A young man loses his mother and father, he is left alone in this cruel real world. As an angel with white wings who saves him in his most depressing moment, his aunt Debbie invites him to live in her house with his daughter named Jenny. As he falls asleep that night, something happens that will change his life forever... ... I invite you all to download this game and support the author.
*Snarl* *Snarl*
My face turned red. I can't believe my stomach betrayed me right now when I looked so cool and confident.
"Hahaha, boy, I really like you. Come in here and let's enjoy some good Italian-style food."
Tony started laughing and speaking with an Italian accent. The man changed from being scary to a nice guy.
"I'm sorry but I can not"
I don't want to take advantage of those who could be my new bosses and leave a bad impression.
But my rejection didn't seem to work because Tony walked in front of me, stretched his muscular arm around my shoulder and practically dragged me towards one of the empty tables. Tony has a lot of strength, not just fat.
"Buon appetite~"
Maria put down three plates of spaghetti with sauce and meatballs, she has a beautiful smile on her face as she sits next to me, between me and Tony.
"Hehe, come on Fabri, don't be shy and eat, there is more food if you want to repeat. Tony and I eat a lot after all"
Maria gave me another smile, but she's, instead of being amused, like when she laughed at Tony because of my growling stomach, this time, her smile was kind. Although the two do not look alike physically, Maria's angelic smile reminded me of Debbie, I miss Debbie for some reason.
I couldn't deny the kindness they both showed me, plus I was really hungry because I didn't eat anything at Diane's house, apart from Diane herself, but that didn't fill my stomach, it just made me hungrier. Plus I told Debbie that she wouldn't be home for dinner, so she won't have any food left over for me.
"Thank you for preparing the food honey. Dio benedica il nostro cibo…"
Tony thanked Maria for the food he had prepared with a smile and then joined his hands to bless the food. Or at least I think so because I don't know how to speak Italian.
I only know the basics of Spanish, although I would like to know French so I don't have to study for Miss Missette's difficult classes.
But if I can speak Italian, then I can have more pleasant conversations with Maria...and maybe Tony. It's not that I have something against Tony but it's nicer to talk to an attractive woman instead of a man right?
"Dio benedica il nostro cibo…"
Maria, with her pleasant voice, began to pray. She had both hands pressing against her big tits, making them stand out more. That's why I will try harder to learn Italian...to have a broader and rounder knowledge base.
"Thanks for the food…"
Stop looking at Maria or Tony might gouge my eye out now, that mass of muscle and fat is intimidating. I began to give thanks for the food with my eyes closed.
"This is delicious Maria, if they eat this in Italy, I want to live there"
When I tried Maria's food, I couldn't help but congratulate her. This food was the most delicious I've ever tasted. I don't want to be rude to Debbie, her food is very delicious, but Maria's is on another level. I think it has to do with her work and experiences and not so much with the skill or love in each meal they prepare.
But I love Debbie's food and that will never change!
"Hehe, thanks Fabri. You're quite a fascino~"
Maria covers her mouth and laughs sensually, at least from my point of view. He liked my birthday and that's the important thing.
"Only my wife's food tastes like this. If you want to live eating this you'll have to get a Maria haha"
Tony laughed as his fat belly quivered. Maria looks at him with concern, it seems that I'm not the only one who thinks that Tony is too obese.
* * * * *
During the course of the meal we got to know each other better. As they say, chatting over a good meal makes the conversation more enjoyable.
We got to know each other better, or at least I got to know them better.
Tony... how to put it, he's not what he thought. Although he is intimidating with his burly body, gruff voice and aggressive gaze. Actually he is an honest and funny man. He told me some jokes about things that happened to him in Italy and he said some things in Italian, Maria blushed although I didn't understand what he said, it must have been a dirty joke.
And Maria… Maria is the perfect combination between an Angel and a Succubus. She was very friendly, with a smile she would serve me food or answer questions. Other times she slapped my hand with a hard look for not using a napkin. Although she didn't do it intentionally, Maria sensually bit her lip or touched her boobs to let them breathe a little air.
Not only that, during our conversations I also managed to understand that she is not only beautiful but also intelligent.
"...Si', allora facciamolo"
Maria and Tony were arguing for 5 minutes in Italian, it seems that now they are done talking.
"Sorry about earlier Fabri, but we're done talking now. The pay will be $50 for each pizza you successfully deliver.
Sometimes we will have many clients and other days there will be few, that is why the salary is based on quantity.
Working hours will be, as in the brochure, from 17:30 PM to 19:30 PM.
And the weekends will vary, sometimes we won't open and other times we will.
So, boy, do you want to work for us? You will not have a contract but you will be paid daily"
Tony turned around and looked at me with a serious face as he explained.
"Accepted, I would be delighted to work with you"
As soon as Tony finished talking, I agreed to work for them. The terms were more than I expected since I can earn more if I am fast, plus there are nice bosses and an attractive woman, Maria. Should something else be considered? Not for me.
"Haha, I knew you'd agree, boy. That's why I like you, you're determined. It'll be fun having you here"
Tony gave me a big hug and squeezed me into his thick arms. The smell of perspiration was disgusting and he felt like throwing up.
I pushed Tony hard and managed to break free from the embrace of death.
But my 'suffering' didn't end there, I couldn't breathe air, they hugged me again. Maria squeezed me between her huge, warm, soft tits. The smell of perspiration was 'deadly', she could die from this delicious smell. She smelled like a bouquet of freshly cut flowers, but many more.
"Welcome Fabricio, I hope we get along, my 'employee' hehe"
Maria hugged me for 3 seconds and left me. Though disappointed, I listened to her words carefully and saw her mischievously smile. I swallowed hard because she looked sexy, although in reality, with how little I knew her joy, I can tell that she is just happy to have an employee and not have to work so busy.
"Here you go, boy. Use this to buy a bicycle at the supermarket and deliver our orders"
Tony handed me $200, when they asked me over dinner I honestly told them I don't have a bike.
"Tony...I can't accept this, we barely know each other. Also, if necessary, I'll borrow a bike"
I push the money, I don't want to accept your money, we haven't even met before today.
"Fabricio, just accept. In the short time we've talked, we've gotten to know you even a little bit and we trust our judgment. This will be a small token of our trust in you. And I want you to come tomorrow on your new bike, right?" would you do that for me?"
Seeing that Tony failed, Maria stepped forward to convince me. I wanted to reject her too, but watching as she bites her lower lip sensually, I couldn't refuse. How can I refuse a simple request from a beautiful woman?
"Okay, Maria. Tomorrow I'll bring the new bike"
I grabbed the money from Maria's hands with a faint smile and a grateful look, then put it in my pocket, which was actually transported to my [Inventory]. The words and actions of both really moved me, this good deed I will return with interest.
"Great! See you tomorrow"
Maria said goodbye to me with a smile as I got into Tony's car. The last thing I saw of her is the sexy curve of her fat butt in the shape of a heart. It seems that she has to do something before closing the pizzeria.
Tony offered to drive me home and I couldn't turn down her kindness anymore, so he came with me.
Tony's car is a blue Subaru Outback.