
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

When everything resumes to love, there is no space for more. We need love to be born, we need love to grow up... We need love to win against fate. The story that I will tell you is not just about love though. Because it starts with the desire for vengeance, with manipulation and betrayal. When the king of the Heaven Realm is killed by the royals of the Fire Realm, two kids are brought together in the Water Realm and raised by the royals there. The Water Realm's royals are killed by one of them letting the princess's kingdom live in despair. When her soulmate dies by her soul sword's hand, Princess Yu Bin will kill herself after losing her last strong of hope thinking that her soulmate was the killer. One thousand years later, she, her master, and her soulmate are reborn and meet the killer. What will happen now that everyone is put together in the same place?

Niyuniyu · Fantaisie
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102 Chs

Another Way Of Training

"What, did you think that the log would just stay there, not moving ?"


"I will move that log so make sure to stay on top of him, not under him, " Xian Chen said looking at her smirking.

"You are evil !" Yu Bin said sharply

"You are weak !" Xian Chen answered back, bored.


"Come on Yu Bin, jump up on the top of the log, use your both legs for now and keep yourself on top ."

"Ok.." Yu Bin said and jumped up.

Xian Chen started to move the log and Yu Bin fell a few times then started to improve. When she was sure of herself and did not fall again Xian Chen tied a thinner log and started again.

Yu Bin improved faster this time. Then he used a vine.

"Try to walk on it "

" eeeehhhhh, walk? Why are we using a vine?"

"Because you passed the other two difficulties "

"But a vine … isn't it too much ?"

"Don't lose time and go up there"

"I will fall, it's too thin "

"Yu bin, what did you think when you were on the log in the water?"

"I'm falling "

"What did you think before making the contract with water "

"This place looks amazing, I want to be able to stay here, I want to be stronger, I want to protect everyone "

"What did you think when you were on top of the log some time ago ?"

"I can do it "

"And what did you think when you were on the tiny one ?"

"I can do it, is the same thing "

"Yu Bin, Do you realize now what your weakness is?"

"Fear ?"

"It's not that you can't do it, it's that you are afraid you can't do it, you miss confidence when things are looking dangerous. "

"Hm," Yu Bin said looking down

"Yu Bin, listen to me, I am your brother Xian, so as your brother, I will never let you fall, and when you are on top of the water, you should know that falling into the water nothing bad will happen to you will just be embraced by the water, she is by your side too."

After listening to Xian Chen, Yu Bin finally got confidence so she jumped on top of the tiny vine. The vine moved by impact and she fell but Xian Chen caught her in time. She tried again and again falling while Xian Chen caught her every time.

After a while she did it and she didn't fall anymore.

"Now try to stay on one leg "

"Ok," Yu Bin said and raised one of her legs making her lose her balance and fall.

"I'll be right beside you to catch you every time so don't be afraid and try again," Xian Chen said, catching her in his arms.

"Thank you," Yu Bin said and tried again, and again till she did it.

The day almost passed and the night came till she improved herself and kept her balance on one leg. Her feet were hurting and she was extremely tired but didn't give up till the end. She didn't give up till she did it. Right now she was staying on top of the vine while Xian Chen was using his spiritual energy to move the vine in all directions.

"Congratulations, you did it. Tomorrow we will start the same training on the water ."

"Yes," Yu Bin said and jumped down, then she stayed on a rock while massaging her legs. They were hurting.

"Are you ok ?"

"I'm ok, my legs are hurting though "

"Here let me carry you, " Xian Chen said, staying down with his back in front of her.

"Thank you," Yu Bin said and put herself on his back.

"You're welcome," Xian Chen said smiling as he got up and walked through the forest going home.


"You are back," Master said looking at Xian Chen who was carrying a sleeping Yu Bin.

"We are back master, " Xian Chen said, smiling tenderly.

"Welcome back, " Master said, smiling back.

"Thank you, I will put Yu Bin in her bed and come back "

"Ok," Master said and Xian Chem left with Yu Bin.

He put her in her bed, put a blanket over her, and slowly closed the door behind him.

"Are you hungry?" Bao Fang asked Xian Chen when he came back from Yu Bin's room.

"I'm starving "he answered smiling.

"You are smiling more these days," Master said, going to the table and giving him some food.

"Hm, " he answered and tried to take the spoon to his mouth when a strong pain flashed through his arms and he couldn't do it.

"What happened? Bao Fang asked worriedly when she saw the pain on his face.

The next moment, Xian Chen repressed his pain and put the spoon in his mouth. The pain was immense but he managed to hide it successfully. Well, that's what he thought but the next moment Bao Fang took his clothes down instantly so he didn't have time to defend himself.

"Why are your arms full of bruises "

"I caught Yu Bin every time she fell," Xian Chen said, proud of himself.

"Are you crazy? How are you feeling? " Master asked, surprised by his reaction. Who in the world will be proud of having bruises?

"I'm ok, just a bit of pain " he smiled and put on his clothes again.

"It was not just a bit a moment ago "

"I'll be fine in a few days. What is important is that Yu Bin improved a lot today.

Tomorrow we are going to train into the water"

"Into the water? Then where were you training today"

"In the forest"

"In the forest? Why ?" Bao Fang asked, surprised.

"We needed to work at her balance and confidence"

"Ah ok, eat and I will give you some medicine then go and have a rest"

"Ok master, " Xian Chen said tiredly.

Waking up in the morning, Xian Chen didn't find Yu Bin anywhere.

"Master, did you sow Yu Bin?"

" no, but I'm sure she is at the river. " his master who was training by herself told him without losing her concentration.

"Oh, OK, thanks," Xian Chen said and left at the river to meet Yu Bin.

Reaching the river, he was amazed. Yu Bin was staying on top of the log in the water on one leg and the water didn't make waves. She did it. Her concentration was crushed the moment she saw Xian Chen and fell into the water.

" Brother Xian, you sow that? I did it, I didn't make any waves. "

"You… What time did you get here ?"

"Ah, I think it was three and something, I don't know, I couldn't sleep so I took a stroll around then somehow I got in front of the river so I thought that if I'm here then I can start the training. I remembered what you said that I need to trust myself and the water. That even if I fall the water will embrace me, so, I did it, did you sow that? "

"Hm I saw it but Yu Bin, you should rest sometimes too. "

"There is no time for that "

"Ok, now we need to pass the next step of the training, we should go to find master. "

"No need. "