
Chapter 7

  Sizu took out some snacks "Melissa... come have some snacks."

  Without giving any reply, melissa continue to do her work.

  Sizu pulled melissa from her desk "Your health is very important and look it's already 9:34 P.M. On the top of that i am really hungry. You know i don't eat alone, so will you at least eat for the sake of mine?" Siza started make a puppy watery eye.

  Melissa nodded her head and took the snack on her hand. She ate the snack and took the medicine.

  "Your again taking this high dose medicine?" Sizu said with a sad face.

  Melissa didn't say any word and continue to do her work.

  She did her work whole night without any rest or sleep.

  Sizu woke up at morning and saw that melissa is still working. "Melissa... at least have some rest."

  "No need." Even at her apartment she couldn't sleep. Sometimes she stay awake for whole night so it was nothing for her but even so she was really feeling little tired with non stop work.