
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

When everything resumes to love, there is no space for more. We need love to be born, we need love to grow up... We need love to win against fate. The story that I will tell you is not just about love though. Because it starts with the desire for vengeance, with manipulation and betrayal. When the king of the Heaven Realm is killed by the royals of the Fire Realm, two kids are brought together in the Water Realm and raised by the royals there. The Water Realm's royals are killed by one of them letting the princess's kingdom live in despair. When her soulmate dies by her soul sword's hand, Princess Yu Bin will kill herself after losing her last strong of hope thinking that her soulmate was the killer. One thousand years later, she, her master, and her soulmate are reborn and meet the killer. What will happen now that everyone is put together in the same place?

Niyuniyu · Fantaisie
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102 Chs

A Painful Meeting

Yu Bin entered the cave confident and wanted to see her sword very much. She wandered for a while but there was no sword. Walking for a while she heard some steps so she turned around to see who it was. Turning around she was staying face to face with…her?

It was another version of her but her eyes were red and she was emanating such a murdering aura that Yu Bin felt suffocated. She couldn't breathe, her chest was hurting so she grabbed her chest. The next moment her neck was grabbed and her body was lifted into the thin air.

That version of her turned her head to the side and looked at her. A terrifying smile appeared on her face, making Yu Bin freeze. A single thought was in Yu Bin's head now *run*, but how? How should she leave when she was in this creature's hand?

"Ughh" Yu Bin whimpered in pain when the version of her threw her into one of the cave walls.

"Weak," the other version said smirking, appearing just in front of her grabbing her neck again, and throwing her into the middle of the cave.

"Ackk" Yu Bin staggered the moment she tried to get up but the other one pushed her back down with her foot. Yu Bin felt like one of her legs had just broken up at that moment. Trying to get up she found herself in the other part of the cave again feeling a big pain when her body had contact with a cave wall again. She tried to summon water but the moment she summoned it froze instantly.

"So weak," the version of her said and grabbed her again, raising her up and then throwing her right down. Blood spurted out from Yu Bin's mouth and she felt like all her bones were broken. She tried to move her fingers and she figured out that she can't move them. *what is going on? Why is she looking like me? Is it possible that she is the sword? Why is she looking like me though? And why so much dark energy? Is it because I cultivated dark energy at that time? * Yu Bin's thoughts got interrupted by the new pain she felt. Her Chest felt like it was just stabbed. Looking down at her chest the hand of the other was inside her chest. Blood gushed out from her chest the moment that girl took out her hand.

"Who…are…you? " Yu Bin managed to ask her, tears falling down her face. *I couldn't do it. I lost. I couldn't keep my promise to my brother Xian. I can't protect anyone, somehow I finished by feeding dark energy to this sword and now I will die at her hands. Or is it because she didn't want to accept me? Why? It's there any sword that wants to accept me? If I think better it's not just the sword. * Yu Bin thought and the next moment she felt a new pain.

"Are you asking who I am?" The girl asked and threw her into a wall. Because of the strong impact, some stones fell in front of her and the hole between the two closed making a wall between the two.

She tried to get up and go out of the cave. Her body was hurting and her chest was bleeding. Holding onto the cave wall, Yu Bin dragged her broken leg behind her and slowly walked towards the exit when she heard two voices.

"Do you think she is still alive?" one of the voices say and it was sounding like Xian Chen's voice

"Do I look like I care?" The other voice said laughing and it sounded like Bao Fang's voice.

"Master, Brother Xian, what are you saying?'' Yu Bin whispered, tears falling down her cheeks. She was indeed unable to win the sword but still how can they say that? Weren't they always there for her

" What did she think? That she can do whatever she wants? Didn't she want me to be her master? Bao Fang said, laughing hard, making Yu Bin's heart tremble in pain.

"You are evil, " Xian Chen said laughing.

"You are more, " Bao Fang said and hugged Xian Chen, kissing him.

"That can't be. This can't be true. This is not true." Yu Bin said, putting her head into her hands and crying hard.

"And why can't it be true? " A voice was heard and raising her head, Yu Bin was face to face with her bestie.

"Ming Fang, " Yu Bin mumbled and hugged Ming Fang who stayed down in front of her.

"What is it? my Yu Bin…"

"Help me," Yu Bin said, crying hard on her shoulder.

"How should I help you Yu Bin? Should I kill them all?"

"Huh? " Yu Bin got startled *killing them? Why? Because they don't like me? Because they betrayed me? But it's their choice if they like me or not * Yu Bin thought but her thoughts got interrupted by Ming Fang.

"Should I kill them, Yu Bin?"

" No "

" No? But they lied to you, they brought you here to kill you. Even at the lake why would there be so much dark energy if they didn't want you to die "

*huh? Ming Fang wasn't there, how could she know what happened that time? * Yu Bin thought, then she remembered what Bao Fang said before she entered the cave.

" The snow inside the cave is not normal. It will make you have visions, don't forget that the only real thing there is your sword. The vision there will be based on the things you lived. Whatever will happen we will not enter there, don't forget this thing."

Her master kept telling her to not forget and still, she forgot. *I am stupid * Yu Bin thought and looking up Ming Fang wasn't in front of her anymore. Her body was hurting and her chest kept bleeding, making Yu Bin understand that the only real thing here was her sword, which was fed with dark energy.

"It's my fault for her condition, she may be in pain right now. At that time I was in pain too and almost killed Xian Chen. What should I do now? " You Bin said, looking up scared. She wanted to go back and confront her sword but at the same time, she was too scared to go.

After she thought for a while, she broke a piece of her dress and wrapped her chest wound then got up and pushed aside stone after stone making a way to go back to her sword. If she was the reason for her craziness then she will take her back. If she is evil then she will make her good. She will not abandon her sword. Thinking about that, Yu Bin pushed aside every stone and now was face to face with her sword.

"You came back," she said, smirking evilly.

"I'm back," Yu Bin said, smiling sweetly at her and then losing her conscience.

Seeing her smiling the sword froze, how can she still smile? She thought and seeing her falling she rushed and caught her in her arms. You Bin's face was still smiling, even if she was already blacked out and that calmed the sword making her smile too. "So she is just a dumb," she said smilling, caressing her hair then putting her down slowly.