

"Your body belongs to me (my king)" "Your mine till the end Amari" What if you were fated to die for your king?? can you override destiny and have a happy ending or does it only exist in tales and wishes.. This novel focuses on a chosen, a half witch and vampire "Amari" who's meant to be nothing more than a sacrifice for the king. in other words his better half( a chosen)sacrificing his self to save the kingdom and the king from the great War of the nuns. There was nothing left he could do but wish he had more time!! I watched him suck in his last breath breaking down before my eyes.. he wheezed as he battled with death he didn't scream just stared deeply into my eyes as if he was trying to reach down and connect with my soul. blood gushed out from his senses as I felt something ripping in my chest until I felt nothing and all I could do was stare frozen at the spot, "he's gone" years passed and I waited for the prophesy to be fulfilled..He would be reincarnated it said. I've read this scroll a thousand times waiting for a sign anything to approve I wasn't entirely going crazy like they said. I couldn't hide the fact that I missed our bond, well till I laid my eyes on her.... ... Will their love relationship work out for them in Amari's new body or will it be a one sided love even as Amari still feels like its wrong in this life "she" doesn't want to lose him again.

xl_ · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 A day to the Banquet

"How...?" there was a slight pause till Lord Lancelot closed his eyes and sighed "disappeared Devon...they disappeared..." he opened his eyes and stared at the king Devon with a tiny frown and raised his hand to press on his temples, "but looking at the journey he and the lady took they should be weakened but..they were not, he also claimed to be the last chosen's son with a serious gaze they both silently stared at each other before king Devon once again broke the silence, "oh..." the tapping of his nails stooped before a tiny smirk appeared on his handsome face as king Devon stood up and both of them walked out of the king's underground chamber one wearing a cloth as dark as night and the a blood red robe walking to the upper side of the castle

Reaching the king's study room the guards bowed and opened the door they both stepped in and the large door was closed, king Devon walked to the window and pushed the curtains open as the rays of moonlight streamed in as the moon shone on his face his brows thick and dark, his lashes seemed to be coats on his eyes, his strong body fit his whole being, his body could make women weak on their knees and men cower in shame he was a perfect epitome of beauty as the wind ruffled through his hair, his eyes wavered to a shade of green and back to red before he said

"Go to the outskirts of the kingdom the lake of Mersha they are 2 people there hmm a male and female hmm... he seems to be the one your looking for" he turned around and stared at Lancelot "sigh they Devon they" a bright smile appeared on his face as he tilted his head "oh but I'm just to eager to meet him ahh alright go and bring them here and go alone before dawn Lancelot" bowing his head Lord Lancelot turned around and the door was opened for him before he could leave "Lancelot bring me Elena and Masil" "yes" with a slight bow he walked out of the king's study room climbing the stairs back down he disappeared and appeared to another Side of the castle with bright lights where the king's consorts resided, the maids with their heads low bowed their heads further when he walked by them till he stopped at a door where laughter and music could be heard from the other side of the door as If knowing a maid opened the door from the inside bowing her head as greeting "my lord"

The Lord stared at her "is the Lady Masil and Elena in ?" bowing again she said "yes my Lord" Lord Lancelot stared coldly at her for stopping him from going in Veil shivered under his cold gaze "f-forgive me my L-lord b-but my ladies are in the bath" she stumbled on her words "hmm" he stared at the door again before saying " tell the ladies that the king summons their presence in his study" once again the maid bowed her head as Lord Lancelot disappeared from sight a flash of envy crossed her face it came and was instead replaced with a smile as she went back inside

In an eerie quite place a man dressed in all black stood stood on top of a tree as his dark hair fluttered in the wind his red eyes skimmed to and fro as a soft sigh escaped his enchanting red lips closing his eyes he listened "Crickets chirping, "animals running" "a spider weaving its web" "bears" and a faint "splash" turning to his right again he listened"splash" opening his eyes he leaped off the tree and ran through the forest in an insane speed than a normal vampire jumping through the logs of woods he kept on running and taking different turns and came to a stop he stared at the lake and walked ontop of the stepping stones skeeming through the area raising a bro till a tiny frown appeared

Being the king's right hand man he had seen many things and been through many obstacles and near death situation being equipped with many spells from witches and fairies and this particular barrier was a powerful spell it could not be seen and nothing inside could also be seen as if nothing was out of the ordinary forcing one's self through the barrier would lead to instant death it was good for battle it could be used for protection or as a weapon humming to himself he closed his eyes and concentrated before saying "come out" it was as if the person who put this barrier wanted to be found but only by someone who was strong enough and they were only 3 people who lord Lancelot knew and had seen make this spell the king, his last chosen Rasmos and his wife "sigh the king sent me to bring you to the palace"

Inside of the barrier Amari stood in front of Lord Lancelot though he could not be seen he studied the man in front of him closely "Amari?" drawing out a lazy reply "yes Aunty?" he walked over to where she was sitting on a log of wood with several coats draped on her petite form she looked tired but still beautiful with her brown hair light blue eyes, long lashes and somewhat chapped lips due to the biting she had done on it "who is it?" a look of annoyance could be seen on Amari's face he wore a cotton Long sleeve with leather trousers his features just like his aunt his apart from his hair a dark shade of blue stooping at his waist, strong, tall his brows thick and also blue his lashes would make women envious his blue eyes had a shade of red, his refined face had a soft feminine feature his red lips "tsk I don't know, he said he was sent by the king" "gasp" Mrs Avery quickly stood up a mixture of shock and happiness was seen on her face "really? then remove the barrier" seeing him doing nothing she frowned "I said remove the spell Amari" grabbing his arm they both went closer to Lord Lancelot "ahh..he's really here facing Amari again she said he will not harm us he's a family friend" facing his aunt then Lancelot he sighed closing his eyes again as the barrier vanished like it was never there, finally seeing the two people lord Lancelot said "Avery"

ahh...I'm getting really excited to keep updating you guys please read my novel and leave good reviews I'm a first timer (˘・_・˘) thank you

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