

"Your body belongs to me (my king)" "Your mine till the end Amari" What if you were fated to die for your king?? can you override destiny and have a happy ending or does it only exist in tales and wishes.. This novel focuses on a chosen, a half witch and vampire "Amari" who's meant to be nothing more than a sacrifice for the king. in other words his better half( a chosen)sacrificing his self to save the kingdom and the king from the great War of the nuns. There was nothing left he could do but wish he had more time!! I watched him suck in his last breath breaking down before my eyes.. he wheezed as he battled with death he didn't scream just stared deeply into my eyes as if he was trying to reach down and connect with my soul. blood gushed out from his senses as I felt something ripping in my chest until I felt nothing and all I could do was stare frozen at the spot, "he's gone" years passed and I waited for the prophesy to be fulfilled..He would be reincarnated it said. I've read this scroll a thousand times waiting for a sign anything to approve I wasn't entirely going crazy like they said. I couldn't hide the fact that I missed our bond, well till I laid my eyes on her.... ... Will their love relationship work out for them in Amari's new body or will it be a one sided love even as Amari still feels like its wrong in this life "she" doesn't want to lose him again.

xl_ · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 I hate him

Bowing down their heads "rise" with a smirk on his lips he scanned through the crowd till his eyes landed on Amari both the Lord and the king dressed in an all black pants and long sleeves, walking to the high table they raised their cups

"Let us make a toast to the new generation of strong warriors and my chosen" starring at everyone again king Devon raised his cup higher "to the new generations" raising their cups "to the new generations!" drowning down their drinks king Devon said "drink to your fill, dance and eat, tonight is a night to remember for thousands of years to come" "thank you, your magesty" they all said Settling down at the head of the table Lancelot was at his left and no one at the first seat on his right

The servant's served each of them their food filling their cups with wine, picking up a glass king Devon smiled saying "so I see we have new faces here" twirling his cup he continued "introduce yourselves" a lady stood up giving a courtesy "my name is Ezree from the fairies kingdom, my name is Lasero from the wolves... it went on and on as each of them introduced themselves finally reaching Avery's turn, she and Amari stood up "my name is Avery and this is my nephew Amari from the witch kingdom" they both bowed down their heads before sitting down, "he's a vampire and a witch?" king Devon asked her, while raising his glass for the servants to fill again everyones attention on the table turned to them, "yes he is" whispers went round the table lady Ezree stared at the king saying "lady Avery I thought there was no half breeds in your kingdom?" the whispering continued again "yes there weren't because that is what we told people" glancing at Amari she continued "he is the only one" more whispers went round the table again before king Devon's sluggishly said "shut up all of you" tapping his long fingers on the table he glared at everyone before placing his face on his palms, "Avery where are his parents then?" starring at Amari then the king "um... they're..." "Dead like you don't know scoff" glaring at the king Amari interrupted Avery, "how dare you talk to the king like that" said Masil sitting next to lord Lancelot the king's favourite consort

Smiling deviously king Devon said "oh... really I didn't know what a shame so...?" Mrs Avery gave him an apologetic smile while telling the king his name"Amari" "hmm well then Amari tell me what were their names?" "Lord..." glaring at Avery king Devon said "Did I ask you to speak" lowering her voice she said "no" gritting his teeth Amari said "Lady Besty and... sigh Lord Rasmos"

"Gasps" went round the table king Devon humming to himself "scoff we all know lord Rasmos didn't get married after his wife died while giving birth" said Elena his second favourite consort Mrs Avery glanced at the king who paid no more attention to what they were saying rather cutting into his half cooked steak "um everyone please I apologize on behalf of my brother, his wife and the whole witches but... glancing at Amari who had his eyes closed she continued, "it was late lady Betsy's wish to never tell anyone he was alive so we always hid him, never letting him leave Demora and hiding him from the eyes of our visitors although the king might have heard about it he never persisted to confirm if it was true or not because he respected his chosen's wish of shielding his son, lord Lancelot did know It about, everyones gaze turned to lord Lancelot who was also interested in his steak ignoring them "but even though he knew he never met him he only helped in covering up for us so... I'm sorry she gave a little bow turning to Amari she grasped his palm whispering "I'm sorry" " it's true" said lord Lancelot confirming what Avery said,

"So Avery if the late lord Rasmos didn't want his son getting any attention from the whole world then why did you bring him here?" Lady Ezree said with a meek yet firm voice as if she didn't want to ask but taking advantage of them to get the king's attention, their attention was back on Avery again

Glancing at the direction the question came from although she couldn't see the person but it was the same voice who asked her a question earlier "first of all it's Mrs or Lady Avery do not address me by my name " "how dare..." cutting Princess Ezree off she continued "secondly stop sticking your nose in what doesn't concern you, thirdly to clarify what you just said although late lady Betsy said we should shield Amari it was up to a certain age which was sixteen and we all respected that because my brother was taken away from us at age seven only a few people knew he actually grew up in the castle"

"He was groomed to be a strong warrior and fortunately became our king's chosen, he didn't want the same thing to happen to Amari but he also told me to bring him to the castle one day and for me that day is today so Princess... ahh I forgot your name forgive me but the king didn't press on the matter so I don't know why your trying to cause a scene here Please act more lady like I heard women from the fairies kingdom were gentle, beautiful,kind and wise a shame I might have heard wrong" she raised her chin up staring at the people there "y y you how d dare you!" Princess Ezree looked embarrassed "hahahaha" almost everyone at the table laughed

"Alright enough since it has already come to this... then sigh" "hmm what happened your magesty?" asked Lasero "oh you didn't hear Amari here fought with some guards and ran away from Zakir " the man who led Avery and Amari to their seat gave them a smile "really then he must be strong" said another person "sigh I didn't want to punish him but everyone knows I have no choice" said king Devon while looking troubled everyone stared at him having the same thoughts"shameless he literally told us himself"

"So...Amari I see you don't like me your king" Amari said "yes I don't" giving a gasp and feigning hurt king Devon said "I admire your braveness but if you weren't my close friend and chosen's son I would have killed you but...as an unfair king I still have to punish you so from today you will stay in my chambers" frowning Amari said "I don't have to I'm just a guest" "oh no I wasn't asking for your consent Amari it's been years I won't let you out of my sight now that your here"

so they finally met ( ╹▽╹ ) who missed me this author will update two more chapters tomorrow

I love you all!(≧▽≦)

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