
Chapter 59

  Sizan stayed outside the ward looking at the close door blankly where melissa was sitting all alone inside.

  Actually sizan was happy about the fact that, melissa really did felt happy even though she didn't show her emotion like other person openly.

  But on the other side, he was feeling down about not being able to stay with her.

  He walked towards the window which was just near the ward.

  He quietly looked at the sky and felt peaceful in his heart thinking about melissa and about the moment he had spend with her.

  Although the moment between them wasn't romantic but for him... it was more then enough.

  It was just enough if he could stay by her side and there was nothing else he could even wish for.

  ~Inside the ward~

  Melissa slowly walked towards the window with her weak body and looked at the star which were really beautiful.

  The moon was bright and the star were twinkling beautifully.