
Chapter 38

  Sizu was so shocked that, the spoon fell down on her leg from her hand where there was hot food on the spoon.

  The food was so hot, and sizu was wearing a company dress, and the dress was short which exposed her leg, and this hot food was fallen down on her leg.

  She couldn't help but scream in pain "Ouch!! Ouch!! Ouch!!......"

  Melissa suddenly react and put some water on her leg which was already red.

  Yun also suddenly react and run towards her and asked with worried face "Are you okay?" He looked at her leg and said "Wait, i'll bring ice right away."

  After saying that, he run towards the fridge to bring the ice and immediately bought the ice pack.

  Owner william also came to look at sizu.

  "Show me your leg." Yun said hurriedly and rub the ice gently.

  Sizu was motionless and just kept looking at yun who was rubbing ice at leg gently.

  Melissa also looked at yun who was rubbing ice on her leg with extremely worried face.