
Chapter 49

  Sizan, sizu and yun, all of them went to listen to doctor news, hoping good news.

  "Doctor, How is she?" Sizu asked with hope in her heart.

  Finally, doctor reveal a smile in his face and said "Yeah... She is alright. I truly have to say that, she is one of the strongest person."

  All of them gave a sign of reveal in their heart.

  Sizan was especially most happy person.

  "So... Will she wake up today?" Sizu asked the question to doctor with excitement.

  Doctor shook his head and said "Not sure. If she won't wake up today, tomorrow for sure, she will wake up. But when... she wake up... please! Do not give her any stress."

  "Can she go home tomorrow or else??."

  "We need to check her health first. After confirming that, there is no problem in her health, she can go but—"

  "But— What doctor?"

  "Don't worry... Don't worry please. It's just that, it will be great... if she will take a rest in hospital."

  "Yeah... Sure... Sure... Why not."