
You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

In the 20th year of the imperial calendar, the traveler Qianyu unified the ninja world and became the emperor of mankind. He launched an imperial expedition to other parallel worlds through the dragon vein. As the advance army, Runtu (Obito variant), Kakadong (Kakashi variant), and Zhihuo (Uchiha Shisui variant) came to the new ninja world. They found that this world seemed to be a bit confusing? Runtu: "What? In this world, my big Uchiha is gone? Which bastard did it! I want revenge!" Kakadong: "Oh my God, my father in this world actually committed suicide?" Zhihuo: "I thought the emperor was already a tyrant, but I didn't expect Konoha F4 in another world to be even more beastly!" Sasuke: "Destroy the tyranny of the Ninja Village! The world belongs to the Empire!" Qianyu: "I, a villain and tyrant, suddenly became a savior with the support of my peers?"

Buejessi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Visitors From The Parallel World!

In the 63rd year of Konoha, the dragon veins under the Loulan ruins suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and huge light pillars shot straight into the sky, illuminating the night sky extremely brightly.

Three figures of different heights slowly walked out of the pillar of light.

One of the three, a white-haired ninja wearing a mask, looked down at the mechanical watch on his wrist.

"The Chakra threshold has changed! We really crossed the space barrier and came to another ninja world."

Although Kakadong's tone was low, there was a bit of excitement in his words. Zhihuo next to him did not reply, but a hint of gloom flashed deep in his eyes.

This gentle and kind man likes peace. Zhihuo is actually opposed to the emperor's dimensional expedition plan.

But the emperor's order is absolute in the empire, but as a Kage-level, he is not qualified to refute it, after all, his arm cannot twist the thigh.

Runtu was also very happy. The heartless Runtu did not realize what they would bring to the world, and some were happy after the success of the purple plan.

"Great! It seems we succeeded, let's go to Muye first!"

While the three of them were talking, a middle-aged man with the same white hair was approaching.

Jiraiya, who happened to be collecting news nearby, immediately realized the seriousness of the matter when he saw the beam of light dominating the sky.

"What's going on? With such energy fluctuations, could it be that there's something wrong with the seal there?"

He came in and ran while making hand seals. The hero Jiraiya was so well-known in the ninja world, so he had to disguise himself a little.

Transformation Technique activates!

Jiraiya transformed into a young man with black hair as he ran.

After approaching the incident site, I naturally felt three extremely powerful Chakra fluctuations keenly.

Such Chakra…

Jiraiya's face suddenly changed, and he even became cautious about moving forward. With such a huge Chakra, the strength of these three people is definitely higher than that of Jōnin, and may even be Kage-level experts!

After arriving at the underground ruins, Jirai quietly lurked into the underground ruins, then lay on the wall and listened to what was going on inside.

It sounded like there were three people, and they were three men...

"Try to see if you can contact the Empire."

"Contact us now? We don't know the specific situation of this world yet."

"It doesn't matter. As long as the empire knows that we have successfully traveled to the parallel universe, the empire command center will issue new instructions."

"No, what I mean is that we really want to bring war to this world? This is too unfair to this world. They have obviously done nothing!"

Another voice suddenly raised the volume and scolded: "Zhihuo! Don't be naive, Qianyu... No, the emperor has already said that if this world is correct, then what we will bring is cooperation!"

Jiraiya, who was lying on the wall and watching the movement inside, after listening to the conversation inside, three big question marks appeared in his mind.

Another world...parallel universe? And the Emperor?

As a writer of novels, even though he writes pornographic texts, Jiraiya still knows about the so-called parallel universe setting.

Visitors from parallel universes? Did it come with good intentions or bad intentions? This is not yet clear.

Listening to them, it seems like they are preparing to invade the world? If the world was right, would we choose to cooperate?

But no matter what, one thing is certain, that is, these people are definitely not innocent people.

After Kakadong scolded the Madonna's heart to stop the attack, he asked for the watches of the other two people with a black face: "Give me the watch, and I will contact the emperor!"

Runtu quickly handed the watch to Kakadong, but Zhihuo next to him hesitated a little, but finally gave the watch to Kakadong.

After Kakadong, who was holding three watches, performed some operations, the three watches instantly turned into silver fluid, then slowly merged together, and finally turned into a triangular special instrument.

The instrument flashed twice and was successfully activated, and a huge projection appeared in front of the three people.

"Kakashi? Did you succeed?"

Once on the lower floor, an extremely majestic voice sounded.

Kakadong's face darkened when he heard the name, and he corrected him seriously: "It's Kakadong, not Kakashi. I'm here to report on my work."

Upon hearing this, Qianyu nodded sheepishly. Although he had traveled to this world for decades, he was still not used to the name Kakadong.

Qianyu was not too entangled in the Kakadong joke, but sincerely praised: "You are the first team to send back the news, so your world is named World No. 1."

Kakadong said modestly: "Other teams should be preparing to inquire about the world's intelligence first and then report back. This does not mean we have gained an advantage."

"The next thing you have to do is collect materials to build the portal. You are the first to report. I also hope that World No. 1 can become the first parallel world to be conquered by the empire." Qianyu squinted his eyes after finishing speaking. He glanced at Zhihuo who didn't speak.

Among the three of them, the one he was most worried about was Zhi Huo, the Holy Mother Bitch.

Qianyu then added: "Remember! We are here to correct the wrong world, not to plunder, so you don't need to have any psychological burden."

Zhihuo stopped talking after hearing this.

Qianyu could tell at a glance what Zhihuo, the variant of Shisui, was thinking.

Qianyu reminded coldly: "Do you remember the criteria for judging whether a world is correct? Stop the fire!"

Zhihuo answered bravely: "The world of Ninja Village is a cancer! Such a world is wrong!"

"Just remember."

Qianyu nodded with satisfaction.

"If you really have trouble with your conscience, then remember this sentence! Never make mistakes out of kindness. Such things are not allowed to happen here!" After Qianyu finished speaking, he disconnected the communication.

......ps: To explain, the variant setting of the parallel universe in this book is similar to that of the American TV series Loki. Although they are the same person, their appearance and experience may be different, and they may even have different genders. , so there is no situation where the protagonist is cheated.