
Your's Truly [we were meant to be]

Aaron moved to New York with his parents, and the first person he met was Ava, his next-door neighbor. They started out shy and ended up being best friends. Ava is a bubble girl who is both beautiful and intelligent. She was always spreading joy and smiles. Her mother is the only person to whom she is devoted. Aaron is a skilled photographer. He is shy, cute, and has a good sense of humor. He is always Ava's savior in her silly problems. Aaron and Ava are always overly protective of one another. Their friendship is fulfilling. But everything changed when Nathan came into their lives. Come, and fall in love during the season of love. Let's fall in love with Aaron and Ava in Yours Truly ♡

Angelic_Rankita_98 · Urbain
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14 Chs


"What's happening?" Rachel's voice startled Aaron and Ava. With a quick rise, Ava turned her head away. Rachel bit her inner cheek to stop herself from laughing. Aaron also stood up but slipped once more. He maintained balance while holding the slap.

With her arms crossed, Rachel turned to face them. "What a disaster! Aaron, you can't even do the dishes?" She screamed at him. He gave her a timid smile. But he got a glare from her.

"You are free to leave now, Aaron. "Ava and I will clean up the mess!" Rachel stated firmly. Aaron nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

Rachel burst out laughing as he walked away. She came to a halt when she saw Ava. "Hey," she said, clearing her throat, "I know it's strange, but we haven't talked yet. I'd seen you a lot."

"Yeah...I...I am Ava, Aaron's frie..... neighbor. My mother and Aaron's mother were childhood friends." Ava stammered and lowered her head. Rachel furrowed her brows in perplexity, but returned the smile.

"You're probably his only friend here." Ava was perplexed as she looked up at Rachel. Rachel smiled at her once more.

"My name is Rachel, and I'm Aaron's friend. We attended the same college. However, I was the only one who stayed in touch with him after he went back to New York. He once mentioned you to me, but he omitted your name. I questioned him about you when I arrived here to meet him. However, he made no mention of you." Rachel mumbled as she swept the floor. Ava chimed in.

"But the other day, when I saw you for the first time, I realized you were his only friend here, but he denied for reasons I don't know." Rachel paused and looked at Ava. Her head was bowed as she gathered the broken pieces. "I know he fought with you, and that's why he avoids you," Rachel sighed.

"Could we please change the subject?" Ava inquired quietly. Rachel gave a nod. The girls did the dishes after cleaning up the mess.

Rachel returned to the living room and noticed Aaron sleeping on the couch. She sighed and checked her watch; it was ten minutes to twelve. Rachel ran into the kitchen, her eyes wide with confusion.

"It's ten to twelve o'clock. "Hurry!" she yelled, her voice low enough that only Ava could hear her. Ava's eyes opened wide to hear her. Rachel turned off the lights in the kitchen and living room while Ava ran upstairs to call Sophia and Milo. She dimmed the lights in the living room.

"Wake up, Aaron," Rachel said. She tapped him on the shoulder. Aaron slowly stood up and looked at her.

"What?" he asked calmly, his eyes rubbing. Rachel gave him a big smile.

As Sophia and Milo joined them in the living room, Ava purchased the cake. "Happy Birthday, Aaron!" they all exclaimed. He smiled at them before turning his gaze to the cake. Rachel motioned for him to cut the cake. He smiled and blew out the candles. Everyone applauded and cheered as he blew out the candles. He brought the cake piece to his mother after cutting it.

"The first bite for my world," he said as he fed Sophia the cake. She gently stroked his cheek. He moved on to the girls after feeding his father. Ava and Rachel were standing right next to each other. Aaron gave the girls a friendly smile and extended his hand to Ava. She opened her mouth slightly to take a bite. But he moved his hand to Rachel and fed her the cake instead.

"To my best friend!" he exclaimed, pulling Rachel's cheek. Rachel clenched her brows and smiled at him.

Ava was taken aback by his action. She took a step back and turned to leave. Aaron, on the other hand, grabbed her hand and turned her. She looked at him, puzzled, as he smiled at her. He blinked his eyes as he held the cake up to her mouth. He fed the cake to her after she opened her mouth slightly. She smiled at him and said, "Happy Birthday."


"But the treat wasn't required," Aaron explained. Rachel focused her gaze on him.

"Today is your birthday... You can get a treat from me. "Am I not your friend?" She drew her arms across her chest and turned away.

He took his hand off the wheel and gently held her hand. "Of course you're a friend of mine. You are the first friend I have ever had in my life. Otherwise, I was constantly bullied by others. Or they despised me because of my father's wealth," he sighed. "I'm glad you never looked at me like that," he squeezed Rachel's hand.

"Now that we're talking about friendship, would you mind telling me about Ava?" Rachel stated firmly. "I know Ava is the girl you mentioned to me. She's the girl you're interested in." Aaron sighed loudly and concentrated on his driving.

"Don't dismiss me," Rachel pleaded. "You are free to tell me anything." She pressed her hand against him and squeezed it.

Aaron remained silent. He drove down to a lake and parked his car in the lot. "Let's get some ice cream," he cooed. Rachel glared at him before following him to the lake.

After purchasing ice cream, they sat on the ground, embracing the cold wind. Rachel looked at Aaron, who pressed his lips together and looked at her.

"Do you recall when I told you about Dad's transfer? I was furious at the time. I wasn't ready to leave London, where I had grown up. Although my school days were not pleasant because of all the bullies, the three years I spent at university were unforgettable. Thank you for being such a kind friend." Rachel curved her lips into a small smile. "I was not prepared to come here. Mom and dad had the crazy idea of returning to New York, so they were overjoyed. But I was hesitant to begin anything in an unfamiliar location. I was scared to think about how I would adjust here, how people would treat me, and how I would fulfill my dreams. Everything was driving me insane. "However, after arriving here, I realized that this place isn't so bad after all." Aaron drew his knee in closer and rested his hand on it.

"I ran into Ava on my first day here. Later that day, I discovered she is the daughter of Aunt Nicole, my mother's childhood friend. She also happens to be my next-door neighbor. She was so upbeat and easy to talk to. I unknowingly befriended her, but I was pleased." He sighed and gazed up at the sky. "She took me out to show the city, introduced me to her friends so that I would have a friend group, we spent a lot of time together. I was never that close to any of my friends, not even you. But she has something that puts me at ease. And I fell in love with her unknowingly." Aaron wiped away a tear that had fallen from his eyes.

Rachel frowned. "If you love her, what made you hate her now?"

"I don't hate her," he exclaimed. "She only loves someone else."

"Are you sure?" Rachel inquired, her brow furrowed. "Did she tell you she's in love with someone else?"

"Yes. "She introduced me to her boyfriend." Aaron grumbled.

"And you broke the friendship for that?" "How can you do that, Aaron?" Rachel screamed at him. "I understand you were hurt. But does that imply you'll end a relationship? Aaron, it's difficult to make friends! And she unquestionably adores you."

Aaron was staring at her. "She loves Nathan, not me," he screamed. Rachel stood up, shaking her head.

"What you did was wrong, Aaron. Can't you see how much you've hurt her? So what if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings? If you truly loved her, you would have been happy for her and let it go, but you are so selfish that you hurt her." Rachel yanked her hair in frustration. Aaron stood up and took her hand in his.

"How did you think I hurt her? If she doesn't love me, she won't be affected because I ended our friendship." Aaron exclaimed.

"Then listen," Rachel said sternly.
