

Chapter 3

School is the most important thing in Yannah's life. Her parents want her to be a Lawyer in the future, but deep inside, Yannah wants to be a Story maker.

Yannah is a perfect student. She cares about her Grades more than her self. The day of her Exam she got it all perfect but except 1. Her Science exam. In her Science exam, she got 99/100. She was disappointed by her own score.

When she got home she screamed and screamed and screamed."How could I be so stupid!! I made a mistake", said Yannah. The next day the exam papers should be signed by her parents so that it means that her parents saw her exam papers.

Her father said,"Wow! all perfect except for your Science exam". Her mother said,"Good job Yannah you did well. Next time I know you will perfect your exam next time!!". "We are so proud of you ", Her Parents said at the same time.

Yannah made a wide smile. But inside she was very very very disappointed. When her friends left her, her grades got better. "I think it's much better when I don't have any friends so I can keep my grades higher", she said to her self proudly.

She avoided her friends just to have perfect grades. Her friends were her classmates. Yannah's friends said,"Hey Yannah maybe you can teach us how we get all our grades perfect, we are friends right? teach us please"

Yannah ignored them and walked away. While she was walking, she laughed very hard. Yannah can't believe that after what her friends have done to her, they will just ask for her help.

(Don't let anyone distract you from your grades because at the end, you might regret it)

This reminds me of my old friends back in our old town. I'm happy that I left them. And start new friends.

Ava_Forteocreators' thoughts