
Whisky Peak

As we enter The Grand Line through Calm Belt and on our way to our next destination pointed by The Log Pose. We were quickly introduced to the abnormality of the place completely different from Calm Belt, as we experience first-hand the ever-changing weather, the shifting of the winds, and the tides constantly keeping us busy to keep the ship steady and on the right course.

The Grand Line is the gigantic ocean current that circles around the planet, flowing from west to east. It follows an imaginary line that runs from north-west to south-east across the middle of the world and perpendicular to the Red Line, a vast ring-like continent that circles the globe from north-east to south-west. The Grand Line is placed similarly to the equator. In fact, the main importance of the Grand Line is that it is the only way to circumnavigate the globe.

The Grand Line is said to be the most dangerous place in the world, and is commonly referred to as the Pirates' Graveyard by people from the Four Blues because of this reputation.

On Going Merry, Nami is giving orders to the crews every minutes constantly since the weather always changed and can never be predicted.

The only thing reliable in this ocean is the log pose since normal compasses do not work in the Grand Line due to the special magnetic waves created from each island. The Log Pose functions by recording the magnetic waves of an island in the Grand Line, and points to that island so the user can travel there. Once on an island for the required amount of time, the recording of the magnetic wave resets, and the needle starts pointing toward the next island. The time it takes to lock onto the magnetic waves of the next island varies from island to island.

Through out all the chaos, Zoro was sleeping like a bear not being disturbed one bit by all the commotions that were happening all around him.

Eventually, the weather stabilizes and we all collapse on the floor like a rag doll.


After a while

"Yawwnnnn..... What a nice nap" Zoro wakes up while yawning and strecthing his hands. "Why all of you lying on the floor like that?" Zoro asked after seeing us all of us lying on the floor in exhaustion.

"Shishishishi.... That was so fun and exhausting" Luffy said while smiling.

"How can you sleep like a cat in the middle of a storm?" Ussop asked Zoro.

"Storm?? But the weather is so nice and comfy right now" Zoro said while looking at the sky.

"Ignorance is a bliss" I said while rolling my eyes at Zoro.

"I'll go prepare some foods" Sanji said while walking to the kitchen.

"Wake me up when the foods are ready" Nami said while closing her eyes still on the floor.

"Yeahhh... I want a lot of meats" Luffy said while drooling.


After eating and reenergize our selves with a lot of foods we start doing our own things. So I just check on my phone to edit the videos so far and upload it to the app.

After uploading the video I heard Zoro yelling that he saw an island on the horizon not far from our ship.

So we all prepare to land and start a new adventure in a new island.

The island that we are approaching right now looks like a giant cactus. When our ship start docking on the port. We saw many of the residents welcoming us with smiles on their faces and treating us like we are heroes.

The town leader name Igarappoi inviting us to a party in Whisky Peak the only city in Cactus Island.


I spotted Miss Wednessay (Vivi) in the corner of my eyes with bandages covering her head. So I guess Crocus only hitting her for trying to hurt Laboon and somehow she managed to get back to this island.

I also know this city is inhabited entirely by bounty hunters working for Baroque Works, who capture any bounty heads that land here to help fund the missions of their organization. As such, the city does not have much supplies.

The citizens here fool pirates into thinking that they are kind and hospitable and proceed to throw a party for them, only to turn them in and steal everything from their ship when the pirates pass out. Whisky Peak is apparently famous for its liquor, but whether that is the truth or an excuse to have many barrels of alcoholic beverages to better subdue pirates without suspicion is unknown.


We were quickly takes to the place, eating, drinking, and flirting (in Sanji and Usopp's case) into the night, until eventually we all fall asleep (Zoro, me and Nami faked our sleep).

At night when Igarappoi and the villagers wants to lauch their suprise attack to our sleeping friends (Luffy, Sanji and Ussop). Me and Zoro suprised them instead when we announced our presence at their secret meeting.

Soon we begin our fights with Zoro and me decimating the bounty hunters from Baroque Works. We didn't kill any them we just hit them hard till they all got knocked out. Zoro and the rest of the crews got so much stronger after our training in Calm Belt.

When I saw Igarappoi (Igaram) and Miss Wednesday trying to escape, Mr. 5 and his lady partner Miss Valentine arrive, but are not present to aid the other, less capable agents of the organization. They reveal that the leader of Baroque Works (Mr. 0) has discovered a spy, who has somehow successfully infiltrated the ranks, and that they have been sent to eliminate them.

The spies are none other than Igaram (Mr. 8, who used the alias Igarappoi as the town's leader) and Princess Nefertari Vivi (Ms. Wednesday) of the Alabasta kingdom.

I watch all of this from on top of a building and taking out my snacks from my inventory and start watching the drama since I can sense Luffy is already awake and is planning to beat me and Zoro for hurting the people from town.

Soon the plot began to happen and Nami somehow made a deal with Igaram and Princess Vivi to save them and told Zoro who were near her to protect them.

"ZOROOO, DANNNN WHERE ARE YOUUU??" Luffy yelled while running searching for us and soon he spotted Zoro and begin launching his attack.

Zoro blocked Luffy's attack while saying "Luffy these people are bounty hunters who tried to capture us" while still defending from Luffy's punches and kicks.

"They are good people who gave us foods and you dare to hurt them just because they don't make your favourite foods" Luffy replying still launching his attacks to Zoro.

Zoro knows that any explanations is useless againts his idiot captain so he start to fights back.

Meanwhile Mr. 5 and his lady partner Miss Valentine got angry since the newcomers were basically ignoring them and fighting on their own.

So they both launch their attacks to Zoro and Luffy using their devil fruit powers while yelling "Don't ignore us!" Miss Valentine yelled while launching her self to the air using her devil fruit power and Mr. 5 said "Prepare to die" while start running to punch Luffy and Zoro using his explosion devil fruit power, but they both got beaten and knocked out instead with only one punch by Luffy and Zoro who yelled at the same time "DON'T INTERUPT US!".

Luffy and Zoro then start staring at each other and prepare to fight once again. When they all launch their deadly skills at each other "gomu gomu shigan" and "Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson", I just soru right in front of them and deflect all their skills and hit them in their heads with haki. Nami also came and hit them in their heads too repeatedly until they both yell "Stop hitting us!" together.

Nami then explain the situation to us that we got a job to escorting Princess Vivi back to Alabasta.

Vivi start telling her story that her kingdom is falling to ruin, as a civil war has been devised by Baroque Works, and that if she can confront the rebel army with the information on the true cause of the war, she can end it. The leader of Baroque Works, according to her, wants to take over Alabasta and turn it into an "ideal nation" ruled by him, and she reveals the leader to be Crocodile of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Unfortunately, by revealing his name, Luffy, Dan, Zoro, and Nami are added to the Baroque Works hit list by the nearby Mr. 13 (the otter) who fly away fast riding a vulture with a sunglasses (Miss Friday) to report back to Crocodile, causing Nami to throttle Vivi for making an enemy from the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Soon all of our crews are gathering back in Going Merry together with Vivi and Igaram. Nami explain the situation to the rest of the crews and telling us to start sailing once the log pose finished recording the magnetic field of the next island in about an hour.

Ussop just glad he was asleep back then while Sanji just keep flirting with Vivi.

I changed the plot a little by rejecting the idea to let Igaram separate as a decoy and to let him stay with us on Going Merry on our journey to Alabasta.

I don't want to change the plot a lot at least until Chopper, Robin and Franky join our crew.


Back on Earth

Since many experts already confirm that all the people and monsters on Dan's videos are all real.

Many people still don't believe them. Even accusing them as attention seeker.

But for those who believe them, especially the fanatics, even began to create a cult to worship Gaia (god from anime who like to reincarnate or transmigrate people) in hope they too will be able to have the same fate as Dan. Some begin to believe there are some portals in the world that can transport them to the Onepiece world.

Some people even begin to travel to Bermuda Triangle by boats and ferrys believing the portal were located there. The worst part is some people even try to commit suicide by hitting themselves to high speed trucks on the road hoping they will get wishes after they died from Truck-kun.

With so many chaos around the world. Many countries tried to block the channel but all failed. Youtube already send the report that they can't do anything to Dan's channel. Even when all the experts from around the world working together they still can't do anything to Dan's channel.

Even Oda's publisher the one who handle One piece manga and anime tried to sue Dan on youtube using law for copyright.

They all failed since youtube can't do anything to Dan's channel and Dan whereabout is unknown to everyone.

When Dan's channel release a new video, they all can only watch in silence since they can't do anything about it.

While the onepiece fans start to watch the video with anticipation.


The comment section:

"Wow loguetown the place where Gol d Roger died looks so magestic"

"Hollyshit Alvida looks so freaking sexy, are those boobies real?"

"Yeyy buggy buggy buggy"

"Smoker looks hot and smokey"

"This is Oda's representatives, we will sue this channel for copyright issue"

"Lmao Dan is in trouble"

"Blackpink in your area"

"Why suing Dan? This video using real people so it's different with anime"

"All the people, powers and monsters in this videos are all real guys. I know it from my dad who works in government office"

"Don't care of it's real or fake, I just want to marry Nami"

"I changed my bias to Alvida now"

"Dan teach us rokushiki's tehniques please! Make tutorial video please!"

"So it's all real? Dan can you teach us how to go there?"

"It's easy to go there you just need to find Oda and tell him to send you there"

"I wanna be a pirate too"

"Bro video lu beneran apa boongan sie?"

"Oda is suing Dan because he makes Luffy can swim on the ocean and ruined the story. So Oda is mad at Dan"

"The one who sue Dan is the company who publised the anime of onepiece not Oda himself"

"Is it true the portal to Onepiece world is located at the Bermuda Triangle? Can someone confirm this?"

"It's confirmed, I just went there and having sex with Hancock my new sexy girlfriend"


"Troll everywhere"

"Leave Hancock alone! She is mine!"

"Where is Dragon in Loguetown? Why he is not showing in the video?"

"Dan take me to Onepice world please! I'm willing to be your sex slave as long as you take me there!"

"Dan is not a gay you idiot"

"Who said i'm a man? I'm a girl"

"Yeah a girl with a penis lmao"

"This video is the sign from God that our world will have an armagedon later"

"Woy Dan kapan balik ke Jakarta? Nie gw Agus temen sekolah lu. Ajakin gw ketemu sama pemeran Nami donk!"

"If Luffy's body made by rubber, is his dick can strecth too? If it can I wanna have sex with him"


"Where's the harem scenes?"

"Thanks for the video"

"Blackpink in your area"

"Blackpink's fans are annoying!"

"Zoro I love you"

"Make videos about Sanji's cooking show"

"Better to make videos about Nami's bathing show"


"Agree with the above"

"Thanks for uploading the video, but can you change the plot? I want to see a different kind of Onepiece story not just like in the anime"

"Why not create your self? You can even make a harem in your own show"

"I wanna see Chopper"

"Thanks Dan!"

"Take me there please!"

"Maybe Oda him self who transport Dan to Onepiece world"

"I Prefer to be transport to Naruto world"

"I prever Marvel world"

"Thank you and nice video, new subscriber here"

"Watch TWICE new music video -I can't stop me- please"

"Another annoying kpopers sigh..."

"The chat room is always a mess"

"Makasih videonya"
