
You Can’t Buy My Love

Mariela "Ella" Alvamiza, an eighteen-year-old first-year college student. She was saddened when she found her things scattered in the hallway of their building. She couldn't pay her friend the share of the rent since she sent the money to her mother. Archer Lopez came from wealthy family. He has no choice but to leave his penthouse when his dad banned him from entering unless he will come home to their mansion. He needed a roommate to share the cost of his newfound place since his beloved parents had frozen all his accounts. Mariela needed a place to stay, and she felt so happy when she found a pamphlet made from scratch paper that someone needed a roommate, and to her dismay, he was a guy, and no other than the renowned handsome and hot playboy of Nagazville University. Excerpt: "Here is the deal. I will allow you to pay 1/4 of the rent, but you have to do the laundry, the cleaning; and cook our meal; if not, you need to pay half of the rent, and one more thing, you can't fall in love with me." Archer said with confidence. "Excuse me, who said I am sharing a room with you and become your maid? How much more to fall in love with someone conceited and self-centered like you? Do you think everyone will like you because of your pretty face? I am sorry to disappoint you, but not everyone at the University is stupid." Mariela snapped at him, and he was shocked because it was the first time a girl showed disinterest in him. Mariela was broke, and she ended up living with Archer, and she found herself entangled with the most popular guy in her university. And when Ella found out that Archer was more than just a pretty face, and she gets to know the real him, she couldn’t stop herself from falling in love with him. One day Archer was compelled to ask Mariela to come home with him to their estate to pretend as his girlfriend as a protest to his parents for manipulating his life. Archer's parents asked him to dump Ella right away after he introduced her to them because they are against their relationship since she doesn’t belong to their world, and that is the time he realized his feelings for her started to get real. He couldn't stop himself from loving his beautiful roommate even if he knew she was way out of his league. Does Archer’s love for Mariela strong enough to stand up against his parents even if it means losing everything he has, including his inheritance? Can Mariela choose love over money the moment she realizes her younger sister's life is at stake and she is the only one who can save her? Warning: Have mature content in the later part of the story.

sirenbeauty · Sports, voyage et activités
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155 Chs

I Am Privileged

Archer's POV

I know this is not the usual me; running after a girl would never be on my list, but something about Mariela made me so desperate to make her my roommate. I know it was pretty early to tell, but as I looked at her face, I couldn't deny she was beautiful, and her feisty personality made me more fascinated by her.

I wondered how it felt to touch her curly brown hair, and I couldn't stop staring at her ideal oval face; her cheekbones and jaw are slightly rounded. Her perfect red heart-shaped lips made her look so attractive, and I wanted to see her smile since I knew she would become more beautiful, and I wondered if she even knew how to smile.

Yes, in one glance, I could tell Ella is my exact opposite; if I spent my spare time partying, I could tell she was working almost all the time, and she had no time to enjoy her life. I wanted her to experience what is the natural beauty of living, and that is why I am so determined to have her as my roommate.

And all I needed to do was convince Mariela to stay with me, and I didn't have any fucking idea how I would do that because I could tell that she was not an ordinary woman. She is so different from the girls I had dealt with, and it is evident she is not bothered with my physical appearance, and I could tell she doesn't care how handsome and well-built I am.

When she walked back with me towards the coffee shop, I could feel that she was beginning to trust me. And the moment we got inside, I could see my cousin on his table drinking his coffee, and he was shaking his head, and I could tell he was mocking me since, for the first time in history, a girl walked out from me. And I was the one who ran after her and begged her to listen to what I've got to say.

And when she offered her hand to me, I couldn't stop myself from feeling so happy, and I took her hand, and I was impressed even if she was busy working, she got smooth skin, and I could feel something the moment my skin brushed against hers, and this is the first time felt some sparks. I needed to control myself because I now can't date someone like Ella, she's way out of my league, and I don't want to give my parents another reason to hate me.

And for me, she is the right candidate to become my roommate because I know she doesn't like me. I could tell the looked she had given me was because she was only curious about my looks, but I couldn't find anything like she was willing to flirt with me like those girls, and I don't think I needed a contract after all. Ella is different, and I give her that, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so excited to have her as my roommate.

"Please allow me to bring your suitcase, Ella." I pleaded, and when she handed me her luggage, I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I realized I was able to convince her to stay for the night, and all I needed to do was to make her stay for the rest of the night, and do my best to make her wait for good; and I will find a way to work and earn some money.

Ella was silent the entire elevator ride, and I am unsure if she was afraid of me. Still, I don't think she would think that way since I am a gentleman even if I have a reputation with girls, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I realized about those girls who made my life quite interesting, but it is about time to stop and think about something for myself. I am not getting any younger, and if my parents continue to do something like this, I need to find a job.

"Wow! This place is great; I couldn't believe that the previous room I shared with Carol would fit in here." She declared, and I could see the excitement on her face the moment she got inside our room, and I smiled as I realized at least she loved the place.

"Do you like it?" I asked in more than a whisper since I felt so afraid if she would snap at me again.

"Are you kidding me? Of course, your place is beautiful and perfect, and I think I can study my lessons here. You even have a balcony." She stated, and I wonder how she will react the moment she sees my penthouse how much more the Lopez estate, and I am sure our beautiful 12,000 square feet mansion with twelve bedrooms on top of the hill of our properties will blow her mind.

How I wish I could take her on a helicopter ride, and I am shocked why I suddenly felt this way towards Ella, and I never felt this kind of urge before to make someone happy, and now I wondered why I wanted to see a smile on her face.

And there is a part of me that I wanted to take her to our place and live like a princess for once. I suddenly felt guilty for doing this to my parents as I realized I am such a lucky son for having a wealthy family. For the first time, I realized I am privileged enough to have my place and have maids around, and I don't need to worry about anything else, and all I have to do is follow my parents' request, which is to go home.

"You can choose which bed you want, Ella; I don't mind where I will sleep anyway," I said, and I wanted to add most of the time, I ended up sleeping on my cousin's place anyway, but this time I will make sure everything will be different; I wanted to feel how to live away from home without maids and assistants who will remind me of my schedule.

"Thanks, I want the one near the window and balcony, if it would be alright with you." She softly said.

"Sure!" I answered, and I brought her suitcase to the cabinet on her side.

"Ella, this closet would be yours, and you can put your clothes, even your books, in here," I said, and she mumbled her thanks again. We both have a study table with a lamp, and I felt glad the place is fully furnished, and that is why it costs higher compared to the rooms without anything, and as of the moment, I don't have enough money to buy furniture and appliances.

"May I know how much is the cost of this room per month?" She asked, and I looked at her in the eyes, and I know it would be too much for her, and I don't know if her income would be enough to pay 1/4 of the monthly rent.

"It is about eight hundred USD exclusive of electricity and water bills," I said, and I knew I could not tell her I would pay one thousand dollars per month, but still, her eyes got so big.

"You could have rented an apartment with that cost," Ella mumbled.

"Well, I am paying for the name of the building, Ella, and not just the space, the security around here is safe, and this room is big and fully furnished," I responded.

"I am sorry, Archer, but I couldn't afford that amount; I already have a hard time to make ends meet, and how can I afford to pay you two hundred dollars a month." She responded.

"Don't think about the rent, Ella, just rest; for now, I can find a way; I will be asking for your help on other matters," I replied right away, and I could see how her face saddened she shook her head.

"No, I know you were looking for a roommate, Archer, so you have someone who can share the rent, and I don't want to be a charity case." She responded.

"Mariela, you will never be a charity case, and I am begging you to please stay even for one month and let me worry about the rent," I said, and she was right. I was looking for a roommate who would share the rent with me, at least one-fourth of the rent, but I don't even know why I am pleading with her to stay with me.

"Okay, if you want me to stay here with you, then I will do all the chores then." She quickly said, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"Ella, you clearly said a while ago, you don't want to be my maid, and I hear it loud and clear, you will not be my maid, I will still do half the chores, but you needed to teach me the basic. I know it is funny, but I don't know about anything." I said as I released a heavy sigh.

"How many siblings do you have?" She asked.

"I have a younger sister," I responded, and for

the first time I saw her smile at me.

"I couldn't imagine her life for having a brother like

you who didn't even know how to cook, and I am sure you don't even know how to wash the dishes." She said, and I nodded my head. Still, I couldn't tell her either that my sister is living like a princess since we have so many maids around the estate, we have lots of household staff from

gardeners, drivers, and housemaids who take care of all our needs, and I know we grew up differently and lived in two different worlds.