
~°the first°~

Hey, I've been thinking, that feelings, self-esteem, and etc, is the same as trees,

that is,

that when you were little you had all your leaves, what would be your security, self-esteem, etc but if you had many problems in your childhood, well, you did not have leaves in your tree, or you had a few,

well, several times my tree was losing like 30, 50 leaves, and the trees lose their leaves in winter and autumn, but in summer and spring they grow again, but sometimes when life is shit and it gives you One low blow, and you lose some leaves, but those leaves grow back,

If you are sad all the time, it will reach a point that those leaves are going to grow, but if you think that those leaves are not going to grow and start thinking about cutting the tree, I mean, end your life,

But when you don't realize it, the leaves will grow in time, or, so fast that you don't realize it,

Well, my little tree was several times on the verge of falling, or that I cut it, but the leaves always start to grow as fast as possible, because I was taking care of my little tree,

and sometimes other people have done the same in my little tree, and I tried to do the same, but sometimes I damage someone's tree, and other times others with my little tree, but always, the tree is going to recover, to its time, but it will recover,

the leaves will always grow in summer and spring, and there times when autumn and winter will come and lower the leaves, but you will make a solution for those leaves to grow again uwu

I send you hugs! beshitos! and take care of your cute little tree uwu

in a while for sure I upload the following chapter :v

-written by -

-Thank you for reading! :3-