
You Said You Would Make a Bad Movie, But You Made JOJO?

"My name is Yoshikage Kira, I'm 33 years old, and I live in the villa district in the northeast of Morioh. I'm unmarried..." "Cut!" Pucci, who was fiddling with the camera, interrupted, "Your introduction is all wrong, Kira!" "But director, I feel like this should be a very complex character. He has a kind of madness that others don't, so I want to capture that feeling of madness..." "Stop, stop. Who's the director here, you or me?" Pucci said again. "I told you to just act like your usual self. Just perform it that way!" "But I'm not a crazy killer!" "..." ... In short, this is the story of a transmigrator who found himself in Pucci's body. He joined forces with Araki's crew and worked under Jolyne Cujoh at the SPW Foundation to make movies. === This is a translation. I don't own the novel. ===

Kurato6180 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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137 Chs

Chapter 113. World of Men

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Chapter 113. World of Men


Regret about not using the Stand template to shoot the battle between Joseph and Wamuu?

But that regret isn't really a big deal at all.

After all, only Stand users can see Stands, which is one of the fundamental rules about Stands.

Unless you're like Gyro, who, despite not having a Stand, can see Stands due to having mastered the Spin technique to an almost divine level through rigorous training and a strong mental fortitude.

For most ordinary people without Stands, a Stand is truly like an evil spirit.

In other words, the fact that Joseph used a Stand without the audience seeing or realizing it is actually the most natural thing, right?!

As for the idea that it wasn't discovered or wasn't filmed at all...

Who said they didn't film it?

In the opening theme "BLOODY STREAM," which is exclusive to "Battle Tendency," purple vines constantly appear alongside Joseph throughout the entire opening sequence.

Especially during some iconic scenes, the purple vines of [Hermit Purple] are actively using their Stand abilities to record those scenes!

So how could they say they didn't film [Hermit Purple]?

They even captured both the appearance and the abilities of the Stand in full detail!

Of course, with so many hints and the deliberately hidden method of lighting the flame, the audience is being subtly hinted that Joseph has begun to awaken his Stand.

However, after the Pillar Men are defeated, the words "effort" and "perseverance" gradually start to fade from Joseph's character, leading to the disappearance of the determination required for the Stand to manifest.

It's only many years later, at the beginning of the "Stardust Crusaders" story, that Joseph, who starts to retrain in Hamon, awakens his Stand again, summoned by his bloodline.

...This is the surprise that Pucci wanted to convey.

"But can this really work?"

Shinbo Akiyuki was unsure. "Even though it sounds like it might work..."

Shortly after Shinbo, who initially suggested this plan, edited and finalized the latest episode of "Battle Tendency," it wasn't long before the long-awaited audience—eagerly discussing the return of "Caesar A. Zeppeli" on the forums, and debating how this return might happen—finally received the latest episode.

They were ready, fully immersed with their full-dive VR headsets on, waiting.

"What... what's going on with the wind? Why is it all blowing toward Wamuu?!"

With both hands severed by Wamuu and tightly gripping his neck, Joseph struggled to breathe as he spoke shakily.

As previously mentioned, Joseph's "long-range" attack, full of the Golden Spirit, successfully hit Wamuu, creating a large hole in Wamuu's chest.

But just as Hamon warriors rarely consider using firearms, it's not because they're old-fashioned, but because bullets, which cannot retain Hamon like living creatures can, cannot truly harm vampires and Pillar Men even if they hit them.

On the contrary, such attacks might lead to situations like what happened with Santana, where he fired the bullets lodged inside him back out through his fingers, mimicking a gun.

Naturally, even though Joseph pre-coated the iron ball with lard to maintain Hamon, much like how ancient people might have coated arrows with poison to increase their lethality, in modern times, no one would think of covering bullets with poison to increase their power.

The rolling iron ball, which Joseph carefully rolled along the wall to avoid Wamuu's notice, didn't have its lard evaporated by gunpowder's heat. However, by the time it finally reached Wamuu, most of the lard had already worn off, meaning very little Hamon energy remained.

So, while Wamuu had a large hole in his chest, such a wound for a Pillar Man could easily heal as long as the residual Hamon energy was removed!

This allowed Wamuu to deliver his final, desperate attack on Joseph—

"—Final Mode! Atmospheric Rift!!"

By inhaling large amounts of air through his trachea and compressing it inside his lungs, Wamuu then released it at ultra-high pressure through a narrow, razor-sharp gap, creating an air version of a high-pressure water jet!

Anything in its path would be sliced clean through like a hot knife through butter!


"Because you're near the flames, JOJO, I can only estimate your position."

The eyes that Wamuu lost to prevent Joseph's tricks now became Joseph's savior, causing Wamuu's powerful attack to miss its target.

"But now, you can't even perform Hamon breathing! I'll find your body inch by inch and cut you to pieces!"

This was Wamuu's reason for severing his own hands and tightly gripping Joseph's neck.

Would Wamuu find Joseph first, or would his body break down from the friction and heat generated by the high-speed compression of air inside him as he unleashed his Final Mode?

This was the final showdown between Wamuu and Joseph!

It was the blackened resolve to sacrifice everything for victory that emanated from Wamuu!

It was also a replay of the battle between Caesar and Wamuu!

Show me your resolve, JOJO!!

"Although you are merely a 'reactor' who only responds to attacks when faced with them, you saw it during that chariot battle, JOJO."

Watching the scene unfold in "Battle Tendency," Mori, who hadn't followed the forum discussions about "Caesar A. Zeppeli" or shared the anticipation most fans had for a reunion between Joseph and Caesar, simply focused on the scene before him, smiling as if he recognized a fellow comrade.

"That glorious path that you should be walking down."



I'm here again to provide some information. 'Mori' is the translated name I created for the original name 'Lin Ke.' Since 'Lin' means 'forest,' I chose 'Mori.'

I'm not sure if 'Lin Ke' is a character from an anime or real life, so I made this adjustment. If you know more about it, feel free to comment.