
Chapter 18

  "Yeah... it was a misunderstanding. Why? What did you thought so?" Melissa asked in confusion to sizan.

  "Mis-Misunderstanding?" Sizan said in a little loud voice with a surprise.

  "There was an small ant in your face, so i just removed it. And the reason why i came near was, i just didn't wanted to wake you up... but you did." Melissa said in a calm voice.

  Sizan started to mumble "Oh... and i was happy for nothing. Damn... this women is really... going to kill me one day. Just look at her face... Look... Look... she is acting like as if nothing happen while i was going to die... due to heart attack." He put his hand on his chest "Still... my heart is beating so fast... Damn... i didn't knew that my heart was so weak."

  "What happen? Why are you mumbling like a crazy dog?" Melissa asked looking at sizan who was mumbling like a stupid guy.

  Sizan looked at melissa calm face "You should go to your ward now... after all your sick."