
Chapter 51

"Jay, we have to get out of bed," Emma says when she looks at the clock on the nightstand. 

The sunlight now fills the entire room as they lie next to each other and Jay looks at her for a moment slyly. Before she can get up, he catches her unprepared as he moves fast, and puts his head inside her shirt. Or more correctly his shirt. 

"What the hell are you doing?" she asks him surprised, but she can't hold her laughter. 

"I don't want to get up," Jay complains and kisses her belly. His warm breath makes Emma's whole body shudder and for a few seconds, she stays still. 

"Jay, we have to get up before Cindy brings Kenny," she reminds him of their current obligation, and Jay moans, making her laugh again. 

"But I want to stay with you," he complains again and continues to kiss her. 

Emma closes her eyes enjoying their tender moment and then lifts her shirt. The smile she has is the same as the one on Jay's face as soon as he looks at her. They remain still looking into each other's eyes, trying to remind themselves that this is not a dream. 

"I want to stay with you, too, but I think we've had several hours in bed these days," she says, and Jay smirks as he moves up. He is resting on his hands as he doesn't want to hurt her with his weight. Their faces are now just a few inches apart. 

"Several hours, huh? 'Cause from what I remember, you were yelling other things last night... and a while ago" he teases her by referring to their activities in the last few days since Voight decided to give the whole team some days off after everything that happened with the infection, and luckily for them no new case had yet come up. Emma's cheeks blush as she knows exactly what he's talking about and Jay laughs. He bends down and leaves a kiss on her nose, then on her two cheeks, and finally on her lips. 

"What time will Kenny leave?" he asks her. 

"Don't worry, we'll have all night on our own," she replies playfully, and Jay kisses her again. 

"I'll remember that," he says, laughing.

"Be careful, and do as you are told... Oh, and don't watch TV for too long," Cindy tells her youngest son as they stand at the door of Emma and Jay's house. Kenny rolls his eyes and after hastily hugging his mom runs to the kitchen where Jay makes breakfast. 

"Thank you so much, Emma," the woman tells her, and the young detective smiles. 

"It's not a big deal" 

"Oh, of course, it's a big deal. After all that's happened in the last few weeks with this infection," she begins to say and shakes her head as she shudders only in remembrance. 

"Anyway, I feel bad that I've got my kids scattered all over Chicago right now," she admits, and Emma laughs. 

"Well, you and Christopher deserve a day just the two of you. We wouldn't have any problem having the others if they weren't with their friends... Kenny didn't want to go to a friend's house?" 

"And miss the opportunity to spend the day with Jay? You must be joking. This kid loves him" Cindy says and they both laugh. 

After they say goodbye and Cindy leaves, Emma goes to the kitchen from where Jay and Kenny's laughs can be heard all over the house. She stands for a moment at the door looking at them and smiles sweetly as she watches Jay show off what he made for breakfast to the kid. Cindy was right when she was referring to Kenny. This kid had loved Jay from the first moment he saw him, and while he complained to everyone that he had grown up, when he spent time with Jay, he was willing to do whatever silly thing came to mind. But he wasn't the only one. Just like the kid, Jay was having more fun in these moments than anything else. 

"Emma, come on Jay made pancakes," Kenny shouts as he sees the girl, interrupting the images in her mind with Jay holding a baby in his arms. Shaking her head, she goes to the table and sits with them.

Maybe one day, she thinks and smiles.

The same thoughts that passed through Emma's mind in the morning in the kitchen of their home are now going through Jay's mind while they're at Navy Pier. They walk together, with Emma holding Jay's hand and Kenny walking right in front of them so they can see him. Suddenly the little one's attention falls on the big Ferris Wheel that turns a little further away from them and stops abruptly. 

"Can we get on the wheel? Annabelle doesn't like heights and we never go. Please, please..." he turns around and asks the two adults with puppy eyes. 

The idea seems great to Emma's mind and she turns to Jay waiting for his answer. Jay tries not to smile as soon as he sees the faces of both of them shining and pretends to think about it. 

"I guess we could go," he says after a few seconds, letting his smile show, and Kenny shouts excitedly. 

"You're the best," Emma whispers to him, and kisses him on the cheek, causing him to smile even more. 

"We also never get on the Swings Ride," Kenny says as they go to buy tickets, making Jay snort. 

"Yeah buddy, this is not going to happen. We're going up to the wheel, and if you want one more thing, the carousel's fine. I didn't survive the infection so your mother could kill me," says the detective, and Emma laughs. 

"I agree," 

"Well, it was worth the effort" Kenny comments, and everyone laughs.

"The view was perfect," Emma says as they get down and Jay nods in agreement. 

"What are we going to do now?" asks Kenny excitedly, making the two adults look at each other. 

"How about we get ice cream?" Emma asks innocently, and Jay rolls his eyes. 

"You know we ate chocolate with the pancakes this morning, right?" he asks her, and this time it's Emma's turn to roll her eyes. 

"You, and your healthy diet. Please..." she sweetly tells him, taking advantage of the fact that Jay can't say no to her. Indeed Jay nods and after a while they sit on one of the benches, each having ice cream in their hands. 

"... And then Jeremy's dog started licking Annabelle and she started screaming..." Kenny tells the couple another story about his friends and siblings, and the two detectives laugh.

"God, how did you get like this, come here. I'll clean you up," Emma says, laughing as she sees Kenny's done with his ice cream and his whole face is full of chocolates. 

She stretches out after giving Jay her own ice cream to hold it and starts wiping him with the napkin in her hands. Kenny starts to move shouting that he's not a baby and can do it himself, while Emma yells at him to stay still. The picture in front of him makes Jay laugh. Within seconds, all three of them are laughing like crazy. 

"Look what a sweet family!" the comment of an old lady walking in front of them makes the couple stop laughing abruptly. The thoughts they both made in the day secretly from each other just became words from a stranger. 

"Indeed, my dear," her husband agrees, and smiling at each other, they continue their walk holding each other's hands. 

"Come on eat your ice cream. We have to go to the carousel!" says Kenny impatiently as, unlike the two detectives he did not hear that lady's comment. 

Jay and Emma say nothing and their attention goes back to the young boy.

"He fell asleep," Emma observes as they finally return home and looks at Kenny who is sleeping in the back seat. The sun has now set and the stars are visible in the sky along with the big moon. 

"Cindy and Christopher will have a hard time waking him up when they come," 

"Well, tell them to stay at their place" Jay whispers, and Emma turns confused towards him. 

"Let him sleep with us tonight. It's too bad to wake him up. After all, it's already late. It's a shame that they're coming all the way here," he explains with his eyes still on the road. 

"You don't mind?" she asks him, having in mind the conversation they had in bed this morning. Jay shrugs and smiles, continuing to stare at the road in front of them. 

"Tomorrow is Sunday so I think we can make up for the time we're going to waste tonight," he tells her with a smirk, and Emma laughs quietly. 

"Call Cindy and I'll take him to the guest room," Jay says as they arrive and softly takes Kenny into his arms. 

Emma nods and her heart melts with the image she sees in front of her. Jay holds Kenny firmly so he doesn't fall out of his arms while he manages to put on the child's shoulders his cardigan as he doesn't want him to get cold. It may have been hot a while ago, but now a gentle breeze was blowing. Unconsciously Kenny wraps his arms around Jay's neck. For a kid his age, Kenny is quite small, but in Jay's arms, he looks even smaller.

"Cindy said they'd pick him up in the morning. She sends you her kisses and says thank you," Emma says after a while when they settle down again and are in the living room. 

"It's not a big deal," Jay replies honestly, leaving the bottle of his beer on the table as well as Emma's cup of tea. 

"God, he's full of energy," he comments as he sits next to her on the couch and rests his head back. 

"You should have seen him when he was younger, he wouldn't sit down for a minute... My legs are killing me," Emma complains and Jay moves fast.

Without a second thought, he rests her feet on his knees and begins to rub them, while giggling as soon as he sees her fluffy socks. A moan escapes her mouth and makes him laugh more. 

"I would advise you to avoid such sounds, otherwise I don't think I can wait until tomorrow," he warns her seriously, though the smile doesn't leave his face. 

"Copy that," she replies, and Jay stretches to catch the remote. A game starts playing quietly and Jay looks at the TV while Emma plays with the edge of her shirt. 

"Can I ask you something?" she finds the courage after a few minutes and asks him. Jay turns to her frowning when he hears the hesitation in her voice. He nods and squeezes her feet lightly. 

"What that lady said today, did it bother you?" she asks him, and today's events play into Jay's mind. 

"The old lady who thought we were a family?" he asks even though he knows that she's referring to that incident, and Emma nods, continuing the nervous movements with her hands. His heart beats faster and feels like it can get out of his chest as he thinks about how to say in words everything he's feeling. 

"Actually, I think I liked it," he admits shyly, and Emma's head rises to look at him. Her heart skips a beat and she stays still looking at him. 

"Did it bother you?" he asks her when she doesn't comment on his answer and suddenly a huge smile forms on her face. 

"No... the truth is I liked it too," she reveals, and Jay smiles with her words. 

"Maybe one day," Emma says, and moves so she can lay her head on his shoulder. 

"Oh definitely," Jay replies, and unlike Emma who looks at the game, his eyes fall on her naked fingers. 

Maybe not for long, he thinks smiling at the idea and turns to see the game but his mind makes plans for what comes next.