
Young Justice: Rebirth of Alex Frost

----- Disclaimer: I own nothing other than my ideas. ----- My First Story

Koosa · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Shopping and Saving

After his preparation, Alex entered the living room where he found his grandmother and sister engrossed in a conversation. They looked up as he approached, a smile lighting up their faces.

"Good morning, Grandma. Good morning, Sis," Alex greeted them warmly.

"Good morning, Alex," his grandmother replied, her eyes filled with affection. "Did you sleep well?"

Alex nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I did. Just had a bit of a headache when I woke up, but it's subsiding now."

His sister, who had been listening attentively, spoke up. "Are you feeling better now, Alex?"

Alex nodded again, grateful for their concern. "Yeah, the headache is fading away. I just need some fresh air to clear my head."

His grandmother reached out and gently squeezed his hand. "Take care of yourself, my dear. Don't push yourself too hard."

"I will, Grandma," Alex reassured her, appreciating her loving concern. "I'm going out to the mall to pick up a few things I need. Is there anything I can get for you while I'm there?"

His sister chimed in, her eyes brightening. "Oh, could you please get me that new book I've been wanting? I'll give you the details."

Alex nodded with a smile. "Of course, Sis. Just write down the title and author, and I'll make sure to find it."

His sister quickly grabbed a notepad and pen, scribbling down the information. "Thank you, Alex."

Alex's grandmother chuckled softly. "Take your time, dear. We'll be fine here. Just make sure to stay safe. Just Try to reach home as early as possible."

"I will, Grandma," Alex assured her. "I'll be back soon."

After bidding them farewell, Alex left the house, ready to embark on his shopping trip. As he walked down the familiar streets, his thoughts raced with plans.


[Gotham City, July 23rd, 04:30 PM]

With a clear plan in mind, Alex was determined to make the most of his day and accomplish the important tasks ahead. He knew that obtaining the necessary equipment and updating his wardrobe were crucial steps towards navigating this new world effectively. Setting off on his mission, he made his way to the mall, ready to check off each item on his list.

Alex stepped into the bustling mall, his eyes scanning the various stores and shoppers. He knew he had a list of items to purchase, but he also looked forward to exploring the different shops and discovering new things.

As he walked through the mall, Alex couldn't help but notice the array of clothing stores around him. He made a mental note to check them out after he had completed his other essential purchases. He headed straight to the electronics section, eager to find the items he needed.

He made his way to the electronics section, knowing that he needed to upgrade his gadgets for his journey ahead. As he entered a technology store, he was greeted by a knowledgeable salesperson.

"Welcome! How can I assist you today?" the salesperson asked.

"I'm looking for a new smartphone, a Bluetooth headset, and a laptop," Alex replied.

The salesperson nodded and began showing him different models and options. Alex's attention was immediately drawn to the sleek and advanced devices manufactured by Wayne Enterprises.

"These devices are top-of-the-line and offer the latest technology," the salesperson explained. "They are known for their exceptional performance and security features."

Alex examined the smartphones, impressed by their cutting-edge design and functionality. He selected one that suited his needs, knowing that he could rely on the reliability and durability associated with Wayne Enterprises.

He then turned his attention to the Bluetooth headsets. After testing a few models, he found one that provided excellent sound quality and comfort, perfect for his communication. Lastly, he explored the laptops on display.

"I couldn't help but notice that many of the electronics items here are associated with Wayne Enterprises. They truly have an impressive range of products." Alex inquired.

The cashier nodded, a knowing smile on their face. "Yes, Wayne Enterprises is known for its innovation and commitment to excellence. Their influence spans various industries, and they continue to set the bar high."

After carefully considering his choices, Alex completed the purchase smartphone, Bluetooth headset, and laptop.

With his electronics secured, Alex moved on to the clothing stores, eager to update his wardrobe. He wandered into a stylish boutique, browsing through the racks of dark-colored attire that resonated with his personal style. He selected a few T-shirts, shirts, pants, tracks, hoodies and black trench coats.

With his shopping almost complete, Alex remembered his sister's request for a specific book. He made his way to a bookstore within the mall, scanning the shelves for the title she had mentioned. After a brief search, he found it, carefully selecting a pristine copy. With the book now safely in his bag, he bid farewell to the cashier and headed towards the mall's exit.


[Gotham City, July 23rd, 07:30 PM]

With a contented smile, Alex left the mall, carrying the shopping bags and ready to head back home. It was already 7:30 PM in the evening, so he decided to walk his way back. Along the way, his thoughts drifted to the memories he had gained from his new soul, and two things stood out like a sore thumb: his school life and his relationship with his sister. Unfortunately, his school life had been difficult and unsatisfying, and the aftermath of his mother's death had strained his relationship with his sister, creating an awkward atmosphere between them.

The memories of his school life left a bitter taste in his mouth. The memories of being mildly bullied in his previous life haunted him, casting a shadow over the upcoming school year. The insults about being an orphan and the loss of his money still stung, reminding him of his powerlessness in those situations. He had never taken the bullying seriously, choosing to let it be and endure it silently.

Contemplating the challenges that awaited him in school, Alex felt as if a headache was coming. But he couldn't continue to let this continue. He wasn't the same timid kid anymore. In his previous life, he had experienced the harsh social realities as he was an orphan. Now, he knew he had the ability to tackle any obstacle. Easy solution: Put them in place. Now, he at least had a solution for the school problem.

On the other hand, when it came to the situation with his sister, Alex realized that he didn't have an immediate solution. All he could do was apologize to her sincerely for his past behavior and actions.

Recognizing that he had been unkind and hurtful, Alex understood the importance of taking responsibility for his actions. He knew that a genuine apology was the first step towards repairing their damaged relationship. He realized that simply saying sorry wouldn't magically solve everything, but he hoped that it would create an opportunity for open communication and pave the way for reconciliation.

His thoughts were broken when he passed by an alleyway, when he suddenly heard a scream. Without a moment's hesitation, his instincts kicked in and he swiftly ran towards the source of the distress.

Remembering his newly purchased hoodie, he quickly pulled it over his head, covering his face to conceal his identity. The dark-colored clothing he had chosen proved to be advantageous in this situation, as it helped him blend into the shadows and maintain a degree of anonymity.

Arriving at the scene, Alex's eyes widened as he witnessed a group of thugs threatening an innocent girl. Activating his stealth ability, he stealthily approached the criminals, dispatching two of them swiftly and silently. However, he knew he couldn't afford to be reckless with the cramped space limiting his movements.

Realizing the girl's inability to flee due to a sprained leg, Alex urgently urged her to make her way towards the safety of the road. With a glance of reassurance, he turned his attention back to the remaining thugs. Unleashing a relentless flurry of strikes, he skillfully incapacitated them one by one, leaving them helpless and defeated.

With the immediate danger subdued, Alex swiftly scooped the injured girl into a princess carry, cradling her in his arms. Determined to get her the help she needed, he sprinted towards the nearest bus stop. Breathless but focused, he asked her for the location of her residence, and amidst her tears and cries, she managed to convey that it was near Park Row.

Spotting a taxi nearby, Alex quickly approached it, gently placing the girl in the back seat. Without hesitation, he handed the driver a generous sum of money, instructing him to take them to the Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic. The driver, sensing the urgency and the distress of the girl, complied without question, swiftly maneuvering through the streets.

Throughout the journey, the girl clung onto Alex, her sobs mingling with his racing heartbeat. He comforted her with soothing words, assuring her that she was safe now and help was on the way.


[10mins later]

Inside the Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic, Alex gently carried the girl through the doors, his eyes scanning the surroundings for medical staff. Spotting a nurse, he quickly approached her, explaining the girl's situation and urging her to provide immediate care.

As the girl settled into a waiting area, her breathing slowly returning to normal, she looked up at Alex with tear-filled eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "You saved me back there. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come."

Alex smiled warmly at her, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and concern. "I couldn't just stand by and watch someone in danger," he replied. "Especially someone as beautiful as you."

Blushing at his compliment, the girl averted her gaze, a shy smile gracing her lips. Before she could respond, however, Alex activated his stealth ability, causing himself to fade into the shadows and vanish from her sight.

Startled, the girl blinked in surprise, her eyes scanning the area where Alex had just stood. "Wait, where did he go?" she murmured to herself, a sense of mystery lingering in the air.

Unbeknownst to her, Alex had chosen to disappear, not out of indifference, but to maintain his anonymity.

As he walked away from the clinic, Alex couldn't help but wonder about the girl he had rescued. He hoped that she would recover swiftly and find the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And perhaps, in time, their paths would cross again.

While walking home, Alex took a quick glance at his watch and discovered that it was already 9:00 PM. Instantly, a wave of panic washed over him as he realized the potential consequences of his lateness.

"Oh shit! I'm Screwed!"

With a sense of urgency, Alex broke into a run, pushing himself to reach home as quickly as possible. While running he activated stealth and vanished form others sight. The familiar streets blurred past him as he focused on covering the distance in record time. Every step fueled by a mix of anxiety and determination, he navigated the path with haste.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Alex arrived at his house, panting and slightly out of breath. The sprint had taken him approximately 20 minutes, during which he had given his all to make it home as swiftly as he could. As he caught his breath, he prepared himself mentally for whatever repercussions awaited him for being late.


As Alex approached his house, he reached into his inventory and retrieved the bags he had been carrying from his shopping trip. With the bags in hand, he entered his house. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped inside.

His family was waiting for him in the living room, their faces etched with concern and relief upon seeing him. His sister, Missy, rushed forward, her eyes filled with worry. "Alex, where have you been?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and annoyance. "We've been so worried about you!"

Alex's gaze shifted, guilt gnawing at his insides. "I'm sorry" he replied, his voice tinged with regret. "I lost track of time while I was shopping. I didn't realize how late it had gotten."

His mother, her brow furrowed with concern, approached him slowly. "Alex, we were worried sick," she said, her voice soft yet stern. "You should have at least called to let us know you were okay. Young man, such behavior is unacceptable," she reprimanded firmly. "As a consequence of your actions, you will be grounded for a week."

Alex recognized his mistake and understood the gravity of his actions. He refrained from arguing and instead nodded in acknowledgment, accepting the punishment that was being handed down. "I understand, Grandma. I'm truly sorry," he responded, his voice reflecting genuine remorse.

Deep down, he knew that his grandmother's discipline was rooted in love and concern for his well-being. He respected her authority and recognized the importance of learning from his mistakes. With a sense of humility, Alex resolved to make amends and demonstrate through his actions that he had truly learned his lesson.

After handing over the book his sister had requested before he went shopping, Alex retreated to his room. He closed the door behind him, seeking solace and a moment to reflect on the events and actions that had happened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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rf102, ChiefBoots, envey_007, DaoistgCypHq, B0BO_KABA, CR7_Gamer, Novel_Lover35, dario_edgardo_7929, K391, DaoistF0koDD, Emmanuel_Mbi, Myisnumb, jon_dumey, loago_kenosi, Axus45_Bre, DemonKing09, Numeral_Leech6, DIMIE_21, Ruivo_1993, _wise, Spencer_Music, carlwash_1, Ashoka, TigerTail.

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