
Young hearts

Julie Thompson just moved into the suburban town to live with her aunt's family and hopes to not have or make any friends at all because she disliked people but maybe liking just one won't hurt. She falls for Jason, her cousin brother's best friend, without even knowing. Follow Julie through her first attempt at love. ... I watched him as he stood there, leaning on the bridge's railing and eating ice cream. The breeze wasn't disturbing his hair today because he had parked it all backwards, he looked cute, I smiled drawing in some breath, satisfied with how today was going. "What?" I heard him ask taking me off my thoughts. "Huh?" "You were smiling." "Oh. I was...." "Can I kiss you?" He asked looking at my lips. "Here?" I asked now, my heart beating hard again my chest, our first kiss could happen now. "Yeah?" He nodded, I could see his Adam's apple go up and down as he swallowed, I bit my lips, nervously. I smiled approvingly, almost getting up from the bench where I sat. "No sit." He said coming closer to sit next to me. The bench was quiet small so we were so close to each other. He leaned in and I could smell him more the closer he got to my face. His lips were now inches away from mine and the moment they touched I closed my eyes, I didn't know why but I did. He didn't put his tongue in my mouth, it was as simple as it could get, just a warm kiss and I as glad he didn't. When he lips left mine, I opened my eyes licking my lips. He was smiling, I hadn't yet told him how much I loved his smile. "You lied." I told him. "About what?" He stopped smiling. "You said you were a bad kisser." He laughed now with his teeth showing, those beautiful set. Read more... #genka3na

genika3na2 · Sports, voyage et activités
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69 Chs


I ran upstairs to my room, closed the door and went straight to the window, there was no light in his room, I knew that because even though his window was shut, the curtain was hung up.

I sighed. Did he go somewhere else? I thought he would be going to his house after leaving. Maybe he was at his house but not just in his room. I waited for some time, he still didn't come. I decided to go to bed, my excitement had died off waiting for him to appear.


I woke up early this time, I didn't want the whole drama of yesterday to repeat itself. I took a shower, and took my time to pick out an outfit for school. Finally, I took out a ripped jeans and a matching jacket, I planned to just wear a singlet inside of the jacket.

I looked good as always when I looked at myself in the mirror but I didn't like the way my hair was, so I got a hairband and made my hair into a ponytail. Checking Uche's window, it was still shut, the curtains too.

I went to Nick's door and knocked, I wanted to walk with him and Uche and I couldn't wait. He wasn't coming after I had knocked, so I knocked again and again.

"I'm out already, chill." He came out.

"I don't want to have everyone's eyes on me before I take a seat today." I said even though I knew my real reason but still, I didn't really want that to happen.

"Is my mum awake yet?" He asked going back to get his school bag from his room. He didn't even make his bed.

"I don't think so."

"Thank God. Come on, let's go." He closed his door. "Mum, we are leaving." He announced in a low voice, going down the stairs.

"I'm not sure she heard you."

"I don't want her to, she knows I always tell her when I'm leaving, so she doesn't have to hear me."


"Toast?" He asked when we got to the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry." I said, knowing he was just trying to do what his mum wanted; take care of me.

"Okay." I saw him still put some bread slices in the toaster.

"I said I wasn't hungry, Nick."

"I am."

"Urghh." I pulled out one of the dinning chairs and sat, waiting for him.

"Relax, we are not late." He joined me at the dining table with some toasted bread and started to spread butter on one. After putting another on top of the buttered bread, he took a bite. It smelt good, especially since he was sitting opposite to me.

"You sure you don't want one?" He asked before drinking the fruit juice he had poured out of the juice box. I didn't give an answer, I just reached for one of his buttered bread and took it.

When we were done, I wiped my hands with a towel, after washing and caught up with him outside.

"Are we going to Uche's?" I asked hoping I didn't sound overexcited.

"Hmmn." He nodded. "He is waiting for us, probably."


"His dad's around."


"He might have left earlier."

"Why? because of his dad."

"Yeah, let's check." We got to his porch and Nick rang the bell. It wasn't answered till he rang it the third time.

"Who is it?" I heard a masculine voice from inside, it had to be Uche's dad.

"Good morning sir." Nick greeted once the door opened.

"Good morning." I followed.

"Uche?" He asked if we were here for his son for Uche, standing at the door in a bedrobe. It was easy to tell that he was Uche's dad, because the only difference I could denote was the hair and the voice and that he was a man and Uche was just a teenage boy.

"Yes sir, is he still here."

"Yes, for some reason." He nodded." How's your mother."

"Good sir." Nick was very serious the way he added a sir to his every reply. He just nodded again to Nick's reply.

"Uchenna!" I heard him call out, was he calling Uche?

"Dad!" Yes he was because Uche just answered his call.

"Your friends are here." He looked at me trying to figure out if he knew me."What are you still doing up there?!"

"I'll be there in a minute!" Uche said again.

His dad just walked back inside, leaving the door open. I wanted to go in but I didn't because Nick didn't look like he planned on going in. He just stood there, using his phone, I think he was texting someone.

"Alright, let's go." Uche came down saying.

"I was surprised you were still home." Nick said to Uche as we were now walking to school. Uche didn't say anything, I think he was in a bad mood.

"So Uche's from Uchenna?" I asked even though it was something pretty easy to figure out, I just wanted to talk with him.

He gave me a kind of look, while walking, like he didn't seem like he wanted to reply me but then he smiled lightly.

"Yeah, it is." He nodded.

"So why don't you just go with your full name, it's cooler shortened right?" I saw Nick take out his earpiece and plug them to both ears.

"Why don't you just go with your full name, it's cooler as Julie right?" He repeated my question.

I laughed.

"No. I'm actually going with my full name you see."



"Julie is your full name?" He asked seeming to find it untrue.

"Yes." I found myself giggling at how surprised he looked.

"No way." He shook his head, rearranging the way he carried his bag on his right shoulder only.

"I'm serious." He still wasn't believing me. "Okay, why would I say it, if it weren't true."

"I don't know? So your parents just named you Julie, not Juliana, not Juliet or something like that?"

"No, It was just my mum actually, she named me Julie, said she liked the name."

"Can you guys walk faster?" We both heard Nick say from where he stood a little far from us, he had been walking ahead of us.

We walked up to him and it was silent again while we walked. I hated it; the wordless moment right now.


Heyy, it's your author geni. Please note that everything written here is nothing but fiction.

Please vote as you read, and comment also. I am very open to constructive criticism.❤️✨