
Chapter 48

  ~After two days in hospital~

  Sizan was working as always at the table inside the ward where melissa was still deeply in sleep.

  After working in the company, sizu went at the hospital as always. With sizu, yun also went with her.

  Today was the day, when doctor had told that, there is a big chances for melissa to wake up from her deep sleep, although it wasn't fixed.

  Sizu was extremely happy about this.

  Yun was still giving his exam, but when he heard that, melissa is going to wake up, he also came with her.

  "I am happy that doctor had told, melissa might wake up today." Yun said with smile to sizu while still walking at the corridor.

  Sizu looked up at yun face who was walking side by side with her "Still... it's not fixed that today will she wake up..." she looked straight, and gave a smiled little "I am still happy about the fact that whether she is going to wake up today or not, i am really happy."

  Seeing this strong love in her eye, yun was really happy.