

"Hahahahaha! You're dating the driver? You're really lowering your standards, Maya!" the old man teased, then burst into laughter.

"Ugh! You," Maya growled, then pinched Ray's hand back, which looked regretful after admitting to being the lover of Mr. Winata's beautiful daughter.


"That's enough!" The older man scolded Ray with wide eyes. "Don't make me angry again. Finish this business before midnight!"

"Okay!" Maya said firmly, then reached for a piece of paper in her stepmother's right hand.

"Who is she? She seems familiar to me."

"Do you know her, Yuki?"

"Yeah, she seems like the person who lives in front of my house. She seems to be..."

"Oops!" Ray grumbled, kicking the table leg because he was still upset about what he had created himself. "Ow!" he exclaimed a moment later because the tip of his shoe kicked the metal part of the table leg.

"What's wrong with you?" Maya and Yuki looked at Ray simultaneously and then chuckled at the foolishness of the young man.

"Ah! Why are you laughing at me?!"

"Hey!" Yuki narrowed her eyes, pushing Ray's shoulder. "Why are you yelling at your young miss?"

"Hey! I forgot."

"Forgot what?" Yuki chuckled again at Ray's increasingly foolish appearance.

"Maya and I are subordinate and employer."

Maya, seeing Ray's ashamed face, gently nudged his shoulder. "Don't be shy. You've done a lot for me. So let's just be friends," Maya hooked her pinky finger, making Ray smile broadly.

"Miss, but this is audacious. If Mrs. Inaya finds out we're like this, later she..."

"Ugh, your cheeks are red!" Yuki laughed and then looked at Maya's face, which she had known as a rigid and furious woman. "You might be..."

"Yuki! I'll smack you, you know!"

"Why are you blushing like that? Don't tell me your broken heart has healed because of this handsome driver,"

"Hey!" Ray quickly covered Yuki's mouth, considering her too bold in saying what she had just heard.

Of course, Ray was nothing in Maya's life, the daughter of a wealthy family, and they had just met, so it was too early for any feelings at this time.

"Hey, I'm your friend, so I should be respected too, Ray!" Yuki exclaimed, still looking at the handsome young man with her teasing face.

"You! I'm embarrassed because of your words,"

"That's enough!" Maya stopped the teasing between Yuki and her driver. "Let's just go home now. I don't want Inaya to get angrier with me considering I have to settle all of this as soon as possible," Maya said, waving the paper in her hand.

"But how will you pay for it? Isn't your parents..."


Ray rolled his eyes, asking Yuki, whose mouth was too loose, to stop saying bad things about her friend's family.


"I know!" Maya nodded and walked to the cashier. "I'll pay for our lunch first before we go home!"

"Are you sure you have money?" Yuki asked again, and Ray's eyes rolled again.

"Ugh, why are you staring at me like that? I was going to say, if my friend doesn't have money, I'll help her pay for our lunch today,"


"You keep misunderstanding," Yuki whispered, who had already been left far behind by Maya.

The young woman's steps quickly went to the cashier, and without hesitation, she handed over her debit card to pay for her lunch.

But just as the card was swiped into the machine, suddenly.

"Blocked, Miss!"

"What?" Maya couldn't believe it. "Who blocked my debit card?"

"I don't know,"

"What?" Yuki hurried over to Maya after hearing the conversation at the cashier's.

"My card is blocked. Why?"

"Let me ask home first," Ray suggested. Then he grabbed his phone and walked away from Maya so that when bad things happened to the woman experiencing misfortune, she wouldn't know her situation immediately.

"Oh! Why is this?" Maya whispered, shaking her head.

"Do you have another card, Miss?"

"Oh, yes!" Maya remembered another ATM card she kept in her wallet, a gift from her birth mother. "Here!"

"Okay, let me try this one!"


The machine worked, and their lunch was paid for.

"Thank goodness, this one works!"

"Yes!" Yuki exclaimed, feeling relieved about what had happened.

"Yes, we can pay for lunch, but why my card was blocked is still unanswered,"

"It's because of Inaya," Ray interrupted, making Maya's face sink again.

"I already suspected that," Maya whispered, but this time, she didn't look as angry as usual.

"Mrs. Inaya is so annoying,"

"You don't need to call her 'Mrs.', she doesn't deserve to be called that! She's a devil, she's a bloodsucker. I'm more convinced now that if my family goes bankrupt, it's all because of her!!"

Hearing Maya get angry again, Yuki cheered happily.

"Why are you so happy?" Maya turned to her friend.

"I like this side of you! You're famous for being fierce and annoying, but kind-hearted!"

"Ugh!" Maya shook her head. "Why do you like that side of me?"

"You're a future leader, Maya. You have to be firm, tough, and no compromise!"

"What's 'no compromice'?"

"It means no compromise! That's you!"

"Oh dear, it's not 'no compromice', it's 'no compromise'," Maya grumbled, making Yuki laugh again.


Maya stared at her ringing phone, and Inaya's name was written boldly on it.

"Who's calling you?" Ray tried to peek at the young lady's phone screen.

"Inaya! What does this devil want to contact me for? Didn't she look for me yesterday when I didn't come home?"

"Just answer it,"

Maya nodded, hearing Ray's command, and immediately answered the phone call.

"Hello!" she said as if she wasn't afraid of whatever the increasingly evil woman would say.

["Maya, where are you?"] Inaya asked, sobbing.

"I'm with my friend. Having lunch. Why?"

["How could you?! You took your father away without saying goodbye to me! I'm still his wife. So don't be mean to me!"] Inaya added, and this time, several people beside Inaya could hear commenting on what had just happened at Mr. Winata's luxurious house.

"Ugh! I don't know anything about my father leaving. Don't accuse me without proof, Mom!"

["If it wasn't you who took him away from this house, then who was it?"]

"HOW WOULD I KNOW?!" the beautiful daughter shouted, silencing the entire room.

When Maya's shout rang in Ray's ears, the young man's eyes immediately dropped.

"You find it yourself!" Maya added to her stepmother while hanging up the phone call.

"May," Ray whispered, still looking down.

"What?! I'm still upset! Could you not make me even?