
Chapter 43

  Tell me honestly, What are you hiding from me?" Sizan asked straightly looking at nimesh.

  Nimesh smiled and said "As expected of president lama. Nothing can be hide from you no matter how much you try."

  Sizan flip the page of the file and didn't said any word.

  Nimesh wanted to hide it from sizan but looking at his boss, he had no choice but to tell the truth.

  "I wanted to solve this problem by myself without letting you to worry about anything and that is why, i wanted to hide it from you but... it seems, i can't hide it any more." Nimesh said word by word.

  Sizan frowned "Problem? What happened?"

  "President lama... In the absence of yours, vice-president Magar is taking over City-light company." Nimesh said with worried expression on his face.

  City-light company was the most famous company of the world, the company was more then about 200 billion and only 5% people knew and saw that sizan was the president of the company.