
You Stole My Heart, And I Stole Yours

******* Updates will be when I have time, may become more often once summer hits and I'm off of school ******* Jameson Cooperation: A international car company. (Brianna's sister is the heiress of the company)  B. J Empire: A national insurance company, soon to be international. (Brianna is the CEO of the company)  Harrison Cooperation: a shopping mall international company. (Silvia is the heiress of the company)  Jay's Empire: a billion dollar international company for shopping malls and hotels. (Jason is the CEO of the company)  Brianna Jameson, a CEO of a new company. She is from a wealthy family and was the heiress. She didn't want to rely on her family, she always wanted to be independent. She gave up her spot to her younger, less mature twin sister and left to go start up her own company called B. J Empire.  Jason Jay, a CEO of an international company (Jay's Empire). The exact opposite of Jenna. He is chill and relaxed and a total playboy. But he has yet to find his first genuine lover.  **Volume One: Brianna and Jason ** Learn about Brianna and Jason, including how they first met, what they do for a living, and meet Jason's family. Go with Brianna and Silvia as live and move in Los Angeles to expand Brianna's company into something bigger.  **Volume Two: First Everything** There is always a first to everything in life. Travel with Brianna and Jason as they experience the first part of their relationship and having some jealous girl, following the couple and waiting for the right time to expose them to the public eye. It is unbelievable who the culprit is.  **Volume Three: Playing Detective** Follow Brianna and Jason as they dig deeper into the case. Help them find clues to help lead the couple to the culprit, the mastermind behind the little scheme. Will the two find all they need to prove Brianna's assumptions and will they bring the culprit to an end, or will the culprit live another day in the open.  *************  “Bri baby, what are you doing- aaachooo - this early?” Silvia asked with a sneeze, interrupting her in the middle and a few sniffles in between. “I’m pretty sure Jason has plans to kill me after what I did to him yesterday. I want to be wide awake for when he does so I can hopefully get it on camera and post it on social media.” “If he is going to kill you, then how can you post it.” “Well, that is going to be your job. I am going to send you where the phone is so you can post it for me.” Brianna said matter-of-factly. She turned around to look at her sick friend who was sitting in the bed, “How do I look?” She asked flashing a charming smile and dramatically flipped her hair. “If you are going to be dying… why does it matter about your appearance?” “Well, if this is going to be going on social media, then I am going to need my last impression worthwhile.” Silvia rolled her eyes, “Well, you look great Bri.” She yawned. “Now rest. Keep your phone on because when I send you the location, I am going to need you to wait for Jason and then go to the location to post the video.” Brianna explained and Silvia nodded her head. “Bye bestie.” Brianna said, turning around and walking out the door.

Miss_Pokerface · Urbain
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26 Chs

Elegant and Fancy

"So, if you don't mind me asking… Why are you up this late, did something happen?"

She shook her head. "Just a nightmare," She responded.

"Ah, alright."

"Do you want to sit down for a bit?" she offered.

He looked down at his watch looking. 4:30, half an hour before most of the people come.

He looked at her, "sure!" He took the seat across from her.


The two of them talked for around half an hour about stupid stuff.

Soon, the usual morning people started walking in, so David had to go back to his work.

They both waved each other off and Brianna left.

A few minutes later, Brianna slowly stepped in the door and quietly closed it behind her.

"Hm, and where have you been Brianna."

Brianna froze as she heard the voice. She turned around to see her friend, Silvia, standing there with her arms crossed and an unimpressed expression.

Brianna had been caught.

"Uh… Silvia!" Greeted Brianna with a big smile on her face, "I didn't expect you to wake up this early, it's only…" Brianna took her phone out of her pocket and checked the time. "5:06 Am… no, 5:07Am." She looked back up at her friend, "don't you normally wake up around 7 Am?" She asked, hoping to change the topic.

Silvia shook her head in disappointment, "where did you go Bri baby, I heard someone leave so I went to check your room and I got worried when I didn't see you in there." Silvia explained, her unimpressed expression turning into a worried one.

Brianna sighed, "sorry Silvi, I just had a bad dream and couldn't fall back asleep so I left to go to the restaurant to get a cup of coffee." Brianna said truthfully.

Silvia walked up to her friend and rested her hand on Brianna's shoulder, "are you okay, Brianna baby? What was the dream about?"

"I saw him."

"Saw who?"

"Jason Jay."

"What did he do to you?"

Brianna shrugged, "I don't know, I woke up right after I saw his face." She admitted.

Silvia rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, what's the schedule for today?" Brianna asked, walking away to her bedroom, followed by Silvia.

"First, we will go to a meeting with Mr Blacknose about the building for our company to grow here, after that we will start reinvention." Silvia looked on her phone at the schedule for today.

Brianna nodded, listening to her as she searched through her suitcase for the clothes that she would wear for the day. "When will our apartment be finished?"

"Within one week."

"Alright, you can go get ready now." Brianna said taking the clothes she chose and walked towards the washroom in her room to take a shower.


"I suggest we should spread the company farther in Japan and Korea." Suggested a man that was older than Jason.

Jason was at a board meeting. He was sitting at the head in a black leather office chair. He wasn't paying attention to the meeting, but he never does.

"Mr Jay?" A blond lady said in a professional tone. The lady looked like she was in her mid-thirties. "Are you paying attention to Mr Pike?"

"Hm?" Jason looked towards the lady, "pardon Mrs Lokey?"

She looked down, closing her eyes, and rubbed her temple before looking back up at Jason, "I asked if you were paying attention to Mr Pike?" She repeated.

"Yes," he said with an eye roll and looked towards the man that was speaking.

"Do you agree, Mr Jay?"

"Do you mind repeating yourself, Mr Pike? I don't think I clearly heard you."

If Mr Pike wasn't in a meeting, he would have been face-palmed, but he was so he continued to act professional, "of course sir, I said that we should spread our company in Japan and Korea."

"Don't we already have parts of our company there?"

"Yes, we do, sir, but we only have it in a few parts of those places unlike Canada and here in America where we have a building in each state and province.

Jason leaned back in his chair, thinking about this suggestion.

"I can't see an issue with that." He responded after a minute.

Mr Pike nodded and then took his seat.

"Is there anything else about the company that needs discussion?"

Everyone shook their heads.

He nodded, "everyone is dismissed."

One by one, the members in the room stood up and left the boardroom.

Once everyone left, he sat in his chair for a few minutes before standing and walking out of the room himself.


"Come in." A man in his forties said when Brianna knocked on a door of a very modern building.

Brianna and Silvia were in a black business suit. Brianna's hair was up in a sleek ponytail and wore nude makeup, Silvia's hair was left down as she decided not to wear makeup. These two ladies were very professional.

Brianna and Silvia opened the door and walked into an immaculate organized room, the room gave very professional vibes.

"Hello, you must be Miss Jameson and Miss Harrison." The man said and stood up from behind his desk and held out his hand.

Brianna nodded and gave the man a firm handshake, "yes." she replied.

"Take a seat." The man said, gesturing his hands towards the two black chairs in front of his desk before he sat in his chair

They both smiled and nodded before sitting in the chair.

"Now let's get started. First tell me how you two young ladies are." He looked through drawers in his desk and pulled out some paperwork.

"We are good, Mr Blacknose." Responded Brianna, "How are you?"

"I'm doing okay, thank you for asking Miss Jameson. Now about the building…"

After half an hour of talking and signing paperwork, Brianna and Silvia waked out the room with keys to a building not too far away from the one that they were currently in.

The two girls soon got to an average sized office building.

"Hm, it's a pretty good deal." Brianna commented as she studied the outside of the building, "let's check out the inside."

Silvia nodded and followed her best friend inside.

Brianna walked up to the secretary desk and ran her finger through the middle a few inches, then studied the dust on her finger. "Quite dusty."

"Mhm." Agreed Silvia as she studied the window sills.

"When are the renovators coming?"

"They should be here in half an hour at around noon." Replied Silvia, checking the time on her watch.

"Alright, let's get home and change, then come back." Brianna instructed, walking out of the building, quickly followed by Silvia.

Half an hour later, the two girls were in an Uber on their way back to the building.

Once they're got there, a team of renovators were there waiting for Brianna and Silvia.

Brianna got out of the car, wearing sweatpants and an old t-shirt, same as Silvia. With the clothes that they were wearing, they were going to help the renovators with reinventing the build.

Brianna walked up to the door and unlocked it. Opening it, Silvia followed with papers in her hands. On the papers was how Brianna wanted each floor to look.

Brianna looked towards the team as Silvia placed the papers on the dusty secretary desk. "Let's get to work!" Respond Brianna.

Brianna was excited to fix this building up. She wanted the outside of the building to be black with her logo at the top (which was a cursive B. J in bright pink). She wanted the inside to look elegant and fancy, but the top floor which she had designed and work on with Silvia because that will be their office.


"Jason, if you don't want your spot as CEO to be taken by your sister, then you need to act like you deserve that spot, and not like a child." Jason was sitting on the couch across from his mother, who was sitting in an elegant chair. His mother called Jason because she needed to talk to him about his behaviour, which she did not like what-so-ever.

Jason rolled his eyes, "Mother, you tell me that every time and you have yet to take away my position."

"Jason, me and your father are serious this time. We had enough with your games. You already have a terrible reputation, if you keep this up then you will ruin your father's and I image and this company, that took years to build up, will fall down and we all would be publicly humiliated."

"Mother, the company will not fall, I can assure you of that."

"If you keep it up, then it will."

"Whatever you say, mother."

"Jason, don't take this as a joke."

"If you are done, I will take my leave now." Jason stood up and left.

His mother looked down and sighed.


It was around 6 Pm and the renovators were finished with their work for the day. Brianna and Silvia took one last walk around and then left, locking the door behind them.

It was raining, not super hard, but not super light.

"Great, it's raining." Brianna mumbled and then looked to Silvia.

Silvia had already called the Uber so now there were standing in the rain waiting for that.

A few minutes later, a black Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ slowly came to a stop in front of the two ladies.

The back window rolled down, and inside was Jason.

"Do you guys need a ride?" He asked.

"No." Replied Brianna.

Silvia looked towards her friend, then back at Jason.

"Are you sure? It's kinda wet outside."

"We called an Uber."

"Ubers aren't always reliable."

"Just leave."

"Come on, why don't you want a ride from the one and only Jason Jay?" He asked, "It's not every day that I allow women in my cars."

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"I promise to take you directly to the hotel." He wanted to give her a ride, mainly to get closer and know her better. He found an interest in the lady, no one ever rejected him, stood up to him, or anything of the sorts.

"Are you going to keep bothering me?"

"Yes." He answered honestly.

'At least he is honest,' thought Brianna to herself as she sighed and gave in, "fine."

His face lit up as he opened the door for her.

Silvia's face also lit up, she got to ride in the one and only Jason Jay's car.

Brianna got in as Silvia followed and closed the door behind her.

The car smelt like fresh cinnamon, Brianna guessed it was probably the car freshener. The seats were black leather, and the ground was black car carpet. Inside, the car was actually pretty roomy.

Jason sat on the left while Silvia sat on the right, leaving Brianna to sit in the middle. Brianna sat closer to Silvia for the reason of simply not trusting Mr Jay.

"You know I will not touch you, you don't need to invade your friend's personal space

"Yes I do, how do I know you will not touch me? You are a player after all."

'Great, she read those articles.' He thought before speaking, "How do you know that those aren't setups to make me look bad? After all, there are a lot of companies out there who do stuff like that just to bring people down."

"From the amount of articles I read, at least half, if not all, of them you did willingly."

"You are smarter than you look." He smirked.

"Are you saying I look stupid!?" She glared.

"What!? No, no, no, I'm saying you are smart, not that you look stupid." He quickly responded. He was in fact trying to say that as a complement, but Jason is not always the smoothest with words.

She continued to glare at him as Silvia sat there watching them. This was like a live drama show right in front of her.

'If only I had popcorn and pop, then this would be like in the movie theaters…' Silvia thought.


Who's your favorite character? I like Silvia.