
You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

In the 20th year of the imperial calendar, the traveler Qianyu unified the ninja world and became the emperor of mankind. He launched an imperial expedition to other parallel worlds through the dragon vein. As the advance army, Runtu (Obito variant), Kakadong (Kakashi variant), and Zhihuo (Uchiha Shisui variant) came to the new ninja world. They found that this world seemed to be a bit confusing? Runtu: "What? In this world, my big Uchiha is gone? Which bastard did it! I want revenge!" Kakadong: "Oh my God, my father in this world actually committed suicide?" Zhihuo: "I thought the emperor was already a tyrant, but I didn't expect Konoha F4 in another world to be even more beastly!" Sasuke: "Destroy the tyranny of the Ninja Village! The world belongs to the Empire!" Qianyu: "I, a villain and tyrant, suddenly became a savior with the support of my peers?"

Buejessi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Tracked Alien Invader!

After hanging up the communication, Qianyu frowned and started thinking.

Qianyu himself didn't expect that a plan with only a five percent success rate would actually be feasible.

It has been almost 30 years since he traveled to this nonsense world. After unifying the ninja world, in order to deal with the Ōtsutsuki in the depths of the universe, Qianyu came up with another feasible plan, which is to plunder the resources of other parallel universes and then use these resources. Build yourself into a being that can rival the God of Ōtsutsuki.

For this plan, he sent a total of ten teams into the Dragon Vein, and only Ninja No. 1 got in touch.

"Go tell Orochimab and ask him to prepare to build a dimensional portal. The parallel universe has been confirmed!" Qianyu ordered to the shadow in the shadow.


After hanging up the communication, Kakadong sighed.

Knowing clearly what his companion was thinking, Kakadong patted Zhihuo on the shoulder and solemnly ordered: "Let's go, let's go to the empire to find out information first, if there is an empire in this world."

Zhihuo nodded tangledly, while Runtu next to him was eager to give it a try.

I don't know what the other ninja world will be like, I'm really looking forward to it just thinking about it!

After the three of them had gone away, Jiraiya, who was hiding in the dark, peeked out secretly.

Another ninja world...there is also the force called the Empire, and the projection called the Emperor.

Why did the emperor know the name Kakashi? And Kakadong...

These two names are too similar, right?

With countless doubts in his heart, Jiraiya followed secretly. He didn't dare to get too close. After all, they were three Kage-level experts. If they got too close, they might be discovered.

But we have to tell the old man the news here, or at least let him prepare in advance.

Jiraiya Summoning produced a toad and then stuffed the information into the toad's mouth.


After a burst of smoke, the fist-sized toad disappeared completely, and Jiraiya continued to follow.


Konoha Hokage Building.

"Lord Hokage! The toad of Mount Myōboku asks for an audience."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was at work, was slightly startled when he heard this. Mount Myōboku is considered an ally because of Jiraiya. Generally, unless there is any important information, Mount Myōboku's toads will not take the initiative to contact Konoha.

Is there any information from Jiraiya?

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly said: "Go and invite it in."

Soon a young toad was brought in. It was only as big as two adult fists. It was a young toad.

Such toads are usually used for communication. After all, this kind of toad basically has no combat effectiveness.

"Lord Hokage, this is the information that Lord Jiraiya asked me to give you." Toad handed over the Ikko Wax Pill.

After hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen took the wax pill and crushed it, then picked up the note inside and started to read it.

"Other worlds? The Empire? Three strange Kage-level experts? And the target is the Country of Fire? It might even bring war?"

Seeing such fantastic information, Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth twitched slightly and asked in disbelief: "Are you sure Jiraiya was not drunk when he wrote this information? Isn't this an idea for his novel?"

The toad below shook his head: "I don't know the content of the intelligence, but Lord Jiraiya's expression was very serious at that time, and he didn't look like he was drunk, and Lord Jiraiya should not pass false information through Mount Myōboku."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded. What the other party said did make sense. Although his apprentice was a bit abnormal at ordinary times, he was still quite reliable when it came to business matters.

But this information is so incredible that it doesn't look like it's true.

"Thanks a lot."

Not sure whether to believe this information or not, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent Toad away.

After pondering for a moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered to Anbu in the shadow: "Go and call the three advisors and tell them that I have something to discuss."


A small town on the border of the Country of Fire.

After the three of them disguised themselves, they easily sneaked into the Kingdom of Fire.

The three of them were all Kage-level experts, and their ability to collect intelligence was unquestionable. It only took about half a day for the three of them to roughly understand the situation of this incident.

In the tavern, Runtu angrily spat: "After a thousand years of melee, there have been three ninja wars in just 60 years! This is simply the greatest blasphemy against His Majesty the Emperor."

Zhihuo comforted him: "Don't say that. Our world was just like this world before. Our world has only been truly peaceful for 20 years."

"Isn't there Qianyu in this world?" Runtu asked doubtfully.

The world has not been unified, so there is only one possibility, and that is that the person who accomplished that feat did not appear.

Kakadong said expressionlessly: "It seems that this world is wrong and needs to be corrected!"

The intelligence has almost been collected. Konoha has been established for 60 years. The cancerous system of Ninja Village still exists. There is almost no need to investigate the mistakes of this world.

In the original world, rubbish systems like the Ninja Village were swept into the garbage dump for 20 years, but this backward system is still used here.

Only great unification can bring long-lasting peace! This is common knowledge that almost everyone in that world knows.

Runtu nodded in sympathy, but Zhihuo hesitated to speak.


Zhihuo's heart was full of sorrow.

"Let's act separately!" Kakadong said.

Kakadong glanced at Zhihuo thoughtfully, and continued to add: "Zhihuo, you are responsible for gathering information, and Runtu and I will collect the materials to build the portal."

Zhihuo nodded, he also wanted to understand the world better.

In this way, the three of them parted ways in the tavern. Jiraiya, who was hiding in the dark, was a little confused when he saw this, not knowing who to follow.

In the end, Jiraiya gritted his teeth and formed a Shadow Clone with his hands. After coming out, he said, "Follow those two people and be careful not to be discovered."

After Jiraiya finished his instructions, he continued to follow Zhihuo.

Judging from the intelligence collected in a short period of time, the alien visitor named Zhihuo should be the friendliest and the least firm in his stance.

Such people should be easier to get in touch with. As for the other two people, the one named Runtu doesn't look very smart, but Kakadong next to him is not simple.