
Chapter 63

  Melissa looked at sizu and understood that, she actually lied to him.

  Even though... she didn't liked to lie... she had no choice but to go on with her lie. Sizu knew about this... so she was even more afraid.

  She kept looking at melissa crossing her finger.

  Melissa looked at henry and nodded her head "Yeah!! I went at...." she paused for a second and asked "Is that necessary?"

  "Huh? Oh no... no... that's okay." Henry replied in a gentle tone.

  Listening to melissa replied, sizu gave a relief if sign.

  Just at that moment, waiter came two plate with different dishes.

  "Why are you here?" Melissa asked to henry who had came from nowhere.

  "Huh... oh that..." Henry looked at sizu and said "I just happen to come here... "

  Sizu didn't wanted this conversation to go any further so she hurriedly said "It's doesn't matter why is he here. Henry! Why don't you also eat with us?"

  "Sure! Thank you." Henry replied with warm smile.