
Yu-Gi-Oh! Reborn As a Dark Signer!

I, Yuno Fuji, had the misfortune of dying in a car accident… Luckily for me, I was reborn in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s! The downside to that? I was reborn as a Dark Signer… Well, at least I have a Multiverse Chatroom and my spirits to help cheer me up! Isekai, Multiverse, Harem

Ezras_Hargrave · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

I found myself outside the cafeteria. The crowd had scrambled back as a scene of carnage awaited us, with an Obelisk Blue Student laying on the ground, cut up and covered in bruises, nursing one of his arms as he lay down on ruined ground.

Standing opposite him was Akiza, clad in her Slifer Red uniform, staring at him with a look of pure indifference. I wasn't surprised, these people all judged Akiza without even getting to know her, so why would she bother showing any empathy to them? It was probably for her own mental security that she stopped caring about others to that extent.

"Does anyone else want to Duel?" She asked, casting a cold glare over the crowd as she lifted her Duel Disk threateningly.

Everyone else flinched in fear at her provocation, but I only stepped forward and readied my own Duel Disk. "Yeah, sure," I shrugged. "I got some time to kill, sounds like fun."

Akiza just raised an eye at my careless nature, while another guy grabbed my wrist. "Dude, are you crazy!?" He asked. "That's the Black Rose Witch, you know!"

"I don't really care about that," I told him, breaking free of his grip. "Besides, I have better things to do than listen to a useless simp like you."

I saw Akiza's lips twitch just slightly at that, while the guy looked incredibly offended by my words.

"I'll give you the same warning I give everyone else," Akiza told me as her deck shuffled itself. "I'm dangerous. If we duel, you will be hurt. Are you still stupid enough to want to duel, even knowing that?"

I just smirked as I slipped my Deck into my Duel Disk, the cards shuffling. "That's if you can damage me."

Her eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Fine then, see if I care! Let's Duel!"

Akiza LP: 4000

Yuno LP: 4000

"I'll be taking the first move," she declared. "I draw!" She glanced at her hand for only a moment before she made her move. "I'll start my turn by Normal Summoning Twilight Rose Knight!"

The monster appeared on the field, wearing black armour and robes with a white cape, wielding a sword with a cocky smirk on her face, blue hair framing her young face.

Twilight Rose Knight

3 Star – DARK – Warrior/Tuner


"When Twilight Rose Knight is Normal Summoned to my field, her effect activates! I can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Plant monster from my hand!" She placed another card onto the field. "And I'm summoning out Lord Poison!"

A monster roared to life on her field, looking as though it were made of tree roots with claws and spikes coming out of its body.

Lord Poison

4 Star – WATER – Plant/Effect


I just let out a mental sigh… Clearly Akiza wasn't used to facing good duellists, or she wouldn't be doing what I thought she was about to do.

"I tune my Level 3 Twilight Rose Knight to my Level 4 Lord Poison!"

The Knight smirked before bursting into golden rings, surrounding Lord Poison and causing the monster to vanish, replaced by four shining stars.

3 + 4 = 7!

She lifted her hand to the sky as she chanted. "A cold flame envelops the entire world! Black Flower, bloom!"

A beam of violet light shot down behind her, causing the wind to howl as black rose petals began to fly around the area.

"Synchro Summon! Come Forth! Level 7! Black Rose Dragon!"

With a mighty roar, the Signer Dragon of Roses appeared. Its wings flapped violently as it let out a brutal roar and caused the wind to become even more violent. It even made me stumble for a moment before I corrected myself.

Black Rose Dragon

7 Star – FIRE – Dragon/Synchro/Effect


"I- It's that monster again," the injured guy gulped. "G- get it away from me!"

"Get out of here you witch!" A girl spat. "You're not welcome here!"

"Yeah!" Another guy agreed. "Just leave us alone!"

Akiza just glared at them, opening her mouth.

"Shut up."

Akiza and everyone else turned their eyes to me in surprise.

"I'm trying to duel here," I told them. "So, shut your damn mouths."

Nobody spoke, nobody dared.

"It's still your turn," I told Akiza.

"H- Huh?" She blinked. "O- Oh, I uh… I set one card face-down and end my turn," she declared, setting her card on the field to finish her turn.

Akiza Hand: 3

"OTK," Tez said gleefully as he looked at my hand. "OTK! OTK! OTK!"

'Yeah, yeah, I'll OTK,' I told him.

Honestly, I was disappointed. Akiza probably learned more of her duelling skills either later on the year, or after joining the Arcadia Movement I guessed.

"My turn, draw," I drew a card from my deck and looked at my hand… Yep, time for OTK.

"I'll start my turn by activating the Spell Card, Pot of Deceit," I told her, slipping the card onto my field.

The pot manifest on my field, revealing a card similar to Pot of Greed, but it was black, and its teeth were yellow, as though they were rotten, with glowing red eyes.

Sadly, Pot of Greed was banned in 5Ds… So, Pot of Deceit was a card Tez had made for me after I whined about not having a good card for hand advantage.

"Pot of Deceit?" Akiza asked in confusion, clearly having never heard of it.

"How it works is very simple," I told her. "I discard a card from my hand," I told her, slipping a card into my Graveyard. "Then, I draw two cards," I pulled two cards from the top of my deck and looked at them.

"At this moment, the effect of Superbia the Glorious Sin activates from my Graveyard," I told her. "When Superbia is discarded by a card effect, I can Special Summon them from the Graveyard!"

A hole appeared out of the ground, and out of the hole shot out a monster- a Peacock- with black feathers for the main body and glowing red eyes, but with beautiful rainbow feathers for his wings and tail.

Superbia the Glorious Sin

4 Star – DARK – Fiend/Effect


"What is that monster?" Akiza's eyes widened. "I've never seen a monster like it before!"

"Let's just say my deck is special," I told her. "Superbia's effect activates. Once per turn, when Superbia is Normal or Special Summoned, I can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Sin" monster from my hand. I Special Summon the Tuner Monster, Gula the Hungry Sin!"

Rainbow light shed off of Superbia's feathers, glowing and shining before- out of the rainbow- stepped a small black boar with glowing golden eyes, letting out a soft huff.

Gula the Hungry Sin

1 Star – DARK – Fiend/Tuner


"Tuner monster!" Her eyes widened. "A Synchro Summon?"

"Not yet," I told her. "Not all the actors have appeared on the stage yet," I grabbed another card from my hand. "If my opponent controls a monster, I can Special Summon Invidia the Spiteful Sin from my hand!"

A third monster appeared on my field, revealing a black snake with golden eyes. It hissed as it slithered onto my field, glaring at Black Rose Dragon with obvious jealousy in its eyes.

Invidia the Spiteful Sin

3 Star – DARK – Fiend/Effect


"Woah…" I heard someone murmur from the crowd. "He summoned three monsters in one turn, so easily!"

"Yeah," a girl nodded. "It's almost like watching the Queen's Duel!"

My eye twitched just slightly at their words… Nope, not thinking about that right now, focusing on the duel.

"I tune my Level 1 Gula to my Level 4 Superbia and my Level 3 Invidia!"

Gula let out a roar before it burst, becoming a ring of blue light as opposed to the usual green. It wrapped around both Superbia and Invidia, turning them both into glistening stars before they rose high into the sky.

1 + 3 + 4 = 8!

I smirked as I lifted my hand to the sky… You wanted to chant in front of me? Dream on, Akiza! For nobody is more Chuunibyou than I am!

"Wash away all vice in the flow of a furious flood! Bring forth justice!"

A beam of blue light shot down through the ring, the sound of rushing water filling everyone's ears along with the roar of a dragon.

"Synchro Summon! Manifest, Level 8! Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom!"

Manifesting in the sky was a magnificent creature. Its lower body was reminiscent of a horse, clad in high tech black, blue, and purple armour from the waist down. Its upper body revealed its purple skin and the blue lines running along it that was unmistakably that of a Dragon. Floating behind it were artillery missiles, filling the area with an unmistakable feeling of danger.

This creature was my Synchro Monster: Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom.

Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom

8 Star – WATER – Dragon/Synchro/Effect


"A- Another Dragon!?"

"That thing is fucking huge!"

"It's got 3000 ATK!? That's the same as the Queen's Red Dragon Archfiend!"

I smirked as I basked in the awe and shock from those around me… I had never felt the need to Synchro Summon against any other opponent, so they were especially shocked by the sight of the magnificent beast on my field.

"While Maelstrom is face-up on my field, all monsters you control lose 100 ATK for each monster in my graveyard," I told her. "Currently, I have three monsters in my Graveyard. Therefore, Black Rose Dragon loses 300 ATK!"

Her beast let out a roar as it slumped down slightly, as if facing an unseen pressure.

Black Rose Dragon ATK: 2400 – 2100

"Invidia's effect activates. When Invidia is sent to my Graveyard, I can send a "Sin" or "Pandora" monster from my Deck to the Graveyard. I send Accidia the Lazy Sin from my Deck to the Graveyard," the card slid out of my deck, and I slipped it into the Graveyard without hesitation.

Accidia the Lazy Sin

4 Star – DARK – Fiend/Effect


"Since another monster is in my Graveyard, Black Rose Dragon loses another 100 ATK."

Black Rose Dragon ATK: 2100 – 2000

Akiza bit her lip, seemingly unable to believe her Dragon had been driven to this point.

"Battle," I declared. "I attack Black Rose Dragon with Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom!"

Maelstrom let out a roar as he glared at Black Rose Dragon, slowly rearing his head back as blue energy began to gather in his mouth.

"Maelstrom's effect activates!" I declared. "Once per turn, when Maelstrom declares an attack, I can target 1 Spell or Trap Card you control and destroy it! Furthermore, you cannot activate the targeted card in response to this effects activation!"

Akiza's eyes widened as her face-down card exploded, revealing the fragments of a Sakuretsu Armor!

I just smirked in amusement. "Go, Maelstrom! Nereus Stream!"

Maelstrom let out a loud roar, unleashing a beam of azure light that pierced straight through Black Rose Dragon! The beast threw its head back and roared loudly before it exploded into particles of light!

"My Black Rose Dragon…" Akiza seemed stunned before she covered her head as the smoke caused by the attack covered her for a moment.

Akiza LP: 4000 – 3000


"He actually destroyed Black Rose Dragon!"

"I can't believe it! It really is just like watching the Queen; destroying everything in their path with overwhelming, almighty power!"

Akiza waved the smoke away, taking a deep breath.

"I'll admit, I definitely underestimated you," Akiza told me. "However, your monster's attack is all used up! Next turn, I'll definitely-!"

"There is no next turn," I told Akiza. "Maelstrom can attack up to the number of non-tuner monsters used as Material for his summoning. I used two monsters: Invidia and Superbia. Therefore, Maelstrom can attack two times this turn!"

Her eyes widened in shock as everyone else gasped and she cast her gaze up to Maelstrom, who stared down at her menacingly.

"Maelstrom," I spoke in a calm voice, pointing a finger at Akiza. "Direct Attack."

Maelstrom let out a loud roar once again before unleashing a stream of water at Akiza, who lifted her arms to protect herself. The holographic water passed right through her, clothes rustling from the wind passing by.

Akiza LP: 3000 – 0

WINNER: Yuno Fuji!

Everyone was silent, staring in shock. For them, it probably was shocking. After all, Akiza had a reputation for her destructive duels and for having never lost a duel… A reputation I had crushed in a single turn.

"Welp, that was fun," I stretched lightly and cracked my neck. "Thanks for the Duel, Akiza! We'll have to do this again sometime!"

"A… Again…?" She stared at me dumbly, as if she didn't comprehend what I was saying.

"That's right, again," I gave her a smile. "This time, I was the challenger… Now, it's your turn to chase me. I'll be waiting for you to challenge me to a duel sometime in the future, alright? After all, this is called Duel Academy for a reason."

She continued to stare at me for a moment… And I barely held back a smile as I saw life finally entering those dull eyes of hers. "Again…" She murmured and nodded. "I'll improve my deck, and my strategies, and I'll beat you," she told me. "No matter if it takes one, ten, or a hundred tries, I vow to beat you!"

"Good, I look forward to it," I told her. "My name is Yuno Fuji. Don't forget it."

"My name is Akiza Izinski," she told me resolutely.

"I'll look forward to your challenge later, Akiza," I told her before I turned and walked back towards the dorms, lifting my arm in a wave as I walked off.

'Did I look cool?' I asked Tez.

"This time, yes."

'Fuck yeah.' I grinned, proud with myself as I made my way back to the dorm…


Before I stumbled out of sight of everyone as a loud 'ding' noise rang in my ears, and a screen appeared in front of my eyes.

Congratulations! You have successfully changed the Destiny of Akiza Izinski! As a reward, you have obtained access to the Multiverse Chatroom!

I stared at the screen with dumb shock plastered on my face as I, who had been in this world for eleven years, finally obtained my cheat.

Nothing would be the same from here on out.


Created Cards and Effects (in order of use)

Pot of Deceit


Discard 1 card from your hand; Draw 2 cards.

Superbia the Glorious Sin

4 Star – DARK – Fiend/Effect

If this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard due to a card effect; Special Summon this card from your Graveyard to your field in Attack Position. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned to your field, you may Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Sin" or "Pandora" monster from your hand. You may only activate this effect of "Superbia the Glorious Sin" once per turn. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent may only target this monster for attacks.


Gula the Hungry Sin

1 Star – DARK – Fiend/Tuner

Once per turn, you may target 1 other monster on the field; reduce that monster's Level by 1 and increase this monster's Level by 1 until the End Phase. You may banish this card from your Graveyard; Reduce the Level of 1 "Sin" or "Pandora" monster you control by 1 until the End Phase.


Invidia the Spiteful Sin

3 Star – DARK – Fiend/Effect

If your opponent controls a monster: you may Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, the monster that destroyed this monster loses 1000 ATK. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, send 1 "Sin" or "Pandora" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard.


Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom

8 Star – WATER – Dragon/Synchro/Effect

1 tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

While this monster is face-up on your field, all monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK for every monster in your Graveyard. This monster can attack up to the number of non-tuner monsters used to Synchro Summon it. You may only use the following effects of "Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom" once per turn:

• When your opponent's Level 5 or higher monster activates its effect (Quick Effect): you may negate that card's effect and, if you do, destroy it.

• When this card declares an attack (Quick Effect): You may destroy 1 Spell/Trap card your opponent controls, and then draw 1 card. Your opponent may not activate the targeted card in response to this effect's activation.


Accidia the Lazy Sin

4 Star – DARK – Fiend/Effect

If you control a "Sin" or "Pandora" monster besides "Accidia the Lazy Sin," you may Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, you may add 1 "Sin" monster from your Deck to your Hand. Once per turn, you may target 1 monster on the field: change that target to Defence Position. If you control a "Pandora" monster, and this card is in your hand (Quick Effect); you may discard this card from your hand: Fusion Summon 1 "Pandora" monster using cards on your field and/or from your hand as Fusion Material.
