
You Belong With Me (K.V)

Elizabeth Benson is a determined eighteen-year-old college freshman with a passion for engineering. Her journey from Los Angeles to Hiddleston University in Chicago is filled with hopes and dreams of a bright future. However, her world is turned upside down when she crosses paths with Nicholas Wilson, a mysterious and enigmatic third-year student who has an aura of coldness and self-absorption. Nicholas, burdened by his past and burning with desire for vengeance, finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and betrayal. His cold behavior and harsh treatment towards Elizabeth mask a heart that has been shattered and hardened by loss and pain. As their lives become intertwined, Elizabeth finds herself caught in a difficult circle of emotions between Nicholas and his charming older brother, Ethan. The revelation of Nicholas's secret life as an undercover agent adds danger and anxiety to their already complicated relationship. Meanwhile, Nicholas struggles with family secrets and a dangerous game of inheritance between Ethan and him orchestrated by his manipulative father. As the tension build and secrets unravel, Elizabeth is faced with the harsh reality of betrayal and deception. The web of lies threatens to break hearts and destroy the connections that have been forged. Nicholas joins the Omega Group, a task force and enforcement agency on a quest for vengeance on the ones who killed the only person who ever loved and cared for him. The missions turn out to be perilous than expected and he realized he has one thing to lose. Will they find solace in each other's arms, or will the weight of their pasts and present tear them apart? Discover the thrilling and heart-pounding saga of "YOU BELONG WITH ME," where love, loyalty, and destiny collide.

Keran_Kylie · Urbain
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15 Chs

I'm On The Bleachers

"Thank you sir" Elizabeth said to the Chancellor of Hiddlestone University after a meeting with him.

She leaves his office to her assigned hostel, room 12B. On her way to the hostel she forgets that she's supposed to look for her hostel because the school environment is as beautiful she heard it was. She steps on the soft grass and smiles as she feels the tickling impact on her feet as she is putting one a beautiful black sandal.

She looks around the environment and sees a lot of expensive and beautiful things around. Something she seldom sees.

Elizabeth tightens her grip on her luggage as she walks into a large building which is tagged as the hostel section. Without stress she finds room 12B. She pulls the knob and finds out that the door is locked so she unlocks it with the key given to her.

As the door slowly swung open, she sees that there's no one in the room. There are 2 bunk beds which sums up to four beds and the room is extremely untidy.

The others must have left for class already.

From the looks of things it seems her new roommates didn't pick out their outfits for today earlier on. It seems they woke and and ransacked their whole suitcase trying to find something to put on.

On the wood of the bunk bed she sees a pink underwear, on the bed is the person's suitcase with the cloths scattered on the bed.

She pulls her bags inside the room and closes the door behind her. All the beds have cloths on them so this makes it difficult for her to tell which bed is empty.

Her roommates seem to be the kind of people she would vibe with. She remembers how much her mom would scold her to organize and tidy up her room but she hates it. It's so much better to leave things lying around.

She slyly smiles and uses her leg to push her bags to wherever they went to.

"Hey" a weird voice calls from underneath a pile of cloths.

Elizabeth abruptly jerks out of fear and her eyes quizzically stare at the direction the voice came from. A girl's head peaked out of the heap and she looks stressed.

Her thick black hair was scattered, she had eye bags and her eyes were incredibly dark.

She seems to be a Goth girl which Elizabeth hopes she is not. They are just too weird and scary.

"Hi" Elizabeth awkwardly answers.

"The room is a bit scattered, but you can take that bunk" The girl said.

She raises her hand from underneath the cloths and points to the top bunk of one of the two bunk beds. The bunk on the left side.

"Oh, thanks" Elizabeth responds unexcitedly.

She sleeps like a reckless donkey, she might find herself on the floor when she wakes up in the morning.

She quickly moves to the bags she pushed away and neatly kept them.

"They slipped out of my sweaty hands" Elizabeth lied.

"Sure they did" the Goth looking girl chuckled.

"It's okay, we're all lazy in here. Except one person, she wants the place to always be tidy but that's tedious as it is impossible" the Goth girl said with an expressionless face.

"I'm Jane" she adds.

Elizabeth looks up at her, her eyes went to the wall and then back to the Goth girl, she smiles awkwardly. She didn't ask for her name so why did she tell?

"Nice to meet you, Jane" Elizabeth said slowly counting her words.

"Wake me up when you get back from lectures" Jane said to Elizabeth.

She immediately sunk herself back into the pile of cloths and continued sleeping.

Elizabeth picks up her suitcase and opens it, her eyes widen as she sees the macaroni and cheese her mom packed for her a day before yesterday. Her mom specifically told her not to forget but she forgot.

She picks it out of her cloths and examines it. Why is it so black? She wondered.

She opens it and sniffs it, the smell quickly ran up her nostrils and she nearly throws up.

"Did you fart?" Jane asked with a muffled voice as she pushed the clothes off her body to see where the smell is coming from.

Elizabeth quickly stuffed it back inside her suitcase and acted oblivious.

"No" Elizabeth lied.

"Did you?" Elizabeth asked with her hand on her nose.

"I don't know, I had a lot to eat last night" Jane said as she rested back into the pile of cloths.

Elizabeth wrapped the Macaroni and cheese in a nylon and picked up some books.

"I'm leaving for class" Elizabeth said to Jane who was staring intently at the ceiling.

"Sure whatever" Jane responded.

Elizabeth found her way to her lecture hall. She gets there and beholds a large hall filled with students just like her. Students who want to also be engineers. She smiles and finds and empty seat at the back as she is late.

This place is different from high school. In high school when you're late, everyone stares at you and you'd wish the ground would swallow you.

In high school being a new student means being the talk of the town. Some take it upon themselves to bully you and some just want to be friends.

But here, virtually everyone is new and she doesn't have to worry about being the talk of the town or being bullied.

She smiles and relaxes her back her seat. The room is air-conditioned and she loves it.

The seats in here are like bleachers. The more behind you are, the higher you go. But for Elizabeth who is afraid of heights, she loves being at the back. She loves being here, feels like she shouldn't return home.

Written on the board in front is the professor's name boldly inscribed: PROFESSOR DIMITRI.

Dimitri sounds like a weird name for a male professor. Elizabeth doesn't listen, her eyes peer at everything she sees in the room. From the projector, to the students, to the bleacher-like seats and then the professor whose name is Dimitri. She snort-laughs as she thinks about.

Those who heard her turned around to look at her. She clears her throat and says

"Sorry" in a pretty awkward tone still trying to suppress her laughter.

After wasting her time looking at unnecessary things Elizabeth adjusts herself and paid attention to whatever the Professor was saying.

The classes for today were finally over, and Elizabeth feels tired and famished. She finds her way to the canteen, there she sees even more students. Students from different faculties and departments, all smartly dressed.

She examines her blue skinny jeans and her red blouse, eh! It's okay.

The prices of the meals at the canteen are extremely expensive. How can a single dish of spaghetti be $208? Come on, it's not gold? Elizabeth's mind winced.

It's either she cooks or goes to a restaurant outside the school. She's too tired to cook, so she decides to go with the restaurant option.

After a sumptuous meal at the restaurant she comes back to the school premises and walks directly to her hostel. Hopefully her roommates are back and she can meet them. As she approaches the door to her room the sounds of screaming and yelling can be heard. Seems her roommates are already arguing.

"Jane I begged you to pack up your cloths and put them in your suitcase!" A feminine voice yelled.

Elizabeth feels sorry for her. She's obviously the one who is neat and organized. She has pretty much on her plate having two unorganized people.

Now she'll have to deal with Elizabeth too.

"I mean look at how arranged Diane's suitcases are" The same voice said.

"Those aren't my bags" a different voice countered.

Elizabeth smirks because she knows they're her bags. At least she cab enjoy being called organized for a little while.

"It belongs to the new girl" Jane replied to the quizzical expression on Tracy and Diane's face.

Elizabeth assumes this will be the perfect time to walk into the room. She slowly opens the door and beholds two new people. A white blonde-haired girl and an African-American girl with dark gleaming skin.

"Hi" Elizabeth said with a smile on her face.

"Finally, someone with sanity" The white girl exclaimed with a smile. Poor girl, she actually thinks Elizabeth is sane and organized.

"Welcome, I'm Diane" the African-American girl said.

"And she's Tracy" Diane pointed to the white girl.

"And…" Diane said pointing towards Jane who is still lying in a pile of cloths.

"We already met" Jane melancholically interrupted.

"Okay" Diane sighed.

"I'm Elizabeth" Elizabeth said to Tracy and Diane.

"Make yourself comfortable" Tracy said to Elizabeth who is already a step ahead of her.

Why wouldn't she make herself feel comfortable? She's paying money to be here.

Slowly the place got dark, Elizabeth sits on her bed on the top bunk. She looks at the time and its 8:12. She turns back to face her laptop and continues to read. She missed virtually everything that was taught today because her mind was lost in the school environment. And not to mention the male Professor who is called Dimitri. She scrolls through and continues her reading.

Everywhere is peaceful and quiet in the room. And she didn't think it would be that way.

Tracy, the white girl sat on her bed which is the bottom bunk. She's also reading. Apparently, she's a medical student and she's serious about it.

Diane who is also on the top bunk is lying and scrolling through her phone. While Jane still laid in her pile of cloths.

"Oh my Gosh, Diane" a loud squeaky voice is heard as the door flung open.

Diane quickly sits up to see who called her.

"Have you seen sparkle magazine?" the girl with the squeaky voice asked.

She sits on Tracy's bed as she flips through the pages of the magazine.

Tracy ignores whatever is going on and continues reading.

'What?' an excited Diane asked as she came down from her bed.

Two other girls barge into the room and they demand for the magazine but Diane tells them to share.

The four of them look at the magazine, their faces all red from blushing intensely.

"Top ten hottest young businessmen in Chicago" the squeaky voiced girl read.

When Elizabeth hears the word 'hottest''. She turns and faces them in curiosity.

Hot men? Damn! She also wants to look at the magazine.

"And Nicholas Wilson is number three?" Diane asked is amusement.

"Damn that boy's a ten, so I don't see why he isn't number one" a different girl said.

Tracy turns away from her book and peers her eyes at the magazine.

"Wow!" she exclaimed.

This made Elizabeth's curiosity to go from 5 to 50.

"Can I see?" She finally asks.

Her curiousity got the better of her.

"Heck yeah! Come down" Diane said to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth gently starts coming down from her bed. But before she could land on the floor her phone starts ringing. She looks at her phone and sees that Jaden is calling her. She hasn't spoken to him for days now.

Why did he have to call when she's about to go look at hot young businessmen?

The magazine is not gonna run. So she decides to pick up Jaden's call instead.

She picks it up and walks outside the room. The girls won't stop talking about this Nicholas guy and it made the place noisy.

"Hello" Jaden said over the phone.

Elizabeth slammed the door behind her before responding.

"Hi, babyyyy!" she said out of excitement for no reason.

"You see happy. How have you been? I haven't heard from you and I was worried" Jaden asked in a soft tone.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and inhaled.

"It's just college, settling in and everything is stressful. I haven't even had time to eat" Elizabeth exaggerately lied.

Her eyes follows every girl she sees walking the hostel hallways.

"Video call?" Jaden asked.

"Sure" Elizabeth responded.

They switched to video call and the first thing Jaden saw was Elizabeth's face expression resembling a duck's.

"Duck face" Elizabeth teased.

Jaden laughed and they talked for a while. Every now and then she would hear the girls yelling and screaming in the room. It would make her wish she was also in there, looking at the photos of young hot billionaires. Jaden asked what the screaming was about and Elizabeth lied. She knows if she tells him the truth he might think she's starting to get uninterested in him.

When the call was over she quickly ran back into the room and to where the girls were gathered.

"Let me see!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she tried getting a good view of the magazine.

I don't know if anyone is reading. If you are reading my book can you please leave a comment, vote or rate my book. which ever pleases you. Just a single reader is enough to keep me going. XoXo, Kylie.

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