

This is a REMAKE. (chapter release from monday to friday if nothing happen) Original name :I’m the wrong protagonist Original Author: HEIYE FUYIN Summary: "Welcome to multiverse MOON System!" "We are happy to inform you that you have been selected as a potential USER of our interface" "Seeing as you are a beginner you will receive a starter pack including a free 5 star guarantee gacha and a free of charge preferential treatment period to get used to our service .If you decide to join now you can additionally get a free dimensional storage space to store your items" "We also provide a special time-travel pass, allowing you to experience the feeling of being a protagonist" {Press "OK" if you accept and "NO" if you refuse} In a dark a boy sitting in front of his computer read the content of the message and pressed the “OK” button. At the same time, the boy’s consciousness paused, and a black hole appeared in front of him and completely engulfed him. After a pause a line appeared on the screen that lit the dark room {Welcome to the Multiverse [PLAYER]} this is a Fanfiction i don't own any character or data relevant to the type moon or danmachi universe those are owned by they respective Maker.

SCARLETToFBoCOTHER · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs


[But those goblin knives, you didn't send them to the guild, did you?]

Hestia spoke with a smile. In Hestia's eyes, Bell would certainly not have sold that kind of thing to the guild. After all, if you get rid of those things in a place like the guild, you may soon be known to the gods. But this kind of thing should not be in Hestia's view, and the child Bell is very cautious and careful, he will certainly will not do such a careless thing.

Hestia was right. If it where people who had some experience in the city of Orario. They will find other ways to get rid of it, especially those that will be noticed once they are exposed. The problem was that Bell had only been in Orario for two days, and he still had too little experience with some special situations.

So Bell was hit.

Listening to what God Hestia said, Bell really felt very blushing. He was really stupid and went straight to the guild with so many goblin knives. Instead of thinking about the channels of the gods through Hephaestus, he intended to dispose of them through the guild. This also left Bell speechless for a while.

Hestia laughed for a moment and then didn't hear anything from Bell, which made her laugh fade down. Then she looked at the somewhat blushing Bell with a strange look, and Hestia's face twitched. But she also had to ask.

[Bell-kun, you wouldn't send those things to the guild, would you?]

[... Well. ]

Hestia's eyes widened. She couldn't believe her ears, how could Bell, who had always been very calm, make such a low-level mistake? Didn't he know? Although the guild is an organization, the internal structure is no different from a black market of info, anyone who have some pull and wants to know something can get it out of the guild.

[Bell-kun, don't you know? Guilds is places where intelligence is sold. They don't just sell intelligence on dungeons, but also intelligence of some user of the guild. That is, information that cannot be spoken casually, generally as long as they give benefits, they will sell the information.]

[Lord God, I'm actually… it has been Only two days since coming to Orario. ]

{Ah! I forgot, Bell was just a newcomer from the country side to Orario.}

Hestia slapped herself in the face. Because Bell didn't act like a newcomer at all, she subconsciously thought of Bell as someone who should know those things. Hestia knew that it was not Bell's fault, that this kind of thing should have been reminded of by her as the God.

But things were in trouble on the guild side. God knows if someone over there in the guild already knew about it, and told the other gods about Bell. If that was the case, then Hestia felt a headache.

Looking at Hestia's troubled face, Bell was also a little embarrassed. In fact, when he was dealing with these things, he subconsciously thought of the guild, mainly for the first time to experience such a thing, forgetting that the guild is also a big problem. Miss Eina had just said the same thing to him. Thinking of Miss Eina, Bell reacted suddenly.

[Lord God, when I went to the guild just now, I also asked Miss Eina to help. Because when selling goblin knifes, some of my information was also known to Miss Eina. ]

[Eina… Eina Tulle? The ace receptionist of that guild.]

Hestia immediately had the image of Eina Tulle in her mind. She knew that the other party was a half-elf, because she had been in contact with the other party recently. That half-elf wasn't a bad guy either, and he was serious about people. But Hestia did not expect that the half-elf was Bell's receptionist.

[Does it really matter? Although I have seen the half-elf, I am not so sure whether it can help you keep secrets. Bell-kun, you'd better not believe everything on the guild side. The guild also has a lot of receptionists who sell some special news, which is one of the reasons why Ouranos told the guild receptionists not to contact the adventurers too much.]

It turns out that there are some problems with the private relationship between the receptionist and the adventurer of the guild. Hestia remembered that Hephaestus had encountered such problems at the beginning of the guild's founding, and finally purged the receptionists inside the guild. It was after that that the guild had very clear rules for receptionists.

Of course, the rules are dead, but people are alive.

Even if the receptionist cannot have a personal relationship with the adventurer, it is not said that the receptionist cannot have a personal relationship with the gods. So, there are still many receptionists who will inadvertently tell some secrets that need to be kept out. It wasn't a leak; it was just a very ordinary conversation that was accidentally overheard by the gods.

Because it is a loophole, even if it is finally investigated, the receptionist will not be punished. That is, after the first case, subsequent cases have appeared one after another. That is to say, from that time on, some of the information that wanted to be investigated would be asked by the gods when they contacted the receptionist, and after getting the information, the gods would also give the receptionist some intelligence fees.

But that's not called intelligence fees, that's ordinary work costs, not even bribes.

So, knowing the guild's operations from Hephaestus's side, Hestia treated the guild as a big info broker. Once the secret is known to the guild, then be prepared to be in danger of being exposed by the guild at any time.

Although Hestia was still worried, Bell had confidence in Miss Eina.

[Lord God, Miss Eina should have helped to conceal it. She had said those things to me before when she was in the guild, and that selling the Goblin Dagger to the guild would expose my identity. Eina also said to help conceal it. I think this time it should not be a problem, but I will need the help of Lord God in the future. [

Hestia was still a little worried about that Eina. She believed in Bell, but not in the Guild's receptionist. After all, the guild was a big info broker, so how could she believe that the receptionist over there could help Bell keep it a secret?

Hestia suppressed this fear. Even if she was a little worried about that Eina, Hestia still didn't want Bell to start worrying because of this. Afterwards she had to meet with the Eina, at least to make sure in person that Eina had taken care of Bell's affairs.