

"Your body belongs to me (my king)" "Your mine till the end Amari" What if you were fated to die for your king?? can you override destiny and have a happy ending or does it only exist in tales and wishes.. This novel focuses on a chosen, a half witch and vampire "Amari" who's meant to be nothing more than a sacrifice for the king. in other words his better half( a chosen)sacrificing his self to save the kingdom and the king from the great War of the nuns. There was nothing left he could do but wish he had more time!! I watched him suck in his last breath breaking down before my eyes.. he wheezed as he battled with death he didn't scream just stared deeply into my eyes as if he was trying to reach down and connect with my soul. blood gushed out from his senses as I felt something ripping in my chest until I felt nothing and all I could do was stare frozen at the spot, "he's gone" years passed and I waited for the prophesy to be fulfilled..He would be reincarnated it said. I've read this scroll a thousand times waiting for a sign anything to approve I wasn't entirely going crazy like they said. I couldn't hide the fact that I missed our bond, well till I laid my eyes on her.... ... Will their love relationship work out for them in Amari's new body or will it be a one sided love even as Amari still feels like its wrong in this life "she" doesn't want to lose him again.

xl_ · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 First day of training

"knock,knock, knock" hearing the door open Amari didn't care much but continued his sleep "morning sir" opening his eyes after hearing someone's voice Amari raised his head and stared at the 2 maids in front of him "what do you want " the First maid holding a tray of food said "we are here to assist you sir,today is your first day of training so his highness sent us here to get you ready" glancing at his side King Devon was not in bed "ok"

He got up and went to the bathroom with one of the maids following him behind, dropping the tray of food on the table the second maid followed them they poured some things in the hot bath which made bubbles to appear then bowed at Amari to get in, taking off his robe he climbed the steps to the bath digging himself in it before coming out, he felt hands on his hair and said nothing as they both began washing him another started massaging his shoulder closing his eyes he just let them do whatever they wanted, feeling the maids hands on his chest as she used a soft sponge on his chest, her hand slid further downwards "what are you doing?"a little bit puzzled at his questions the maid paused "we...we're giving you a bath...?" moving away from them he said "leave I can do it myself" they glanced at each other before getting up they bowed placing his towel and clothe on the wooden floor a little bit further from the bath before leaving

Stepping out of the bathroom he got dressed in leather black pants and a brown long sleeve with his hair in a ponytail steeping out of the bathroom one of the maids Walked to him "your shoes" placing the black boots in front of him she kneeled "I can do it myself get up" moving to the sides she bowed again, "your food sir" the other maid said, he walked to the table seeing some bacon and eggs and a red wine... "this is blood?" Amari glanced at her "yes his highness said you'd need it" he sat down and started eating while they waited

"Please follow us" walking out of the king's chamber as usual they was no one here but at the door,the guards opened the door and closed it after they walked by giving a bow

Stepping out of the castle they kept walking while the servants were cleaning up and removing the decorations taking some turns in the Rose garden they stopped at a gate, both maids bowed their heads at him before leaving, the gates were wide open for all the chosen's "hey!" Amari kept walking "hey! you there! wait blue hair!" everyone turned around staring where the voice came from including Amari, seeing a red head running to him "huff,huff hey huff, I've been calling you for a while now" resting his hands on his knee he huffed for air, turning to his side to see who he was talking to Amari said "are you talking to me" "of course I'm talking to you" raising his head the red smirked at Amari "I'm Kaiden what's your name?" "Amari?" giving a smile at him Kaiden rested his hand on Amari's shoulder "I'm that guy who was cheering you on when you were fighting those guards, let's be friends" kaiden gave him a broad smile and wink, "No, and get your hand off me" pushing his hand off Amari walked away "Ah wait for me" catching up to Amari Kaiden kept talking on the way "everyone gather round" the chattering stooped as people walked towards the podium "from today onwards I will train you to be the best of the best, no fooling around, no late coming and don't even think for a minute that I'll take it easy on you men or women, so get your mind,body and soul ready to be reformed by me, I will break you and then make you" "hey dude isn't that the fatso you knocked down" Kaiden looked at Amari then the man on the podium "sigh you really talk to much" Amari glared at him "tsk I pity you but cheer up Kaiden is by your side" pointing at himself while smiling Amari who just stared at him blankly "now for some proper introduction, I am Grislen Mohan a wolf and elf, each one of you will tell me your name species you are and when your done introducing yourselves you move over here" he pointed at his left "I'm Deborah Armstrong a fox and fairy, I'm Anthony Modrick a seer and human, I'm Fraya Geithner a demon and vampire, Modrick Hillson a vampire and elf it went on and on with them introducing themselves

"I'm Kaiden Winchester a fox and fairy" glancing at Amari who was the last person he said "good luck"

"My name is Amari, I'm a witch and a vampire" he ignored the stares as he walked to the side "hey Amari" Kaiden came to stand next to him while Amari rolled his eyes "he's gonna kill you just look at him fuming on stage" Kaiden laughed at Grislen "it was like he's cursing you with his eyes" Grislen glared at Amari before looking at everyone again "so we have fifteen halflings this year, good" Grislen said while walking down the podium with his eyes trained on Amari "and I heard that we have a special guest of the king...you" he pointed at Amari "what was your name again? he asked glaring daggers at him "Amari"

"Amari who?" he walked closer to Amari standing in front of him, Amari glanced at the man in front of him "just Amari"

"What a joke he is the last chosen's son Late lord Rasmos" gasps and murmurs went round while Grislen walked away Amari ignored their stares and words Kaiden said "dude your really his son?" "silence! enough with your chattering today we'll be learning how to hone your powers... all of you will fight against each other, prove yourself worthy of being here "

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