
Chapter 76

  Melissa's mom and sizan stood infront of the door where it was written 'You and Me Together.'

  The writing was of little kid, it wasn't really good but it wasn't really bad as well.

  "This?" Sizan asked looking at the door to Melissa's mom.

  Melissa's mom smiled "Beyond this door, you'll see something very precious that you can't move your eye from the spot."

  Sizan felt little confused "Something very precious?" But on the other, he was feeling little excited even he didn't knew the reason.

  "Yeah! Something very precious!" Melissa's mom smiled and opened the door slowly.

  It was dark, but when she turn on the light, sizan who was standing at the door, just couldn't move his eye from the spot.

  It was just as Melissa's mom said. It was really something precious.

  The photos were handing all over the wall, the drawing of little hand was pasted on the wall... it was just too precious.

  Sizan slowly walked towards the large picture unable to speak a single word.