
Chapter 5: The Front Page (Reworked)

Flying to where the explosion happened, I arrive hearing the pleading sounds of trapped people, and what I see is a Wayne Enterprise Laboratory being attacked by two people I am surprised to see in this world. The mauler twins, and it looks like they used explosives to enter the building and rob this place of its technology

Before confronting them, I tried to assess the damage the twin did, and it seems they used high-powered explosives to break into the building resulting in structural and fire damage. And it seems the fire department is not here and is still on its way here. I decided that my first plan of action was to save the endangered civilians and scientists first.

Descending the building, I use my super hearing and sight to find people who are trapped and who are hurt. Going to a section of the building where the wall collapsed on itself, walking up all I hear is cries for help, I go to lift the wall to free anyone trapped inside. Lifting the giant chunk of wall and throwing the wall aside, a bunch of scientists who were trapped inside ran out, walking inside to inspect the area, I saw a lady whose leg was under some rubble, I ran towards her to lift the Debre off her. I picked her up and carried her to one of her fellow scientists

Standing outside looking for more hurt and trapped civilians and seeing the fire burning and the fire department still not here I tried to do something I never did before, I start to charge up my fist by focusing my energy enough to blow out the wind but not destroy the whole building (Imagine one of All Mights punches from BNHA). Releasing my fist, it causes the air around me to turn into a violent wind blowing out the fire. I'm excited that I never did that before I did it again extinguishing the rest of the fire, after knocking out the fire. After dealing with the fire, I got to rescue more people who were hurt. Flying up the upper levels of the building, I move more Debre and more rubble to let more people escape.

Before heading to the mauler twins, I Hear people stuck on the roof yelling for help. I go up to go to help them, flying towards them I hear "who the hell are you" and a random scientist said. "I'm Paragon and I'm here to help you reach the ground safely," I say walking up to the group of 7 I then say "buddy up I can only carry two of you guys at a time" one by one I carry three groups of two down to the ground leaving one last person.

Flying back up to the roof to get the final person, I saw that she was on the floor, she was scared and nervous. I go to her and ask "what's wrong miss". "I almost died I'm scared for my life," she says as started walking up to her. Grabbing and picking her up in a princess-style carry I tell her "Listen they're not much I could have done before but after this, I will get justice for you and put these criminals in jail" flying down I put her down now. Looking for the mauler twins. Using my super senses, I find them still in the laboratory.

Walking down to where the lab kept their advanced technology, I find the twins ripping apart Wayne tech and stealing parts and whole devices I yell "HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, HOW DARE YOU PUT INNOCENT LIVES IN DANGER" grabbing their attention they turn around and one of the twins say "who the fuck are you" and I say "I'm Paragon and I'm the guys whose going to kick your ass" with a confident look.

But Inside I'm kind of nervous as I have never fought an enhanced person before, and this would be my first time. After my first thoughts, I asked the guys "um what are your guy's Names" they say "I'm the real mauler" after they finish their sentence, I rush at them charging my fist at one of the twins expecting to knock him back but what happened shocked me.

The guy I tried to punch caught my fist and gave me a left hook and disorientation other one grabbed my cape and flung me into the wall. Feeling pain for the first time since I got my powers, I was shocked and angry. I leaped up to rush at the twin that kicked me, reaching him I gave him a haymaker, breaking the stance he was in. Getting ready for another attack, I forgot about the other twin who tackled me to the ground.

While tackling me, we tussle on the ground throwing punches at each other. While distracted the other twin comes up to give me a barrage of kicks to me. Getting angering me, I grabbed the leg of the twin that was kicking and pulled him to slam him down hard, Seeing noticeable cracks on the ground. Still, on the ground fighting with the other twin, I elbow him breaking free of his grasp. Getting up I look at him staggering, he and the other twin grouping up together, I say to myself "this is going to be tougher than I thought".

Breathing heavily, getting ready to fight both of them once again my hand is covered in a flowy golden energy (Just Imagine a Golden Divergent fist From JJK). Seeing this I took an opportunity and threw a barrage of punches at one of the twins who was distracted. After finishing my barrage I knock him out giving him 2 black eyes and a busted lip. Without wasting any time I charge up rushing at the other twin and I kneed him in the face blasting him into the wall behind him.

Grabbing the unconscious twins, I start to walk out of the semi-destroyed room sighing, I say to myself "I got to get better at minimum destruction". Now outside I see the police and fire department are here now.

I went to who seemed to be a police captain I drop the twins in front of him and start to fly up to the sky while in midair some yell's "who are you" looking at the captain I say "I'm Paragon" after speaking I hear pictures of me being taken.

As flew through the sky I realized I left my friends at the theater, I took out my phone to call Sammy to see if they were ok and where they were at. "Well after you left us, we went to go look for you we could not find you, so we decided to go home, also where are you it sounds windy," Sammy said "after hearing the explosion I ran to where I heard the sound so I went to go help them," I said "Seem's like we got our self a hero," Sammy said I laugh to say "Yeah sure" after this conversation I hang up.

A couple of days later at home, I saw on the news they were talking about the Wayne enterprise explosion, and they brought up that Detroit has its very own superhero and his name is Paragon. Not thinking about how this would spark a new interaction with me.

-At The Watch Tower-

We see the justice league sitting at a round table. Batman is first to speak "A Wayne tech laboratory was broken into and almost robbed but it seems there is a new hero running around Detroit like it's his own playground" the flash chimes in "Come on don't be like that he stops a crime and save a lot of lives". Superman steps up he says "Bruce he saved your employees and stopped the criminals from stealing your technology he did good work". Wonder Woman questions "I wonder if he is Kryptonian like superman as they look like they have the same powers," superman says "I wonder that too". Superman chiming in again says "I'm going to head to Detroit and see Paragon"

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