
Chapter 11: Evolution.

[Turn 7 – Yuma LP:100 Hand:1, Segnir LP:2900 Hand 0]

Things were really looking bad for Yuma and Astral. They only had a hundred life points left and one set card. Meanwhile their opponent had three Number cards, if not for Yuma's use of the trap Damage Diet last turn this duel would already be over.

[Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition – ATK:2200/DEF:0 OU:1, Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon – ATK:2400/DEF:2800 OU:0, Number 22: Zombiestein – ATK:4500/DEF:1000 OU:2]

What made matters even worse was the state Yuma and Astral were in…

Both of them had been floored by the last round of attacks and Astral was fading in and out like an old lightbulb on the blink. Yuma was only a little better off, he was covered in scratches, his clothes were dirty and torn. It looked like he could barely move, in fact he had been physically unable to active his facedown on the last turn.

Drake didn't know what card it was, but since Astral had told Yuma to play it, then it must have been useful. But in the end he hadn't been able to and Drake didn't know if it could help now.

"If you are not going to move then you might as well give up, embrace your weakness and surrender to the darkness." Segnir wasted no opportunity to mock his opponent's weakness.

"I… won't… quit. Never!"

"Ha! And just what do you think you can do. Just surrender to your fate."

Yuma force himself slowly back to his feet, he was unsteady and looked like he could fall over at any moment, but he was back up.

"I… believe in… my deck, and it… won't let me down. I won't give up. And you won't win. I draw!"

Yuma tried to focus on his cards in hand, his vision shifting in an out of focus. It felt like any minute he could black out.

"Yuma! You can do this!" Drake shouted out his own encouragement.

"I play <Graceful Charity> this lets me draw three card then I must discard two."

Yuma looked at his cards as he drew, he had the spell <Double or Nothing> in hand and had just drawn <Blustering Winds>, <Light Wing Shield> and <XYZ Agent>. With these cards he had a plan and discarded his two chosen cards.

"Yuma, with these cards we have everything we need to achieve victory. Now active our face down."

"Right Astral, I active my face down trap <Xyz Reborn> with this card I can revive a Xyz monster from my grave and then attach my trap to it as an Overlay Unit. Return to us now, Number 39 Utopia!"

[Number 39: Utopia – Rank 4 ATK:2500/DEF:2000 OU:1]

Yuma's ace monster rose from the Graveyard on its white wings. Its very presence giving courage and hope to those watching. If felt like anything was possible.

"Pointless, your hope is fleeting like a candle in the wind."

"Yeah? Well this candle is going to burn like the sun, I'm gonna Jet!"

"From my hand I activate the spell <Blustering Winds> this card allows me to increase Utopia ATK and DEF by 1000 until my next turn!"

[Number 39: Utopia –ATK:2500/DEF:2000 > 3500/3000]

"Now Utopia attack Number 45: Crumble Logos, Rising Sun Wind Slash!"

[N39 ATK:3500 > N45 ATK:2200]

"Now I activate Utopia's effect, my using one Overlay Unit I can negate my attack, go Light Wing Shield!"

[Number 39: Utopia – OU: 1 > 0]

After negating utopias attack, Yuma could then play his Double or Nothing, which would double Utopias attack points and allow it to attack again and win the duel!

"I activate Number 45's effect, Words of Weakness! By using one overlay unit your monster losses all its special abilities while this card is on the field."

Black smoke erupted out of the book Logos was holding, wrapping around Utopia and destroying its Light Wing Shield.

"What?! He can use that on my turn!? But that means…"

"Utopias attack continues!"

[N39 – ATK:3500 > N45 – ATK:2200 Segnir LP > 1600]

"Urrrgh… but since Number 45 is on longer on the field, that means Utopia regains its abilities. I end my turn."

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't have any Overlay units, this is the end not only of your turn but this duel."

"In your dreams!" Yuma shouted even as he struggled to remain standing.

[Turn 8 – Segnir LP:1600 Hand 0, Yuma LP:100 Hand:1]

"I draw, the end is here. Now Number 22 crush Utopia and end this duel! Zombie-Fist!"

[N22 – ATK:4500 > N39 – ATK:3500]

"Not so fast! I active the effect of the spell <Light Wing Shield> in my grave. By banishing it I can use it in place of an Overlay Unit to active Utopia's effect, go Light Wing Shield! Your attack is negated."

"Just stop your pointless struggles and accept your defeat. I play <Premature Burial> by paying 800 Life points I equip this spell to a monster in my Graveyard and bring it back to the field. So I return <Despair from the Dark> to the field. Then I switch Dragulas to defence mode and end my turn."

[Despair from the Dark – Lv8 ATK:2800/DEF:3000, Segnir LP > 800]

Sengir was mad, on his next turn he would crush Yuma, if necessary he would use Zombiestein's effect to negates Utopia's before destroying it with Despair…

[Turn 9 – Yuma LP:100 Hand:1, Segnir LP:800 Hand 0]

"Since its now your turn, the effect of your Blustering Winds ends and your Utopia's attack returns to normal." Segnir reminded Yuma.

[Number 39: Utopia –ATK:3500/DEF:3000 > 2500/2000]

This was it, the outcome of this entire duel hinged on this draw. Yuma knew it all came down to this.

"Alright! I..I…"

Suddenly Yuma was hit by a bout of weakness, he felt faint, his vision started to fade and he could feel himself slowly begin to fall forward. He had pushed himself too much and was now paying the price.



Yuma was standing in darkness walking on a narrow pathway above a deep dark abyss, far below the only illumination came from the crimson storm clouds which raged with ruby lightning. He couldn't think, couldn't remember, where he was or how he got here. He just moved forwards, he had to keep moving forward, that was all he could think of now. He mustn't stop, he just continued to endlessly walk along the narrow path.

"Whoever opens this door will obtain a new power, but know that with such a reward comes great risk."

A deep voice echoed around him. A familiar voice, a familiar phrase that awoke him from his daze.

Yuma lifted his head and he could see in front of him a massive diabolical gateway that was chained closed. Its relief carving shaped as a demonic face with great horns and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Yuma suddenly remembered where he was, that he had been here before, before he had first met Astral, this was the Door from his dreams.


He remembered he had been in a duel, what had happened?

"Whoever opens this door will obtain a new power, but know that such a reward comes with great risk." the Door repeated.

"But I already opened you before, with my key…!" Yuma suddenly stopped as he looked down at his chest.

Where was his golden key? It was gone. There was nothing around his neck, he realised that he didn't even have his duel disk or deck with him.

"Some doors can lead to many places. Somethings are sealed by many locks. But not all keys can open them, if you seek to open this door, do you have the key to do so?" the Door asked.

"I don't know! But I know I need to get back to the duel, I can't just be stuck here."

New voices began to echo in the darkness, images, no memories circling around him. Segnir, Shark, Kite, Number 96. Dark and sinister they attack him like a living thing.

"All that stands must eventually fall…. dreams are lies, hope is an illusion… what is, will be no more… darkness is all… you might as well give up, embrace your weakness and surrender."

"…You're about to feel the pain… you and your Number will be hunted down… little fool…"

"…You're not even in the same league as Shark… Maybe you'll learn your lesson, don't pick fights you can't win…"

"..This is no simple nightmare…hahahaha…"

"SHUT UP!!" Yuma cried.

Dark thoughts assaulted him, putting him down, seeking to crush his spirit. Telling him to give up, smothering him with despair as they drained away his strength.

"Yuma. You can do this." a soft voice cut through the darkness, followed by more, by golden images of the people who knew him, trusted him, believed in him.

"Drake, Cathy, Flip, Bronk, Tori, Akari, Astral, Dad…"

The golden memories began to banish the darkness around him, he wouldn't ever give up, he had too many people depending on him, believing in him. He was going to duel and he was going to win. It was time to JET!

"Whoever opens this door will obtain a new power, power that can change the world, but know that such a reward comes with great risk. Do you have the courage to seek this power?"

The light gathered into Yuma's hand and formed into his Golden Key.

"I am not afraid and nothing is going to stop me! So here I come!"

He jumped forward and plunged his key into the door, the chains snapped and radiant golden light leaked from the crack before the doors were flung open, drowning Yuma in radiance.

"Some doors can lead to many places. Somethings are sealed by many locks, till we meet again…"

Yuma felt the light be absorbed into his body, a new warm power flowing within him.


"YUMA!!" everyone cried out.

As Drake saw Yuma about to collapse, he was prepared to make his move, Astral and the others couldn't believe what was happening as they cried out. This final turn would determine everything, he couldn't just fall here could he? Segnir's laughter rang out, he could see his victory in front of him. The Numbers would be his and another would fall in tribute to his faith, Darkness was his truth, his dream and his goal.

Brilliant light suddenly shined out from Yuma's Golden Key as he stomped his leg forward and recovered his footing. The sudden change caught everyone by surprise. They looked at Yuma and all they could see was a new flowing strength and confidence as he opened his eyes.

Drake stopped. He could feel it, the sudden change in the air. As if the world had suddenly shifted and he trembled in anticipation. Show me what you've got Yuma, he thought as he unclenched his fists.

"Don't think you are getting rid of me that easy Segnir. Its time for me to finish this duel, so get ready!"

"Yuma are you alright?"

"I'm fine Astral, better than fine so let's do this!"

"Just give up you brat!" screamed Segnir.

Golden light appeared around Yuma's hand.

"No chance! Now I'm gonna Jet to victory! Go Shining Draw!"

Astral and Drake were amazed, what kind of power was this they could sense?

"From my hand I play the spell <Overlay Capture> by selecting an Xyz monster on your side of the field and one on mine, so I chose Utopia and Zombiestein! I first remove all the Overlay Units on your monster and then I add this spell card to Utopia as an Overlay Unit."

[Number 39: Utopia – OU: 0 > 1, Number 22: Zombiestein – OU: 2 > 0]

"Alright Segnir its time to show you the power of Shining Evolution!"


"I can now use Utopia to rebuild the Overlay Network. Go Shining Xyz Evolution! When shadows engulf the lands, a ray of hope will descend to illuminate the darkness! Come forth Shining Number 39: Utopia Prime!"

Utopia rose up into the sky. Disappearing into a golden vortex before it returned, descending back to the field in its new shining form like the brilliant sun. Eight glorious glowing wings created a halo like effect at Utopia's back, as it wielded its single blazing sword.

[Number S39 Utopia Prime – Rank 4 ATK:2510/DEF:2000 OU:2]

"And what good do you think a measly 10 extra attack points will do? Its still no match for my Numbers."

"Just wait and see! Next from my graveyard I activate the effect of my <Xyz Agent> once per duel I can attach this monster from the Graveyard to one of my Utopia Xyz monsters as an Overlay Unit. So now Utopia Prime gains its third Overlay Unit"

[Number S39 Utopia Prime –OU:2 > 3]

Astral could only watch on as Yuma made his moves and smile, this was Yuma's time to shine.

"Because my life points are less than a 1000, I activate Utopia Prime's special ability! By detaching three Overlay Units and reducing my own life points down to 10, it can destroy all your special summoned monsters and banish them. And for each one you then suffer 300 damage. Go Utopia Prime! Shining Purge!"

[Number S39 Utopia Prime – OU:3 > 0, Yuma LP > 10]

"Since all Xyz summoning's count as special summons, both your Numbers and your Despair from the Dark which was special summoned from the grave will be banished and you will then take 900 damage! That means this duel is over Segnir, its time to see the light!"


The three Overlay Units orbiting Utopia Prime were absorbed into the jewel on its chest, its arrow like wings began to shine with blinding power. Then rays of light shot out like lasers and struck down onto Segnir's field, destroying all his monster before focusing on Segnir himself.


[Segnir LP > 0]


Segnir was sent flying and collapsed in a heap, Astral proceeded to take the Number cards while Yuma was surrounded by his cheering friends. Drake took the opportunity to go buy everyone an ice cream. Things were looking up.


"Ah there you are Kite."

Mr Heartland was waiting in an upscale restaurant when Kite finally showed up, he had been called for several hours ago, but unless it involved Hart, then Kite was rarely punctual to Heartlands summons.

"What do you want Heartland, I'm busy."

Around Kites neck hung a Heart Key with 7 Green Heart Lights.

"I know you are my boy, busy wining duels and hunting Numbers, you're already so close to finishing the Green Heart so I'm sure it won't be long now until you complete the Golden Heart. Do you want some lunch? The steak here is fantastic."

"Get on with it."

"Here you go then, gifts from your father. The results of his best research yet."

Heartland pulled out a metallic box from his jacket and tossed it over to Kite, who opened it to reveal a number of brand-new duel monster cards.


"Don't be like that Kite, just look at what your father has come up with. Can you say they aren't powerful?"

Kite examined the cards in detail before he answered.

"His achievements as a scientist have never been in any doubt, only his qualification as a father."

Kite picked out a particular new kind of spell card to look at it closely.

"Rank up magic…"

With these new cards he would crush Drake and anyone else who stood between him and the Numbers that could save Hart.

2nd bonus chapter!

So i took a couple of liberties here with some of the cards effects for a better story.

First, Number 45's ability in the TGC is not a quick effect but I have changed it to be so here.

Second is SN39 Utopia Prime, which I changed its ability life point activation restriction to match CN39 Utopia Ray's instead. It just makes it feel more like a comeback finisher this way.

Lee5463creators' thoughts