
your best interest

" I had your best interest at heart. I loved you more than anything in this world but I never knew a day would come when you'd pay me back with a perfect heart- wrenching deception!!!". Lightening striked and thunder roared as Victoria's hurtful words sunk deep into Henry's heart. The situation became worst for Henry when the rain begun to pour in torrents. Victoria and Henry had been married for sixteen good years from which they had four children. Enveloped by abstract poverty, the couple had to work hard to take care of their children. A job offer sends Henry abroad and everything took an about turn, in a while Henry abandons his family back in Ghana and left Victoria alone as a single stranded mother who went through hell to take care of four children in a totally merciless and rough city. Is Victoria going to ever forgive Henry for such an unpardonable sin? And what is the fate that awaits their four children???

Mary_Azong · Urbain
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Henry gazed in utter disbelief at his ten year old daughter, Solace. This girl never ceased to always surprise him with her super duper intelligence. She just gave him a mind boggling reply to a question he a minute ago, asked her. The last time I checked I was so dumb during my primary and Junior High School days, but this girl who is my own flesh and blood is so different. Henry wondered and sighed. Who knows maybe she inherited this trait from Victoria.

Just then when Henry thought of Victoria, the young thirty-two year old lady who happens to be Henry's wedded wife called at their bedroom.

" What's happening here?". Victoria asked with a little squeeze on her face. What she was just witnessing, was Solace tucking unto her father's shoe lace whilst Henry, her husband held unto a pair of old wretched black socks which he oftenly wore for work.

" Well as you can see ma, I'm only helping da to lace his shoes since it seems he has little idea about it." Solace replied shaking his tiny but big brains head from side to side. Victoria was a bit taken aback by her words.

" Okay now, it's time for dinner. Enough of all of this drama, alright?" Victoria led them to the table where the couple's eldest child, Nathan was eagerly waiting for them. Nathan was always the foodie in the house.

As usual as it has mostly been, rice porridge and sme little slice of bread. Henry's income was always too meagre to see to all the needs of the house so Victoria sometimes out of her own pocket has to put food on the table whilst Henry took care of the children. Their clothes, shoes, school fees and a whole lot which Victoria knew budges him most of the time.

However Victoria was a highly educated lady who only decided under the opposition of her parents to marry poor Henry in those early days. She currently has a job as a clerk in one of the nearby companies in Accra, where they lived

During meals, Henry kissed his wife and children goodbye before leaving hastely for work. Later, Victoria saw the children off to school and headed for work too.