
Are you gay?

The four of them started walking to the pedestrian next to the road. Teddy and Kiara were heading the way. Dingxiang and Alice walked side by side. Dingxiang looked at Kiara and Teaddy in front of them.

Teddy lifted Kiara's body and buried his face on her big stomach. She shouted in giggles. After that he lifted her down a bit and Kiara held his his face with her both hands tried to push his jaw from buried it again on her stomach.

While they were watching the siblings, suddenly Alice held Dingxiang's hand. Dingxiang felt like was electrocuted. He pulled his hand immediately from Alice's embrace. He looked at her face. She pretended like nothing was happened.

"I'm sorry, I never expect that come from you."

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

"But I would appreciate it if your hands stay away from me." he said in monotone.

Alice was in disbelieved.

"Are you gay?"

This time Dingxiang's turn to be taken aback. As he was watching Kiara was struggling to push Teddy's head he smiled.

"Am I?" He asked her back.

"What?!" She snapped him with her eyes.

Dingxiang chuckled and shook his head. Entire of his life that was first time someone was asking him gay or not. It was quite amusing. With his face he could guaranteed his was flawless like an angel. He was so confident with his look.

"Dingxiang is gay?" Suddenly Kiara who was in Teddy's cuddling looked at him from Teddy's shoulder.

"Shhhh…. We outsider don't interrupt." Said Teddy and tried to closed Kiara's ears.

Dingxiang's face darken. His expression totally changed.

"I'm not! I'm not gay!" Suddenly he shouted from the back in angered.

"Come on Teddy. You know me!"

From cold Dingxiang suddenly became so indefensible towards the siblings.

"Dingxiang is a gay…" Kiara mocking him continuously until they reached to the end of the junction. A double-story house was situated few steps from the junction. It was Alice 's house. The house was bright with their lamp post.

Alice was totally confused with Dingxiang. Toward her, he was totally cold but to the siblings he was so warmed and he was being himself.

He was so angry when Kiara mocked him with gay word. At the same time he wanted to correct the bad impression from Kiara.

Alice could not believed that she was nothing compared to that big little girl.

"Can't he see me as the prettiest woman here? Hello??" She murmured in her heart.

"Don't worry, Dingxiang is not gay." He said it to her in front of Dingxiang. He put Kiara down on her feet.

Dingxiang was palm-faced while looking at them talking about him.

"Am I invisible?" He said it in his head.

Suddenly he felt a strong hug at his waist. He was moving a step and he looked down. His gaze was getting bigger.

"You are not gay, I like you!" Exclaimed Kiara suddenly.

"How dare that little mouth!" Alice stared Kiara and shouted in her heart.

"Whoa!! Am I jealous to the kid??" She just couldn't believed herself.

Kiara looked up and smiled. Suddenly Teddy pulled her shoulder and made her spin to the back facing him.

"Hey! Hey, come here." Teddy carried her up to his embrace. She wrapped her both leg at Teddy waist and her both hands to Teddy's neck. She just chuckled when his brother kissed her cheek repeatedly. They both started to walk back.

Dingxiang followed behind them. He was smiling all the way to their house.

Tang Wei and James were waiting for them in anxious. They were outside sitting on the bench while eating the grilled meats.

"Whoa there they are!" blurted Tang Wei after he gulped his soda.

"You are the man!" Said James to Dingxiang.

"Too bad…" Said Teddy and sighed for him.

"Why man?" Asked Tang Wei.

"He just shut his mouth all the way there. We tried to walk far but he kept following from the back. What a waste!" Explained Teddy and he put Kiara on the table. Kiara tried to grab a drumstick but then Teddy took a the grilled corn and gave it to her. He pushed the plate of grilled chickens far to the edged o f the table.

"Oh man! What a loser!" They couldn't believed what they heard from Teddy.

"Dingxiang is not a loser! You are the loser!" Kiara shouted at the boys.

"You are just a kid! What do you know about being a loser?" Said James and patted her curly hair.

"At least Alice picked him not you." rebutted Kiara while she chewing the corn.

James : "…."

Tang Wei : "…"

Teddy : "…"

A smirked appeared on Dingxiang's face. He was so glad his little bear helped him.