't just give away his knowledge for free.

But Kite didn't want to share. He was here for the information only and there was a difference between getting information from Drake and in giving Drake the confidential information his father had acquired.

"How about we bet our information in a duel then." Drake asked when he saw how hesitant Kite was. Duellists loved to settle all sorts of things in a duel, a bet like this was nothing strange.

"I guess we are duelling after all then. Go Photon Transformation!"


[Turn 1 - Kite LP:4000 Hand:5, Drake LP:4000 Hand:5]

Kite took the first turn like in their last duel, Drake was fine with that.


"Oh Kite, you better not mess around like in our last duel, otherwise I will be very disappointed." Drake told him seriously. He still remembered how in their last duel Kite had led with the ridiculous 'Crazy Box' Number.

"Oh don't worry, in fact at the moment I don't have any Numbers on me but don't let that fool you. My deck has been through a complete evolution, why don't I show you!"

Drake found this interesting, this meant that both of them no longer had any Numbers.

"I play <Photo Veil> with this spell I shuffle three light attribute monster from my hand into my deck, then I get to add up to 3 level 4 or lower light monsters from my deck to my hand so long as they share the same name. So I add three copies of <Cipher Wing> to my hand!"

What?! Kites using Cipher monsters?! So that's what Kite meant by an evolution Drake thought.

"I summon Cipher Wing in attack mode, and when I control a cipher monster I can special summon the other two cipher wings from my hand to the field."

x3 [Cipher Wing – Lv4 ATK:1400/DEF:1200]

"Next I will tribute one of my Cipher Wing's to increase the level of my other two monsters by 4."

x2 [Cipher Wing – Lv4 > 8]

"With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network and by way of the cosmic energies that make up our galaxies, I'll make something just as mighty! I Xyz Summon! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon – Rank 8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500 OU:2]


Drake took a moment to appreciate Kites dragon, there were few monsters that Drake loved beyond his own Blue-Eyes but Kites various Galaxy-Eyes were among them. And the Cipher dragon series really had a unique brilliance with their rainbow aura wings.

"I set a card face down and end my turn."

[Turn 2 - Drake LP:4000 Hand:5, Kite LP:4000 Hand:1]

"My turn, I draw!"

Since Kite was taking this duel so seriously Drake knew he had to bring his A game.

"I play <One for One>! By sending <The White Stone of Legend> in my hand to the grave I can special summon <The White Stone of Ancients> to the field. Thanks to White Stone of Legend's effect I then add a <Blue-Eyes White Dragon> from my deck to my hand."

A white egg appeared on the field, a stark contract to Kites might dragon.

"An egg, that's your play?" Kite taunted.

"That's right, but I am far from done. By revealing a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand I can special summon <Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon> to the field!"

[Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

A mighty white dragon with pulsating blue vein patterns on its body took flight on the field. Apart from its blue patterns it looked almost exactly like a regular Blue-Eyes, which was kind of the point.

"I use my dragons special ability, by forgoing its attack this turn I can destroy one monster on the field, so say good bye to your Cipher Dragon!"

Drakes monster blasted a stream of blue lightning towards Kite monster.

"Not yet! I activate my facedown <Cipher bit> this trap becomes an overlay unit for my dragon and protects it from destruction once this turn!"

Kites trap transformed into a golden shield that protected his dragon from the lightning of Drakes monster before becoming joining the orbiting Overlay Units.

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon – OU:2 > 3]

"Now this is what I call a duel! Now gather the stars of hope and create the silver road of a legend! I tune my level 1 White Stone of Ancients and my level 8 Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon to synchro summon <Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon> in defence mode!"

[Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon – Lv9 ATK:2500/DEF:3000]


Drakes two monsters transformed into nine glowing stars that spun in a circle to form a great blinding gate, before a silver scaled dragon emerged with a mighty roar!

"Thanks to my dragons special ability until the end of the next turn neither of us can target the dragons I currently control with card effect, nor can they be destroyed by card effect. Then I set two cards face down and end my turn, at which point the effect of my White stone of Ancients activates in my grave, allowing me to special summon <Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon> from my deck in defence mode."

[Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon - Lv8 ATK:2500/2000]

A new Blue-Eyes with glass like wings emerged on Drakes field and as it did so it shone a bright light through its wings towards Kite's Cipher Dragon.

"This dragons special ability targets one monster you control and rids it of its special abilities, so that's that for your Cipher Dragon and its your turn Kite."

[Turn 3 - Kite LP:4000 Hand:1, Drake LP:4000 Hand:2]

"Don't think you have the advantage, I draw! then I play <Pot of Greed> and draw two more cards."

Since his dragon no longer had its special abilities then he might as well trade it in for a better monster.

"I use my Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon to Xyz summon the blade of vengeance with the power of ten super novas! Come forth rank 9 <Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon>!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon – Rank 9 ATK:3200/2800 OU:3]

Similar to his Full Armor dragon this card could be summoned using a Galaxy-Eyes Xyz monster Kite controlled. Kites new dragon sported new sharp armor and large back sweeping crescent blades on its arms.

"I now use one overlay unit to activate my dragons special ability to destroy one card on the field, so I will destroy your right hand facedown card, Go Cipher Slash!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon – OU: 3 > 2]

"Since you used a Special ability I will now activate my Solid Dragons effect, I tribute it to special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck to the field in Attack mode!" Drake declared.

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon -Lv8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

As Drakes trusted Blue-Eyes took to the field, Kites monster continued its effect. Absorbing an Overlay unit into its forearm blades Kites dragon chopped the face down card in half, revealing it to be the <Mirror Force> trap card. Drake grimaced at the lose of his powerful trap card.

"Next I summon <Galaxy Dragon> to the field!"

[Galaxy Dragon – Lv4 ATK:2000/DEF1200]

A mini version of Kites Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon took to the field. Examining it with his Dragons Eye Drake couldn't help but whistle in appreciation. This card was basically made for fighting a dragon deck like his. It could only attack dragon type monsters but when it did it would gain 1000 ATK and negate the special abilities of the dragon it was fighting for the battle phase.

Meaning this card basically had 3000 ATK against almost all Drakes monsters. The only good thing was it couldn't attack a player directly.

Kite decided to was time to show Drake how his new dragon went about the hunt.

"I attack your Blue-Eyes with my Cipher Blade Dragon, Go Cipher Sword Stream!"

[BEWD ATK:3000 > GECBD ATK:3200 – Drake LP > 3800]

A blast of sword light slashed through Drakes monster turning it into sliced meat.

Since Kites Galaxy Dragon couldn't beat Drakes Azure-Eyes defence, even with its power boost, that was all Kite could do.

"I set a facedown and end my turn."

[Turn 4 - Drake LP:3800 Hand:2, Kite LP:4000 Hand:1]

Drake was happy, it seemed that his strategy to bait Kite into using his Blade Dragon to destroy his Blue-Eyes had succeeded.

"I draw! Thanks to the second effect of my Silver Dragon I can now bring back a Normal monster from my Graveyard, so return to me my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Drakes dragon took form once more to Kites displeasure. He realised that he had been had and that it would have been better destroying the defence position Azure-Eye Dragon.

"I now summon <Blue-Eyes Kuriboh> to the field."

[Blue-Eyes Kuriboh – Lv1 ATK:300/DEF:200]

Drakes cute cos play fluff ball made its entrance, flapping its cardboard wings with joy.

"And what can that thing do?" Kite asked with a sneer.

"It can substitute itself as a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and by tributing two Blue-Eyes I can special summon <Blue-eyes Twin Burst Dragon> from my extra deck. So I sacrifice Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Blue-Eyes Kuriboh, come forth my beast!"

[Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon – Lv10 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

Drakes two headed dragon charge forth ready for battle.

"Now I attack your Cipher Blade Dragon with Twin Burst, go Twin Stream of Destruction!"

"I don't know your plan, but I won't let you succeed. I activate my trap <Lumenize> this negates your attack then add your dragons attack points to one of my light attribute dragons until the end of my next turn. And I chose my Galaxy Dragon."

[Galaxy Dragon – ATK:2000 > 5000]

"Stopping one attack won't end this battle, because my two headed dragon can attack twice! Go and attack Cipher blade dragon again!"

[BETBD ATK:3000 > GECBD ATK:3200 - Drake LP > 3600]

"Why would you want to destroy your own dragon?!" Kite cried. As the two dragons clashed with beams of lightning and sword light.

"I don't, Twin Burst Dragon cannot be destroyed by battle. And when it fails to destroy a monster it attacks, at the end of the damage step that monster is banished from play."

Drakes monster remained standing as Kites was wrapped in blue lightning and vanished from the field.

"I set a card and end my turn."

[Turn 5 - Kite LP:4000 Hand:1, Drake LP:3600 Hand:1]

"It seems I'm not the only one who has gotten stronger, but if you think this is all I can do then you can keep dreaming. This hunt is on, I draw!"

Perfect, he had just the cards he needed to put Drake in his place.

"I play <Galaxy Zero>! This equip spell brings back a Galaxy monster from my grave, so return Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon – Rank 8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500 OU:0]

Kites dragon returned to the field, but it would not stay for long.

"Next I activate <Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension>! This take my dragon to the next level, behold <Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon>!"