
Young Justice: Ben 10

Ben Tennyson has grown a lot since he found the Omnitrix during the summer trip that started it all. Instead of being immature and cocky about everything, he's learned from his mistakes and experiences. Read as Ben takes on a more serious approach at being a hero live up to his future title as the hero of heroes. He will lead a new team and take on anyone who supports evil. Join these him and the other young heroes as the save the world deal with the world of being a teenager. (I don't anything from DC Comics or Ben 10 or Marvel.)

ace_casseus · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


1st POV

Gateway City

Walking downtown the hot streets of Gateway City we find a young black teen sweating his life away looking like he's walking home from school. 

Man today sucked, first to start the day off Ms. Johnson smith gives a pop math quiz for first period which I hopefully passed than I had to deal with eating some bad school lunch and spending a hour in those nasty school bathroom. And to top it all off the school stereotype squad of bullies tired to jump me if I didn't let them copy my homework and give them the small amount of money I have. Keyword tried, Out of that group of four I handled three of them with the last one catching me off guard and tried knocking me out until a teacher came to help.

Honestly this is not how I thought it would go getting a second chance in a new life. Yup this is my second life. I died at the age of 20 in my first one I don't remember how and I don't want to. I've been living this new life for 14 years as Ryan Aetós, a half black american and half greek citizen. Unfortunately when I first woke up in this life it was as a baby. I couldn't hear very well or see but as I grew older I realized I was in an orphanage. By the age of 5 I knew I was in one version of the dc when the news channel showed Superman carrying a plane and towing it back to the airport. Growing up I started thinking that maybe I had powers or some type of gift. I was wrong, all I could do now is train my body so I could at least have the strength to get out of danger when ever villains attack.

Anyway that's pretty much my life story, I should get back to the orphanage before soon this heat wave Gateway city has been having is killing me. Actually let me spoil my self and get some Ice cream I saved up enough to get a.... BOOM!

3rd POV

All of downtown is in pure chaos. Mythological creatures have came from the ground and started destroying the city. A minotaur slammed it's big axe on the ground sending out a shockwave. Breaking any building near. The cyclops is throwing rubble and cars at any civilian it can find. A Cerberus straight from Hell and spewed flames from its mouth at a gas station which resulted in an explosion with the blast pushing Ryan into a near by wall. Luckily aside from a bruised back he only has minor burns.

1st POV

Oh my lungs feel like there on fire and my back is killing me. What happened, I opened my eyes to see pure chaos. There's fire everywhere and a lot of people running and screaming. I hear growling and look to the left of me and there in the distance is a three headed dog with flames surrounding each head and spitting fire balls. Oh come on a freaking Cerberus, I'm still new to the DC universe. Running all I can think of is running as I'm slowly leaving the scene. Its kind of hard since my back hurts so much but I have to move I don't want to die again. As I start limping away using the crumbling building wall as a support I hear crying out of all the yelling. I ignore it and continue moving but the crying is becoming louder, It sound like a little girl maybe I should NO! Think Ryan you have no powers and this is a hero world someone will come and help I just need to focus on my own survival. The girl starts crying for her mother and than I hear foot steps slowly moving towards her. I turn around and see a Cyclops moving to her with a murderous grin on his face. I know I can't beat that thing so why should I help. The Cyclops i getting closer to her. I look at the girl and see she looks to be only 9 years old and is to scared to move. She starts calling for Superman and that monster is getting closer. AHHHH I REFUSE TO BE A COWARD AND WATCH A LITTLE KID DIE! I run, even though my back flares and my lungs burn harder I run as fast as I can to reach her. Reaching the Cyclops I slide between his legs and grab the child in my arms. I wanted to move but I can't everything hurts so all I could do is shield her eyes from what's about to happen.

Looking down at the terrified girl I tell her a nicely as I can. "Hey it's okay Superman's gunna save us any second just close your eyes I promise it will be quick." 

She still looked scared but she asked me with those big innocent eyes. "You promise Mr?" 

I pray to what ever god is listening that she doesn't suffer and this death is painless because she doesn't deserve this. I look at her one last time and nod. "I promise." 

So she listens to me and hugs me close, closing her eyes and putting her head on my chest. Keeping my back turned to the Cyclops I look at it in its eye and just glare I refuse to die looking weak. My glare seemed to make it mad as it growled and shot its fist at me. I look at the fist coming at me and Its if the world around me slowed down, the fist is moving slow at me and I hear a loud booming voice. 

"Do you want to save her!?" huh who is that am I going crazy.

"Do you wish to be her hero?" Of course I do but I'm just a normal guy what can I do my body is to broken to move.

"You have already shown your courage so now show your strength. If you want to save her, if you want to save people, shout out my name. Shout it out and claim its powers as your own. Be a hero NO a champion not just for her but to all of mankind. Shout out SHAZAM!" I hear the voice yelled out and I'm shocked I hope I'm not going crazy and this is real. Feeling the air gain a static charge and my heart pounding out my chest I look at the girl in my arms one more time and shout out!

"SHAZAM!" I yell out to the heavens. And as if they answered my call the clouds above us become dark and circle around as it summoned a gigantic gold blot of lightning aimed at me it descends at sound breaking speeds right at me. The moment it hits me the world goes white.

I open my eyes to find a hand sticking out to me. I grab it and the hand pulled me up. looking at the body connected to the hand I see an old man. Looking around the room I see six other people aside from the man Infront of me. Wait I know all these people from right to left are Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and Mercury they all look they same in the comics than the old man Infront of me must be.

"Hello Young one I am Shazam or well was. I know you have a lot of question but they will have to be answered at a later date we don't have much time. You see in every universe I find someone to inherit my abilities to help mankind its the same person every time BUT in this new young universe I've decided to choose someone different. You a soul from another multiverse has come here. With no powers and a battered body you still chose to save that little girl when you could have run. I along with the people behind me have chosen you to inherit our power and become our champion of mankind." The wizard told me. 

I'm shocked he chose me and not Billy. "But I was going to run and let her die. I'm not worthy." I said. I honestly don't think I am/

"But did you Ryan? At the end you came for her and with knowing it was certain death you showed your courage and looked that monster in its eye shielding that child from it." Achilles told me.

"You had the strength to move your battered body in imminent danger why?" The god of strength asked.

"I don't know a lot of thoughts were going thorough my head and before I knew it I was holding her in my arms." I truthfully told him.

He laughed. "HAHA YES your body moved before you had a chance to think you have more strength than you realize young one!" 

"You'll have to work on your stamina young hero there's much work to be done." Atlas the tallest one spoke.

"Young champion you have already proven your self worthy to have my power. May you become one of if not the greatest hero known to man." Zeus voiced boomed and for some reason I heard a little pride in his tone.

"Your speed could use some work there hero but I'll help you out." Mercury joked.

"And may you have wisdom to learn and beat every foe you shall face." Solomon calmly spoke.

Hearing all of their words I feel happy that I can save people that I will have the power to save people and protect my self in this universe. "Wait before you grant me powers can you change them a little. I wont be bold enough to assume you can't read my thought's and know my origin so ill just ask that can you make so where my powers are always active." I pleaded.

They all look at each other than at the wizard before nodding. The wizard than spoke. "Granted your body shall be remade to perfectly hold our powers. The power will match your age as you grow. You will have the physique of a peak human and look like the same age as you are now. As you grow and reach your prime you will age extremely slow and live longer. So fret not young one you wont be losing your powers as long young never stray on your path. Now go on young no, go on champion and be a hero."

"Will saying Shazam do anything than if always have its power?" I asked confused.

"The power behind that word is all based on intent do not fear an enemy saying it as only you power it. Why not test it out now!" The wizard said.

(Just to clarify what this means. Essentially Ryan will be like superman always having his powers and just needing to control the output to not kill someone or kill them. He wont be as strong as he will be as an adult but will get there. And the word Shazam will not activate a transformation but summon a powerful bolt of lightning to his enemies. The word Shazam now works on intent so if he's talking to somebody and says his name nothing will happen but if he want to injure the enemy he's fighting than the word will summon lightning.)

Taking a breath I look at the sky of the weird plane I'm in right now and shout out once again "SHAZAM!"

I feel power build within me as I feel my muscles grow and get a little taller. My clothes changed to a red skin suit with gold bracers, boots and belt. On my chest lays a yellow lightning bolt and my back carriers a white hooded cape. 

(Now has Superboy height and build) 

(Hero suit image here)

With my hood on I stare into the Cyclops eye's. My eye's glow yellow with small sparks of electricity flowing out them. Lightning wraps around my fist as I clench and punch the Cyclops in its face. The monster is burnt to ashes and the wind blowing it away. Wow that was awesome! I look down at the girl still clutching me chest. Wait how am I not crushing her I don't know how to control my strength yet, oh wisdom of Solomon I already know how to do that. Cool.

The little girl no longer hearing the growling looks at up to see me. She gains a confused look on her face but than smiles. "Are you Superman Mr.!" She said excitedly waving her arms around.

Giving her a big toothy grin back. "No I'm new you can call me Shazam." I pat her head.

She tilts her head and ask. "That sounds like a magic word?"

"You bet now why don't we find your mommy so I can beat up the other bad guys." I tell her about to go searching when I hear a woman yell out.

"Oh my god! ANNA! Your alright thank you sir you saved my daughter." The woman gratefully said as I give Anna to her.

"Your welcome now get out of here so I can get rid of the rest of them alright." I told her turning around about to take off.

"Yeah go get them Shazam!" Anna said.

"You bet Anna." I said and flew off at fast speeds. 

Flying fast at the Minotaur I catch it off guard  punching it in the gut. it skids back a bit before roaring at charging at me. Huh guess I didn't use enough strength in that punch. I will this time. I dodge a overhead slash and grab it by the horns, sending it flying high in the sky before shooting it with yellow lightning destroying it. Turning around I see the Cerberus aiming a fire ball at a fallen man before I could move to him a blur appeared blocking the blast with a shield leaving smoke following. As the smoke cleared up I saw her in all her glory the one and only Wonder Woman. She than put the shield away and dashed close enough to cut all three heads off with one swing. After killing it she helps the man get to safety and walks to me.

"You must always be aware of your surroundings even if your opponent is down. Who are you young man." Wonder Woman questions eyebrow raised.

"I--I'm Shazam." I stutter out feeling like an idiot. 

She chuckles a bit a pats my shoulder. "I see well Shazam I killed the other monsters across the city and that was the last one. Help me find any injured civilian's and take them to emergency services than we can talk after." She ordered.

"Of course I'd love to help." I told her. 

After about an hour I met up with Wonder Woman again and asked for my story since she can sense a small amount of Zeus power within me. So I told her my life story leaving out the second life part and she seemed shocked but happy a helped a little girl.

"You have shown much courage Ryan how would you like me to mentor you and develop up your skills more." She asked me.

I smiled. "That would be amazing!"