
You can't have me

She’s high and mighty, she’s classy, she’s the CEO. She thinks everyone else is worthless. She knows that she needs to find and taste love as soon as possible because her time is running out. She has just one year to live. “I married a Vampire, not that I have a choice, but that is the only way I’m going to stay alive. Now I don’t know if I’m one of them..”

AuthorBeauty · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The Invite, A Costly Mistake

Wishing the night to fast forward itself, Emily prayed silently that none of those two guys will show their face back here, or she's going to grab Leo and kiss him. The things he did to her each time he talked with her were just amazing..

She has never seen a guy with such a gentle spirit as Leo. Damn! What has she done to bad luck, that it has to chase her anywhere she happens to go?

Dipping her whole body in the bathtub, she took another shower before going to bed. Her whole body was on fire when Leo was talking with her, so dipping her body for two minutes in the bathtub was a needed therapy.

somehow, she wishes Leo will come back, but she knows that will never happen as she was sure she tell him off for good.

Leo could not stop thinking about Emily, what has happened to her?, is Alex with her? Is she standing on the widow again? He's sure Emily is a very stubborn girl, but he likes her that way.


Zara was sure Leo was thinking about that girl again. She can't imagine getting married to someone who doesn't love her..

She got up from the bed and walked toward Leo, who was standing, facing outside the window.. It was very dark outside and all Leo could think of was Emily; he wishes to see her in one piece by tomorrow morning; he prayed that she will not stubbornly step outside the hotel this night.. He knows that she won't be alive if she does.

"Thinking about her huh?" Zara place her hand on Leo's shoulder interrupting his thoughts and he turned to face her..

"This is not working. We don't have to get engaged tomorrow," Leo told her.

"I know, but it has to be done. Our two families have waited so long for this day, you can't turn your back on them now." Zara said, looking into Leo's eyes.

"What about you, do you love me?" Leo ask Zara, but she just walked away from him and sat back down on the bed..

"Look, they made us share one room thinking it will make us feel something for each other but nothing," Leo almost yelled at Zara.

Waking up next to someone he doesn't love is a major problem for Leo. He told himself long ago that he's going to marry for love, but guess what? Reality is different.. It seems his going to be the sacrificial lamb of the family.

"Is tradition, son, getting married to a Royal Family, keeping the family legacy is very important," His mother's voice keep ringing in his head.

Of course, Leo would do anything for his family, he will even give up his body to be burned for the sake of his family, but that is before he met Emily, now he thinks that he didn't have to die for his family anymore, something keeps telling him that Emily needs his help.


Zara interrupts Leo's train of thoughts as she walks seductively towards Leo.

"Lets make good use of this night," she said and her nightgown slipped from her shoulders. 

Leo keeps staring without saying a word..

Getting a grip of Leo, she kissed him, but he didn't respond. He's still not sure of what Zara was doing. She can't trick him into marrying her because she needs her father's money to run a cartel..

"You don't have to do this. I'm not marrying you. "

"Shhh," Zara covered Leo's mouth with her finger as her left hand grab his manhood and gently squeezed it. "Lets just make good use of this night and stop talking about marriage" she pushed him onto the bed and pin him down..

Lips lock in a kiss. They had sex three times before daybreak.

The next day, the very important families in Groff Town started arriving for the engagement party. Leo was lost in thought. What could have happened to Emily? He wondered.

Searching for Alex, he found him chatting with one of the hotel's beautiful staff..

"Hey, Alex," he called out in a whisper..

"Excuse me, beautiful," Alex wink at the girl, raise his wine glass in a toast as he walked away to Leo..

"Hey bro,"

"Hey, what happened to Emily?" he asked Alex, but he just smiled..

"Why worry about another woman when you are getting engaged today?" Alex made a joke, but Leo was serious.

"I don't know what has happened other by now. She doesn't want to see me, so why should I care?" Alex asked Leo as he took a sip from his glass.

"You have to make sure she's safe," Leo whispered, get her out of Groff Town today. " We can't be sure of her safety if we both take our eyes off her," Leo pleaded..

He was hoping to leave the hotel last night and go to Emily, but Zara took him by surprise and they had sex three times. It was hot, he must admit, but Emily has his heart now.

"Fine, I will try, but if she proves stubborn this time, I'm done. Big Sam can have her for meat," Alex said, and left the hotel to go to Emily.


"Hi mushroom, care for a drink?" Taking Emily by surprise, she wasn't expecting to see Alex this early in her hotel room. He's not the first person she wishes to see, but he's there, anyway. The disappointing look is all over her face..

"Just came by to invite you to the party, that is, if you don't mind," Alex ask smiling at her..

Now that she thinks about it, she has no where she's going after all. She came out to this unknown place to have fun, she can as well accept his invite..

"Sure, if you promise to behave," she added.

"I promise."

Alex waited for her to get ready, and then they both head back to the party. He just couldn't stop smiling at her as she sat next to him in the car and keeping calm.

"What? You like smiling?" Emily could not help but notice him..

"You, baby, you make me smile,"

"Hmm" was all Emily said. She was looking forward to seeing Leo again, something just keep pulling her towards him..

Heavens know she will gladly lose her virginity to him if it wasn't for the fact to he's getting engaged.

"How lucky could some girls be?" she muttered.

"You say what?" Alex asked her, but she just wave him off.

Emily didn't find Alex interesting, even though he's more handsome than Leo.

For the first time in Emily's life, she selfishly wise that Leo could dumb that girl for her.. She smile as she thought about it..

"Hey, why are you smiling? Did I do something funny?" Alex ask but Emily turned the other way..

"We are here" Alex pulled over and they both step out of the car..

You have to walk side by side with me or I can't guarantee your safety," Alex whispered in her ears and she pause just inches to the door..

"Safety?" she turned to face Alex. Now she saw him more clearly. He is putting on a dark suit, hair damp a little and shiny. Now that Emily looked at him more closely, she could notice how handsome he was.

But what is this with wanting to protect her?

"Are these people dangerous?" she finally asked Alex, pointing at the Royals, who were still arriving at the venue. But instead he held her hand and drag her inside..

"Stay by my side, you will be safe here.."

Inside the luxurious hotel room were Zara and Leo were, there is a bit of tension as Leo could hardly concentrate, his thoughts were everywhere..

Is Emily okay? What is Alex doing right now? I hope he's not warming his way into Emily's heart.. He loves his brother and didn't want anything to come between them..

"Hey, I hope you are getting ready, let's not keep them waiting" Zara spoke in a soft voice that made Leo wondered if is still the Zara he knows.

"Yeah," Leo respond, walking to the window to check if Alex has arrived..

"Damn it!" he curse inwardly when he didn't see Alex's car. All he could see were the guests, who were still arriving.

The hall is filled up with the VIPs and not a single low class is present at this party, Emily could feel it, she now knows what kind of family Leo came from, but she's not surprise because she didn't come from a poor family either, she quickly blends in with the rest of the Royals.

"We can sit here" Alex pointed to a nicely decorated table with the best wine Emily has ever seen.

A little bell rings, asking for attention as Zara and Leo descended from the stars..

Leo was breathtaking and Emily just stars in amazement. If only that mother luck were on her side, she would have been the one descending those stairs with a beautiful smile, not that long face Zara was wearing.. Damn!

"Did she even love him?" Emily finds herself asking Alex.

"Why do you ask?"

"Can't you see the long face? I bet she doesn't love him. " she wanted to add, "Like the way I do," but pause as Alex gave her a deathly look.

"That is Zara for you," Alex said as he poured out some wine for both of them and hand Emily one glass.

"Is that her name?" Emily ask curious but Alex didn't reply..

"Why is she so interested in those two?" Alex mumbled and sip his wine.

Emily could not sit still, she wanted Leo to notice her..

A man stood up and made an announcement as Leo stood with Zara.. Emily wondered who that man could be..

"I welcome you all to this great event, and I want to introduce my daughter Zara to everyone...

"Oh, he is Zara's her father. No wonder he dresses like he owns the world," Emily murmured..

"She will be the new CEO of the company I worked so hard to build," Zara roll her eyes when her father said that, she remembered hearing those lines like a million times, she can wait to finally take over from him.

 "She will be taking over from me after her wedding with Leo is finalized" the man added and everyone clapped, but Leo and Zara didn't seem like they like the idea..

The music went on after the announcement and food where served. Everything was going fine until another announcement was made..

A lady step forward with a ring on a golden box and Leo was asked to take the ring and put it on Zara's finger..

 A man that looks like a priest step forward and asked Leo to take the ring, and to hold Zara's fingers, which he did without question.

"Leo Alexandria the first, do you take Zara to be your lawfully wedded wife!..

"What? Hold on!" Leo yells, "There has to be a mistake, is engagement party not wedding," Leo told the Priest..

"Leo, I know, just answer the damn question," he whispered to Leo taking him by surprise.

"Leo Alexandria the First, do you take Zara to be your lawfully wedded...."

"Look what you've done!" Emily yelled at the hotel staff who accidentally spill red wine on her pink dress, cutting the Priest off..

"I'm sorry ma'am" the girl said bowing in respect, but Emily is not the type to let such negligent go  unpunished.

She raised her hand to slap the girl but Alex held her hand midair..

"Enough, she said she's sorry," Alex said, but Emily walked out in anger..

"Emily!" Leo finally saw her and hurried out, going after her..

There was a lot of murmuring as Leo left Zara standing there and hurried after Emily..

"What is he doing?" Some of the ladies starts whispering..

"He has a girlfriend," others said.. 

"Are you okay?" Leo was beside her in a split seconds

"What are you doing here? Go back and get married," she yelled at Leo..

"No, I'm not getting married. Come with me, let's go away from here," Leo said, searching Emily's eyes with his..

"Are you insane?" Emily knew love when she sees one, and those eyes of Leo, they speak love into her soul. "You don't know me, and I don't want to disrupt your engagement with Zara. "

"You have already done that, and I thank you for it" Leo took Emily's hand, trying to convince her to go with him..

Everyone is outside now. Leo's mother was the first to get to them. She gave Emily a hot slap that almost send blindness to her soul..

"Mom, stop it" Leo hugged Emily..

"I told you to stay away from my son. I even gave you my second son for free, but what did you do? You ruined our lives!.. Take her!" she ordered and two men came forward..

"Is okay, she will leave" Leo pleaded and agree to marry Zara. He knows what will happen if Emily was taken.

Alex had to come to the rescue. "Come with me" Alex took her out of there back to her hotel room.

"Look, you have to go, now, your life is in danger, I didn't want to scare you, but you are far from home, like very far, this is Groff Town, a place full of Vampires, and you will be meat if you don't run!"

"What?" Emily wanted to scream, but held her mouth.

"Don't come close," she warned Alex as she quickly search for her car keys..

"Am harmless, but the rest won't be, so I advise you run, now,"

"Okay!, okay" she grab her car keys and made for the door..

Her heart pounds and raise, she has never been this afraid in her life. She has seen and heard  of vampires only in the movie. She only hopes that this is all a dream.. But how did she get here?

Previously, she remembers hearing voices in her head when she was driving, and then she screamed and almost went over the cliff. She remembered pulling right back on the road, yes! She did, but how did she get into this town?

"No time, hurry, they're coming for you" Alex hurried her up, and she gets into the car but it was too late. 

A crowd of people, or no, should I say Vampires. Had gathered in front of the hotel, the news of a human girl interrupting a royal wedding party has spread around town.. Leo's mother wasted no time to spread the new..

Alex held Emily, pushing her behind him..

"Step aside, son, she has to pay.."

"No mum, I'm taking her out of here" Alex said. He will give up himself to save Emily's life.

"What is going on here? That is why I hate all you aristocratic Vampires" Big Saw pushed his way to the front of the crowd and Alex heart skipped a bit, he know that Big Saw is not a joke, he's a notorious Vampire in all Groff Town, Alex knowns he can't fight against him, he's no match for Big Sam.

Big Saw, could only get blood by prying on weak, but Alex and Leo belong to the aristocratic type of vampires who are romantic, flamboyant and fabulously wealthy, using their wealth to maintain their vampirical lifestyle–they throw lavish parties when they needed to prey on their impressed but unsuspecting guests. They are irresistibly alluring because of their mystique, elite world, and charming ways.

Their civilized sophistication lies in contrast with the brutality of their blood-sucking ways.

But that is not the case with Emily. They both seem to fall in love with Emily the very first time they set their eyes on her.

But big Sam, no, he's always bored of living forever, the night stalking demon fangs is always thirsting for blood, and now he's here.

"Emily wishes she could just disappear, but she's just a human girl and has no supernatural powers..

"I'm sorry for causing you guys so much troubles, I'm leaving anyway," Emily speaks from Alex back. She's still hiding there.

Big Sam's fangs, grow immediately he heard Emily's voice. His eyes turned yellow and Emily jump on Alex out of fear.

She hopes that she will wake up from this terrifying nightmare..

Emily looked around to see if there was any escape route. She swear she will disappear into it like a smoke.

Leo contemplated changing his form and helping Emily escape, but he just change last week, doing so now means death for him, he will need to suck two human blood to be able to stay alive, and that is not easy to come by these days.

They have to host another extravagant party to lure some of the greedy humans for that purpose.

"Take me instead," Leo begged. He figured he should do something for her too, because right now it seems that Alex was the only one protecting her.

"And what will I do with you? Fresh human blood is what I want. " Big Sam groans.

"Huh!" Emily opened her mouth wide, she's going to die anyway, but she didn't imagine dying like this.. At least she still have some few months left, and she still need to found someone who will love her enough to break her virginity before she finally leaves the world..

"Oh no! Why is life so cruel to me? What have I done to receive all this cruelty from the universe?" She subconsciously wipe as she thinks of a way to escape.

Alex and Leo are helpless at this point, as they are no match for Big Sam. It seems Emily's end has come.