
Chapter 11

  Melissa saw the situation in front of her and it was clear that sizan was superior and this three people were lika a subordinate who have no value at all.

  Sizan looked at the file and gave to it melissa "Pass this one to them."

  Melissa took the file and walked towards those three president. She gave the file, turn around and walked back towards sizan side.

  President thapa looked at the file and gave it to president han. President han flip over the file paper and looked at it very carefully.

  President han pass the file to president su. He looked at the file and looked at sizan "This...."

  "My father wants our company to co-operate with your company." Sizan said with a cold smile on his face.

  Without any hesitation, three of them stand from sofa and nodded their head with smile "Sure... sure... Why not... it's really our fortune to co-operate with your company."