
Over and Over


This was not happening?

"Hello?" I managed to say as I pressed my bare palms against cold rock. It was dark, so dark that I could barely even tell where I was, but somehow, I already knew.

My name is Brock and I was lucky enough to be reincarnated into another world after a freak accident led to my demise. Just a second ago, I was talking to a goddess, something so beautiful words alone could not grasp her image. Her presence made me dumbfounded while cowering in fear.

Then she said I was the destined Hero, someone who would save her world from total destruction. The one who was going to achieve greatness.

But instead, I had to leave it all up to luck. Out of the billions of skills in Iro, the world she watches, I was given one of the weakest.

A Mortal Class skill that was dirt compared to some.

-Rock Throw(Ev 1)-

The holder of this skill is accurate while throwing any rock carried in hand. Slight strength boost while doing so.

I laughed as I closed my eyes, weirdly enough the darkness under my eyelids still brighter than where I sat.

So after I was given such a pathetic skill, the great Goddess frowned upon me, saying there had to be some mistake. That the Skill Roll is something that has no luck, but is only run by fate.

That's when she asked my name,

"You are Marcus right?"

I slammed my fist against the rock wall, splinters of pain running down my arm. That son of a bitch Goddess.

She left me to die,finding a single pocket of air thousands of feet underground.

Yeah, she sent me to my death, placing me somewhere no one would never see her mistake, hoping I would starve to death. Hell, or run out of oxygen.

I smiled.

No way was I going to die after being sent to another world. Wonders awaited me on the surface, a world of Magic and Swords littered with adventure waiting for my grasp.

I glared upwards, the darkness slightly splitting as an ominous green glow lit up the area around me.

A small rock outcropping from the ceiling glowed with Mana. The odd glow my only means of light now.

I clutched my hand from the extreme pain of my anger and scoured the earth in hopes of finding something.

My breath thinned and became visible, the coldness of having no heat grew greatly.

Cold fingers found a familiar touch as they gripped the small pebble I found.

No matter what, I will explore this new world. I refuse to die, mistake or not, I will reach the surface.

"Rock Throw!"

Without a second to spare my shoulder cocked backwards and the small pebble launched forward. A small crack forming in the rock.

A wide grin formed on my face.









I slouched over into a crouching position, the sweat on my skin dripping into a small puddle I was able to form after four days. I also was finally able to stand, my first priority to break the rock above me.

Four days.

Four days to break two feet of rock so I can just stand. Pathetic.

My legs gave out and I fell backwards, my back pressing against the jagged wall.

Shit, I was already at my limit for today. Was I even going to go far? Who knows how deep I am?

When will I run out of oxygen, hell, when will I find food?

I cupped my knees and tucked them against my chest, curling up in a ball. Freezing tears rolled down my cheek and I slowly started to shiver.

There was no mistaking that eventually I would give up. Right now I was on the high of coming to a new world but in reality, I was already dead.

"You got into some deep shit this time Brock," I said aloud. I took out the sliver of crystal that illuminated the darkness, the green glow giving me life.

After extracting it from the roof, I found out the rock was only stuck to it, the light source actually a thin crystal that radiated Mana.

Just thinking about how lucky I was to get this made me stop crying. I wiped away my tears and stood up, my muscles clenching as I did.

Guess that really was my limit for now.

I set the crystal on the ground and sat criss-crossed. My legs popped as I did, probably from pure exhaustion.

I sighed.

I was going to die unless I figured out a way to find food, water, and heat. I was lucky enough that the Mana Crystal gave enough heat to keep me alive but who knows how long it will last. Eventually it was going to run out right?

I can't rely on just that.

I thumbed my chin and scratched my head.

Think Brock, what do you have to do. You are in a new world, a place were rules from Earth don't technically apply one for one.

I sat in silence for who knows how long, my mind lighting up as a idea struck my head.



Name: Brock

Class: Mortal

Lvl 2

Ev 1

Title: Outcast

Occupation: none

Health- 70/100

Mana- 1/110

Strength- 20

Agility- 4

Speed- 12

Durability- 8


-Rock Throw-



Magic Affinity- Earth

Created Spells- none



For once in my life, in this new world, things were not so bad. This was similar to an Isekai anime, even if the idea was just on a whim, it was still correct.

I slapped my knee in praise for my thinking. It may be small, but this is a start.

Ignoring the joy I felt, I carefully read over everything…

Outcast, sounds about right. I was literally thrown out in a sense anyways so the title did not really bother me. After fours days you have to accept it, or at least I believe so.

I went over all my stats, realizing my health was actually declining, how could you blame me. I was trapped thousands of feet underground with no semblance of direction or hope of living. Even if I figured this out, I still had a long way to go.

I would have to pull something out of my ass this time around or everything was pointless.

I scanned over the rest, nodding at the -Rock Throw- skill. But.

I stopped as I noticed that I had actually two skills. Besides -Rock Throw- a skill called -All- was present. I slowly clicked on it.


-All(Ev Max)-

-This skill allows the holder to appraise any living or non-living thing, and even "look up" things about the world of Iro.

Add- this skill is immediately granted to anyone summoned from death by a Goddess.


My open palms turned to fist and I punched the air. Maybe there was actually a chance of escaping this hell.

"Appraise." I said while aiming my eyes at the wall.


Great Stone:

Stone compacted from thousands of years of pressure and mostly used to create Great Sky Class weapons.

Additional info-

Found usually twenty miles under the lithosphere and can be bought or found at ''Ragatho'

Durability: 800


I whistled as I realized why four days took up two feet. Even when using up all the Mana I had every time I could muster the strength, I only got so far. This was going to be tough, and after seeing that I was twenty miles deep, it made me worry even more.

Ignoring the desperate situation I realized myself to be in, I grabbed the crystal and appraised it.


Sacred Mana Crystal:

A crystalized ore that can absorb the Mana around it.

Additional info-

Found usually in dungeons or deep beneath the earth and extremely valuable.

Mana: 9,999,996/ 10,000,000


I blinked a few times as I read the huge number of Mana that the crystal possessed. In the four days it illuminated the pocket I was in, only four Mana was spent.

I swallowed hard as the reality of how amazing this find was chilling. The luck I had was very hit or miss.

Being twenty miles underground was quite a buzzkill but finding a Sacred Mana Crystal was probably something very rare.

I nodded.


What exactly did that even mean?


Class Specifications from least to Greatest-



Great Sky



High Master




God Sent



Woah, so this was why everything usually has a rarity to it. These determined how powerful things were.

So that made -Rock Throw- a literal dirt level skill that might as well not even exist.

Also, my question was answered so quickly, why when I asked about how long I had to live I never got one?

In my confusion, the skill -All- popped up again, my mind understanding how the skill said "about the world".

Technically I wasn't even part of it, and asking a deep end question like that was too much.

A long exhale made me feel tired.

Should I sleep?

Nope, I stood up and picked up a considerable size of Great Stone.

"-Rock Throw!-"







I watched patiently as a worm slowly slid across the ground. The unsuspecting creature did not even notice my presence and undoubtedly, I snatched it up and ate it.

The tangy dirt taste made me want to puke, but for me to realize my dream, I had to eat. May it be worms or rock, I HAVE to eat.

I swallowed with all my might and decided to take a sip from the small puddle that had formed from a pocket of water I broke through.

I never questioned it, as long as it was running through rock, I knew it was drinkable, the little knowledge I had as a high schooler was enough. I watched the nature channel once, seeing someone use rocks and a sock to filter dirty water out.

I guessed the same would apply here.

Fiddling with my green jacket, I slowly stitched the torn cloth into a slight pouch. After reworking a few parts, I created a sack with my hoodie string able to tie it shut.

It wasn't something to praise but it was damn good handy work. Being a part of the craftsman club was not so bad. Who knew it would save my life possibly?

With the sack, I put a few good sized rocks inside, the grey jumbles being my only means of breaking the wall. I was doing this out of precaution.

The only reason I was able to break the Great Stone was because I was using Great Stone on it. And due to how my skill increased the Mana in the rock, I was actually hitting the base Great Stone with a better version of itself. It was just by luck.

If I had tried any other lower class material, I wasn't sure if I would have covered the ground I have in the week I came to this world.

Seven days have gone by, jeez.

I could tell just by asking the question, the skill -All- telling me without a hiccup. I was very glad I wouldn't lose track of the days, actually grateful that bitch of a Goddess summoned me.

I sighed and washed my face in the cold water, grabbing the crystal to help me choose a few good size rocks.

Who knew this was my livelihood at the moment.

Collecting rocks...

I picked up an extra one after filling up my sack to the brim with Great Stone.

I aimed slightly up and forward, the angle which I have been for the last few days. There was no way I could go straight up, so I had to gradually go at an incline.

Just enough to make progress but not too much that the possibility of falling backwards and dying was evident.

A small line I was skating on this entire excursion.

After six -Rock Throws- I noticed how much the impact changed.

Before it was a simple smack and small cracks would slowly form, my efforts barely able to chip tue rock away. Now, when I threw a rock, a swish noise would happen as it cut through the air and then a loud rumble would vibrate the walls as pieces the size of my head would fall away from the wall.

This became a hassle though, having to hit the wall with my skill then halling the rocks behind me so they won't pile up and trap me.

Every second I had was either moving towards the surface, eating worms and grubs, sleeping, and trying to grasp the whole Magic thing.

At the bottom of my status it said no Magic Spells were Created, meaning in this world there were probably very few base ones.

For example a fireball for one person could be the size of a basketball but for another it could be the size of a tennis ball but is spinning or something like that.

Once you think of a spell and do it successfully three times, the body would memorize it perfectly.

I noticed that eventually I would need to form spells sooner or later. May it be to fight monsters that frequently roamed the land untamed or to fight bandits that were common among places.

Tossing a rock up and down, I decided it should be easier since I was now accustomed to how Mana left my body.

It was quite simple, since the skill did it for me I could observe how the sequence started.

I gripped the rock in my hand and cocked my shoulder back. Pull the Mana from within, then let it glide freely from the source, trap it were you want to apply it, and release!

The rock went flying and smashed against the wall, a cloud of dust and rock flying everywhere.

I measured how much I took out.

Three feet in one hit.

Progress Brock!

I fist pumped the air and readied another rock. Now that I was ready to use my skill again, an idea formed in my head.

For a spell all I needed to do was make a name and use a set amount of Mana. -Rock Throw- was pretty basic, so how could I change it up a bit?


I juggled the rock for a few minutes as ideas popped in and out of my head.

I tried using the other skill -All- but it only said the same text.


To create a spell one must call out a unique name while applying Mana in a way that can be done multiple times.


I exhaled as that did very little to clear things up.

How would I know if I was even in the process of making one?

Fuck it.

I activated -Rock Throw- and in the moment of the skill stopping its sequence, I flicked my fingers to the left.

In pure awe, I watched the rock do as it did before but...

It was spinning.

After it hit the wall, it still powered forward for a few seconds, the rock stopping as it lodged itself into the stone.

I measured it again.

Four and a half feet this time.

I gasped and quickly tried again, and again.

Nothing happened. I forgot to add a name to the pattern.

"Spiral!" Three attempts later nothing happened

I cursed and tried again, and again, and again.

And finally after the sixtieth time, I got a notification.



Spiral- a spell in which a spinning effect is added to an Earth Infused Stone.

Class: Mortal

Mana usage: 5


Hell fucking yeah!!!

I kicked the puddle of water and danced accordingly to how happy I was. My feet moving on its own as I could honestly say I created a spell on just intuition

No cheat or anything was used, just effort and determination. My hand balled into a fist as a tear rolled down my cheek. My dream of being a generic MC was ever so close.

Hell, maybe one day I might even get a harem.

Well…. Maybe….

I readied <Spiral> but as I did, my eyelids became heavy and before I knew it, I was unconscious on the ground.







I yawned as class finally finished, the bald math teacher, Mr. Yu leaving in a hurry. I sat at the back of the class, most people paying no mind to me as I pulled out a book about becoming a novelist.

It was just interesting how people believed some of these tips actually were useful. It was nothing more than a cash grab and I was sure most of the stuff in here was online for free.

"Hey Brock!"

A hand was slammed on my shoulder and I slightly jumped.

"What asshole, can't you see I'm trying to read?"

It was a tall skinny boy with long blonde hair, his name was Niko and he was one of the few popular nerdy kids that just fit in with any group.

He was also my childhood friend.


"Your writer dream or whatever can wait. Answer this question for me."

I sighed and turned, a few other guys gathered around to hear my answer.

Niko cleared his throat and spoke, "What would be the first thing you do if you were put in an isekai anime type deal?"

I turned back around and began to read.

"Ouch, don't be like that…"

I put my hand up, "That's such a dumb question, we all know the answer."

Everyone leaned in.

"To form a harem of hot chicks. Duhh," I said as they all nodded in agreement.

Niko patted me on the back, "Seems you know your stuff. Proud of you."

I moved his hand away, "Of course, I watch anime too, I just don't flaunt it around like you guys."

Niko chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Anyways another question is would you try with the first girl you met?"

The four other classmates nodded and scooted closer.

I shook my head, "Hell no, in every isekai anime the first they meet is probably the most generic. Sorry but I won't float on that "first love" boat."

Niko countered, "But shouldn't you be attached to the first person you meet in another world. It just happens to be a girl that will be part of your harem, what then Mr. I'm smarter than anyone."

I grinned, "Thanks for the compliment but nah, I don't see that happening."

There was a slight slam of a textbook that grabbed all of our attention.

"Boys are so dumb, talking about harem with no shame, you guys need to focus on reality."

It was Star, my other childhood friend that at the moment was hellbent on getting into a top university.

She winked at me, "Also I scored higher than Brock on the last exams so change his name to Mr. Smarter than anyone expect Star."

We all laughed and for some reason my mind was stuck on what she said.

"Focus on reality…"

I opened my eyes, tears pouring down my face. What the hell? I noticed I was in a green lit cave with mounds of grey rubble scattered about.

Oh yeah, I got reincarnated.

I held my head as everything came flooding back to me. Shit, I forgot how much of a shit hole my life has become.


I stood up and immediately grabbed a rock.

"<Spiral!>" I yelled with all my might. The tornado of a rock went barreling forward without hesitation. The impact sending a shockwave through my body.


I looked at my hands and spoke, "Status."


Name: Brock

Class: Mortal

Lvl 12

Ev 1

Title: Dreamer

Occupation: none

Health- 100/130

Mana- 201/205

Strength- 30

Agility- 6

Speed- 12

Durability- 15


-Rock Throw-



Magic Affinity- Earth/ Darkness

Created Spells-



I scratched my chin as my stats were slowly going up and somehow I was already level twelve. I wouldn't even know what the average level is until I reached the surface. I decided to postpone thinking about it and gawked at how I was now was affiliated with Darkness.

What are the elements?













World and Soul? What kind of elements were those?


The element 'World' is a Magic that focuses on the aspects of the world such as Gravity, Nature, Time, etc


I gulped, that was probably the Affinity I would of gotten if that Bitch Goddess actually needed me. I honestly would of probably had all of them.


The element Soul is a Magic that focuses on the aspects of one's body, able to enhance and change it


Ooooo, now that is something I want to one day see that or maybe have an Affinity with it as well.

I tapped my chin as I leaned against the wall, "How does one gain an Affinity?" I said activating -All-.


Affinities are gained when someone's Mana is exposed to the element over a great deal of time.


So that is how I gained the Affinity with Darkness, being in almost complete blackness was close enough. I sighed and pushed myself off the wall.

Maybe I could use Darkness to make a new spell. Only, how do I even apply that idea. I can do Earth because I have been without fail because of the skill, and sadly I have no skill related with Darkness.

Fuck man!

I annoyingly grabbed a few rocks from my sack and hurled a few regular rock throws at the wall.

I summoned my pent up anger and sent a another skill use flying with more Mana than normal.

The same boom came and the same dust fell on my skin. But. Something I never expected to happen touched my ears.

The sound from the boom had bass to it, like it echoed. I blinked and looked around. There was no echo in the tunnel I created, I know that personally.


That means there is a room right in front of me.