
Chapter 65

  Melissa wiped out her tear and closed the book and put it on the table.

  After taking off her cloth, she went to take the bath.

  The water was cold which made her whole body feel cold.

  The tears that were still coming out were wiped away by the shower as if... it never came in her eye.

  She felt little relax but still... felt like... something hard, something huge unseen object was pressing her whole body... mainly in her heart.

  After taking bath, she changed her cloth into night dress.

  Just when she was going into her bedroom, the doorbell rang.

  She looked at door side and thought in her mind "Who might be it right now?"

  She went to open it, but before she opened the door, she asked "Who is it?"

  "It's me!" The voice came from outside, which melissa immediately recognize.

  She opened the door, just as expected, it was sizan who was standing outside the door "Why are you here, President lama?"