
You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

In the 20th year of the imperial calendar, the traveler Qianyu unified the ninja world and became the emperor of mankind. He launched an imperial expedition to other parallel worlds through the dragon vein. As the advance army, Runtu (Obito variant), Kakadong (Kakashi variant), and Zhihuo (Uchiha Shisui variant) came to the new ninja world. They found that this world seemed to be a bit confusing? Runtu: "What? In this world, my big Uchiha is gone? Which bastard did it! I want revenge!" Kakadong: "Oh my God, my father in this world actually committed suicide?" Zhihuo: "I thought the emperor was already a tyrant, but I didn't expect Konoha F4 in another world to be even more beastly!" Sasuke: "Destroy the tyranny of the Ninja Village! The world belongs to the Empire!" Qianyu: "I, a villain and tyrant, suddenly became a savior with the support of my peers?"

Buejessi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

I Am A Bit Strange In This World!

Kakashi did not bother, but said seriously: "If you are not enemies, then I want to take my students away."

After a brief confrontation, Kakashi also realized that the strength of these two people should be about the same as his own.

When you go out to perform tasks, try not to conflict with others unless necessary. After all, the task comes first!

Runtu refused carelessly: "This is not acceptable, especially that yellow-haired brat."

Their first choice target was originally the tailed beast, but now they finally met Naruto, a little guy who was connected to the strongest tail number Nine Tails, how could they let him go so easily.


"Looks like we have to do one."

Kakashi said with a pair of dead eyes, full of disgust.

"Stop talking nonsense! Let me show you what you are capable of as a Kakadong variant!"

Runtu said something that Kakashi couldn't understand, and quickly formed a seal with his hands.

Fire Style·Haolong Fire Technique!

Runtu started with a B-level Fire Style ninjutsu, and the huge fire dragon rushed straight towards Kakashi.

When Kakashi faced the oncoming fire dragon, he formed seals with his hands very calmly.

Earth Style·Earth Style Wall!

A wall made of raw soil rises from the ground. The most eye-catching thing is that a dog-headed statue is outlined on the wall.

Kakadong, who was watching the battle from the side, twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth when he saw this scene.

What's going on with yourself in this world? Do you want to show off your exquisite Chakra control by carving a dog head on the earth wall?

"At least Jōnin-level strength!"

Kakashi sighed inwardly, and then silently pulled off the blindfold on his right eye.

"We have to fight quickly!"

Kakashi formed a seal with his hands, also revealing the Sharingan he had been hiding.



Two surprised voices sounded at the same time.

Sasuke looked at the Three Tomoe Sharingan in Kakashi's right eye in shock.

Sasuke didn't expect that he could actually see the Bloodline limits of the Uchiha family from an outsider.

Runtu also looked at the Three Tomoe Sharingan in Kakashi's right eye in disbelief.

Three Tomoe Sharingan!

Sharingans of this level can apply to join the elite army of the Imperial Army.

Of course, what Runtu is more curious about is why Kakadong in this world has a Sharingan, and it is a three-magatama.

Thinking of this, Runtu couldn't help but glance at Kakadong, who was watching the battle. There was some contrast and contempt in his eyes.

Look at you, you in another world have a Sharingan, are you being compared now?

Kakadong also looked at himself in the parallel world in front of him in confusion.

Kakadong never thought in his life that one day he would actually merge with Sharingan.

"If it's Sharingan..."

How excited is Runtu's eyes?

"Then let's have a Sharingan showdown!"

"Sharingan open!" The magatama in Runtu's eyes turned rapidly.

A magatama...

Two magatama...

Three magatama...

Mangekyō! !

Seeing the pupils in Runtu's eyes that turned into big windmills and then connected into one piece, Sasuke next to him went numb.

Turn Sharingan on and off freely, what the hell is this pure Uchiha?

Soon, Sasuke realized that he had been careless.

Special code three magatama?

wrong! This is Mangekyō! ! !

Is this guy's purity higher than mine?

Sasuke said he couldn't understand and was shocked!

Obviously I am the only one left in Uchiha, so why can I see two Sharingans today? And they are all high-grade, and there is even a pair of legendary Mangekyō among them.

Um! Uchiha Sasuke has swept his brother out of the Uchiha family tree.

"Are you Uchiha?"

Kakashi looked at Runtu who turned on Mangekyō with surprise.

"Ahahahaha! Bow down to Sharingan's power!"

"I am Uchiha, one of the five Eternals appointed by the Emperor!" Runtu laughed maniacally as he turned on Sharingan.

Kakashi curled his lips and complained silently in his heart: "But goodbye, you Uchiha are dead."

Although he was surprised to meet an Uchiha with Mangekyō here, since he was an enemy, Kakashi had no intention of holding back.

Lightning Style.Chidori!

The sound sounded like the chirping of thousands of birds, and Kakashi finally showed off his famous stunt.

"This... is the Lightning Style Chidori created by the Emperor? The technique that is said to be the most suitable for Uchiha? But why doesn't this guy use a sword?"

Although he was a little surprised that he in another world could actually use this special ninjutsu, Kakadong was still more confused about why he in another world didn't bend?

"I want to ask you something, kid. Is this guy named Kakashi's surname Hatake?"

At this moment, Kakadong seriously suspected that he might not be a son of the Hatake family in another world.

Otherwise, why don't you play Ninja Toto instead of playing with these fancy things?

Little Sakura answered cooperatively: "The teacher's full name is Hatake Kakashi!"

"It's Hatake! Then why..."

"Isn't the father in this world being cheated on?"

After thinking about this situation, Kakadong looked at Kakashi in a strange way.

"It's Raikiri, are you provoking me?"

Runtu's eyes became sharp.

Within the empire, the ninjutsu Raikiri is known as the most suitable ninjutsu for Uchiha, and almost every Uchiha Jōnin knows this jutsu.

But the embarrassing thing is that he Runtu couldn't learn this technique, but now Kakashi, his best friend's variant, can use this technique in person, and this guy is still a non-Uchiha.

What's the difference between this and a tauren face to face?

Runtu felt that his fist was hard.

"f**k! Bastard, witness the power of God!"

The frustrated Runtu raised his hand to condense the Yin attribute Chakra, and the huge Susanoo arm was raised high and then hit Kakashi hard.

The three magatama in Kakashi's right eye kept turning, and his legs ran quickly at the same time, avoiding Susanoo's arm that fell down.

Kakashi inserts Raikiri into Susanoo's arm, causing a long scratch on Susanoo's arm while constantly getting closer to Runtu's body.