

Little Garden island

A volcanic eruption is happening in the middle of Little Garden Island, the sound of the eruption can be heard all over the island. The sound of that volcano eruption is the sign that a duel will be held between two giants that live in that island for more than 100 years.





Giant Warrior Pirates (former)


Pirate; Captain (former)


Elbaf (former)

Little Garden


Brogy the Red Ogre




2130 cm (69'10")


100 Million Bellies





Giant Warrior Pirates (former)


Pirate; Captain (former)


Elbaf (former)

Little Garden


Dorry the Blue Ogre




2260 cm (74'2")


100 Million Bellies


These two giants can be seen preparing to fight for the 73,466th time, near the volcano.

"It's time for our match again Dorry, gabababababa" Brogy said while laughing at Dorry with excitement in his eyes.

"Yes it's time to settle our score Brogy, gegyagyagyagyagya" Dorry said while laughing following Brogy's laugh.


Mean while I just arrive at the location and see those two giants preparing to fight to settle their score after fighting for over 100 years.

I then see Luffy, Vivi and Karoo not far away from my location, so I walk towards them.

"Hi Luffy, who are those two giants?" I ask Luffy pretending not knowing those giants.

"Huh? Ohh it's you Dan. Those giants are my new friends" Luffy said to me while lying on the ground.

"Your friends?" I ask him.

"Yes, the blue one named Dorry. He is a legendary warrior from Elbaf" Luffy said.

Then I see Ussop, Nami and Igaram not far away from our location walking towards us.

"The red one named Brogy, he is from Elbaf too" Luffy said to me again.

"Hey guys, we're in trouble. The red giant Brogy told us that we need a whole year for the log pose to finish recording the magnetic field of this island." Nami said to us with a concern voice.

"We can talk about that later Nami, right now I need to watch this legendary fight between these two legendary warriors" Luffy said to Nami.

"Luffy is right Nami, we can talk about that later after this fight" Ussop said to Nami while sitting on the ground near Luffy.

"They are right Nami" Igaram said while leaning againts a tree while watching the giants.

Nami then start pouting and drawing circle on the ground with a stick while Vivi patting her shoulder to calm her down.

I just smiled and giggled watching Nami acting cute like that. I also didn't see Sanji and Zoro, they both must be still hunting animals and dinosaurs for their competition.


Soon the battle start and the ground start shaking from the vibration as the result of their fight.

Brogy start running towards Dorry and swing his giant axe at him. While Dorry just parrying the attack using his giant sword. They swing their weapons againts each other and later on start using their fists and kicks, as their weapons got broken after fighting for quite sometimes. Their fighting can't be describe by words, their fights trully was legendary beyond words.




When the fight finally ended after a long while, those two giants were seen laughing together and walking side by side like a true friend.

"Gabababababababa..... So for our 73,466th duel the result is still the same as any of our old duels which is a draw" Brogy said to Dorry while laughing.

"Gegyagyagyagyagya... Always the same result for the past 100 years since we began our duel back then" Dorry said while laughing together with Brogy.

"Let's go to my place, I got new meats for our meals. I also found some little friends in my place" Brogy asked Dorry.

"Okay, let's party at your place with our new little friends" Dorry said while walking following Brogy towards his place.


As we see those two giants start walking to Brogy's place. We too start walking towards their direction.

On our way we met Sanji and Zoro, so we asked them to join us. As for the result of their competition we just need to decide the result at our ship later.

When we arrive at Brogy's place we then start having a party with the giants and laughing together while eating and drinking at the same time.

Ussop promised him self to visit Elbaf in the future and to become a brave warrior like them.

Sanji also told his story about his conversation with Crocodile and how he found the eternal log pose of Alabasta from the defeated agents of baroque works.

Nami and Vivi then start hugging Sanji together, Sanji then got a massive nose bleeds after being sandwich between two pair of huge boobs.

"Finally we can sail straight away to Alabasta without needing to wait a whole year in this island." Nami said to us.

When the two giants heard we're gonna leave soon. They told us the story about the Island Eater, a super giant goldfish who eats ships that were trying to leave the island.

Those two giants then decided to help us escape from the Island Eater when trying to leave this island.

After saying goodbye and promise to meet again at Elbaf in the future.

The giants told us to sail straight towards the Island Eater goldfish and to trust them as they will help them escape.

Luffy then put the trust on the giants and tell Nami to sail Going Merry forward towards the Island Eater no matter what happen.

When Going Merry start sailing away from Little Garden island, suddenly from the sea right in front of Going Merry a super massive goldfish monster emerges from the bottom of the sea.

Island Eater is an enormous golfish, rivaling the size of even the most massive of Sea Kings. It resemble a typical white-red colored goldfish, with protruding eye sockets and a wide mouth that had a set of large teeth. The size of the Island Eater is super massive with height around 715 meters and weight around 120 tons.

Luffy then orders Nami to go straight towards Island Eater. The Island Eater then open it's super giant's mouth and swallow our ship in to it's mouth.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" All us, excluding Luffy who still has confident smiles on his face, start screaming together.


Mean while back at the Little Garden, at the shore Dorry and Brogy were seen holding their broken sword and axe, they prepare to launch a joint attack towards the Island Eater.

"BEHOLD THE MIGHTIEST SPEAR OF WE THE GIANTS OF ELBAF!!!" Brogy said while taking a stance to launch an attack using his broken axe.

"ONLY THE "GREAT SERPENT SOAK IN BLOOD" CAN WITHSTAND OUR ATTACKS!!!" Dorry said while taking a stance to launch his own attack using his broken sword.

"HAKOKU (Supreme Kingdom)!!!!!" Brogy and Dorry yelled at the same time and launch their combine attacks together at the Island Eater.

The combine attacks send a massive shockwave at the speed of light towards the Island Eater and penetrates it's giant body and create a giant hole on it's body.

The shockwave also send Going Merry to fly away in to the sky from the giant hole on Island Eater's massive body.

"Woohoooo... We're flyinggggg" Luffy scream with excitement while holding his straw hat tight.

"So this is the true power of Elbaf's warrior" Ussop said while crying in happiness.

"They cut the ocean it self" Zoro said in awe.

"We're safe!" Nami and Vivi scream at the same time.

Sanji and Igaram just smiling while watching the spectacular scene behind them.

"Where's Dan???" Sanji asked everyone since he didn't see Dan anywhere on the ship.

"????" All of them feeling confused.

"Daaaaannnnnn...." They all then scream together.


Meanwhile when Going Merry were sent flying because of the shockwave from the giant's combined attack. I jump in to the air using geppo and land on top of it's giant head. Then I start preparing to put Island Eater's giant corpse in to the inventory on my phone after the shockwave from the giant's attack dissapeared. The moment Island Eater's giant corpse start to sink in to the ocean, I immediately put it's corpse in to my inventory.

"Success!! Now our ship has meat stocks for the next 4-5 years since it won't rot inside the inventory. Also I totaly win the competition between Sanji and Zoro since they only said the one who brings the larger animals win" I said in happiness.

I then start running towards Going Merry using geppo and soru on the air.


"Did the Island Eater just dissapeared in to thin air?" Dorry asked Brogy in confusion.

"Yup, it totally did. Gabababababababa....." Brogy said while laughing.

Should I make R-18 scenes in the future or not?

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