
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

When everything resumes to love, there is no space for more. We need love to be born, we need love to grow up... We need love to win against fate. The story that I will tell you is not just about love though. Because it starts with the desire for vengeance, with manipulation and betrayal. When the king of the Heaven Realm is killed by the royals of the Fire Realm, two kids are brought together in the Water Realm and raised by the royals there. The Water Realm's royals are killed by one of them letting the princess's kingdom live in despair. When her soulmate dies by her soul sword's hand, Princess Yu Bin will kill herself after losing her last strong of hope thinking that her soulmate was the killer. One thousand years later, she, her master, and her soulmate are reborn and meet the killer. What will happen now that everyone is put together in the same place?

Niyuniyu · Fantaisie
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102 Chs

Long Time No See

*knock Knock

A knock on the door was heard and Bao Fang got up from the table and went to open it. They weren't waiting for anyone. The five ate together like every morning. Some time had already passed since the incident that had taken place on the mountain, so Yu Bin's heart had calmed down a bit and they could have breakfast together.

"Who could it be? Master seems to be taking quite a while to come back." Yu Bin said and got up to go to the door.

Once at the door, Yu Bin was face to face with Ming Fang.

"Hello, long time no see." Ming Fang said and Yu Bin slowly raised a hand in disbelief. She didn't think she would see Ming Fang again very soon, at least she didn't think she would come by herself.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" Yu Bin asked curiously. In her head, there was no way that Ming Fang came to surrender herself.

"Did you forget? I promised I'll come back to you"

"Yes, but…"

"So I am here to ask you for a favor."

"What is it?"

"Can you seal me?" 

"huh?" Yu Bin asked in disbelief. She couldn't believe what she heard.

"I did lots of wrongs, I'm a devil, so I am asking you if you can seal me in a place forever?" Bao Fang said, raising her voice a little.


"Ah, I see…. Just true love can bring back a lost soul! That's what it was about." Bao Fang suddenly said, going around Ming Fang who was watching her, surprised not knowing what she was talking about.

"Master! What is going on?"

"You know that she used the interdicted spell to revive her parents?" Bao Fang asked and the two girls nodded in silence.

"When she used the interdicted spell her soul was automatically taken" she added and the two girls nodded again. They already knew that. 

"But there was a saying I heard in the heaven realm once when I was young. Just true love can bring back a lost soul. I didn't understand what they were talking about at that time, but seeing Ming Fang now I think her soul came back to her" Bao Fang concluded and the two girls started to nod again but stopped in the middle.

"Wait, what?" 

"Well, I think Ming Fang found true love. True love is not just about a lover but can be a friend, an acquaintance, or whatever."

"Ah, I see…" The two girls nodded in agreement. 

"Then let's go inside, I have a few things to ask you before going around with the sealing." Bao Fang said and Yu Bin got startled.

"Are you really going to seal her?" Yu Bin asked, shocked. Ming Fang was not evil anymore and she didn't see a reason to seal her.

"Of course. I'm glad she is ok now but she needs to pay for what she has done. She killed thousands of people from all realms so we can't let her free." Bao Fang said and Ming Fang nodded. 


"She is right. Yu Bin, please, I want to do it. If I don't do it, then I will get crazy. I have a feeling that if I do not pay for what I did I will feel this pain forever. So please let me be"


"Let's go inside first," Bao Fang said and the two girls followed inside.


"What took you so long? We were ready to go and check on you" Xian Chen asked, hearing the door closing and turning around he got startled. 

Seeing that Xian Chen was so startled, Moon and Longwei turned around to find the reason for his reaction but they got into the same situation as him when they saw the cause of Xian Chen's reaction. 

They found themselves face to face with Ming Fang so their first reaction was to stay on guard. Still, they let their guard down after Bao Fang explained to them what was going on.

"Ming Fang! I will ask you something and it's your choice if you want to answer or not" Bao Fang said and Ming Fang nodded in silence.

"You were a kid when everything happened,  how did you find out about the interdicted spell?"

"Uncle told me." Ming Fang answered 

"Uncle? What uncle? There was just me and your father, we didn't have any other brother." Bao Fang asked surprised, she didn't understand what uncle Ming Fang was talking about.

"Yu Bin's uncle" She answered and everyone got startled.

"My uncle? But why? " 

"I don't know, he came to me and asked me if I wanted my parents back then he told me what I should do to bring them back. What happened after, you already know?"

"But why? Why would Uncle do that? He knew that your soul would be taken so why? I don't understand." Yu Bin asked, trembling, she couldn't believe what was going on.  Her uncle was hurting her and if that was not enough she was hurting her too. In the end, she was not the victim but Ming Fang. She was the perpetrator.  These thoughts made her tremble in rage and pain so she got up from her place and stayed on her knees close to Ming Fang who got startled. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,  my uncle was the one at fault for your painful life and I was at fault for not being able to see it. I'm sorry" Yu Bin said, crying her heart out.

"Don't talk like that, you don't have any fault. If there was someone's fault it was mine and your uncle" Ming Fang said, caressing her cheeks and wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry… "

"Ming Fang, I have one more question.  " Bao Fang said, taking Yu Bin from her knees and putting her back on the sofa.

"Ask me,"

"How did you end up so hurt that you would lose your memories? "

"Uncle pushed me down the cliff"

"He did what?  But why? " Yu Bin asked, startled. She couldn't understand anything anymore. The pain was impossible to bear so Yu Bin lost consciousness. 


"Auntie! After everything that happened, I think the uncle wanted to kill the royal family to take over."

"Why do you think so?" Bao Fang asked, not being surprised anymore. After everything she heard, she thought that too.

"Before he pushed me he thanked me" Ming Fang answered and everyone sighed hard.


"Sir we've got a case. It looks like some families disappeared but the fingerprints we found are not in our data. " a young man said entering the a big office where three old men were working on their computers and lots of others were running all around.

"And why are you bringing it here? Aren't we already busy enough?  Just send it to the special force. They aren't busy at all." One of the old men there shouted angrily and the young man left in a hurry.


"Guys, we have a case! " Longwei shouted entering the office. Two years had already passed since the day they sealed Ming Fang and they were hired as a special force in the police to handle the weird classes.

"Aren't we already having one? " Moon asked, troubled. The last case was still not solved and they sent another one. 

"Let's just do our best!" Yu Bin said entering the door smiling and the two nodded. "Let's have a drink " she added and the two sighed. Their boss was a hassle when she got drunk.

"Come see your wife, she wants to go to drink " Moon called Xian Chen who was checking something about the case in another city.

"I'll be back soon, please take care of her, " Xian Chen said and Moon sighed hard.

Life was peaceful now for them so it was looking like everything was going back to the way it was before. 


Getting up from where she had sat, the old woman wrapped the girls who seemed to have been asleep for some time and kissed them on the forehead, wishing them good night, then turned off the lamp and opened the door to go out.

"Grandma..." one of the girls called out softly in a sleepy voice.

"Yes baby!"

"What happened to Ming Fang? Ming Fang seemed to have suffered a lot as well"

"This is a story that I will tell you next time" Said the old woman and closed the door behind her smiling.

The love and understanding offered by those around her helped her find herself in the end.

The days didn't seem so bad anymore and she could enjoy every moment of life.