
Chapter 34

When Emma opens her eyes, Jay's warmth makes her smile. She rests her head on his chest while he has his arms wrapped around her waist, taking care even in his sleep not to hurt her. He has his eyes closed, while his breathing is soft as if he's sleeping peacefully after a long time. The smile on her face grows as she thinks about the events of the last night and the kisses they exchanged full of promises for the future. Her hand unconsciously rests on his bare chest and her fingers move in his freckles creating a pattern. This is really happening, she thinks and her face hurts from the smile that still exists. 

"What are you doing?" Jay asks without opening his eyes as soon as he feels the girl's movements and her cheeks blush as soon as she realizes he's caught her. 

"Um, I'm playing with your freckles," she tells him shyly, and he laughs.

 But with a sudden movement, he moves from his position and suddenly he is on top of her, supporting his body in his hands so that he doesn't hurt her with his weight. His eyes are full of love as he bends down and joins their lips. 

"Ew, morning breath," Emma says quickly and twists her head, but Jay's hand returns it to its place, forcing her to look at him again. 

"I don't care," he tells her with a silly smile and kisses her again, and this time she kisses him back.

"How are you today?" he asks her as he lies down next to her again. 

"Much better. It doesn't hurt anymore. I think it was the adrenaline wearing off that made me like this yesterday," she replies, and the change in his look doesn't go unnoticed by Emma. Jay's eyes are fixed on the bruises on her face, while his mind repeats yesterday's events. 

"Jay, I'm fine" she tries to reassure him by stroking his cheek. 

"I'm probably better than ever" 

"I'm glad, so... that means I have hopes for tonight?" he asks her playfully and her eyes widen. 

"What?" she asks him even if she knows what he means, and Jay laughs at her reaction. His playful mood is now back. 

"Come on, Emms... Like you don't know how much I want it... how much I want you" he whispers to her and begins kissing her shoulder. Their hearts are pounding loudly. 

"Then why wait until tonight?" she whispers back, and Jay gets up lightly to take a closer look at her. The same desire he feels is evident in her eyes. Without saying anything, they once again join their lips. Their kiss is full of passion, and it shows how hungry they are for each other. His hands travel in her waist and under her pajamas. 

"Are you sure you're okay? Are you sure about this?" 

"Just kiss me," she replies, and Jay doesn't need any more confirmation. He carefully takes off her shirt and begins to leave wet kisses all over her neck, while the bulge in his pants becomes more and more obvious. 

"God, you're so beautiful," he tells her in a hoarse voice and continues to leave kisses all over her body as he moves down. Knowing exactly what he wants to do.

Later, a long time later, Emma and Jay are in her kitchen each holding their mugs. 

"Will texted me while you were in the bathroom, he said he'd come to check on you," 

"He doesn't have to, I'm fine," 

"I know that. I saw it," he smirks referring to everything that happened on the bed before, and Emma's cheeks blush. 

"But I would still feel better if he did a little check-up. Not to brag about it, but things were kind of rough. We don't want anything to happen to you," he teases her again, and Emma gets up from her chair and sits on his lap. 

"You are worried about me Halstead?" 

"Always" and as if they can't get enough of each other, he kisses her again. 

"Jay, what's going to happen from now on?" she asks him after a while, what they both wanted to delay from being said. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Oh come on, you know what I mean" 

"Yeah, I know. What do you want to happen?" 

"I don't know," she admits, touching her forehead on his. 

"I want to see how this develops, I want to see how we evolve, but I'm scared. I don't want us to have a problem at work and of course, I don't want to lose you as my partner, or worse have someone be transferred" she continues confessing to him, and Jay raises his hand to stroke her cheek. 

"I understand it Emms. I feel the same way. But I think everyone expected that to happen.Even Voight. And I don't think he's going to say anything as long as we continue to be professionals in our work. The relationship situation within the unit is now out of control. Either way, we can keep it a secret or say it, whatever makes you feel better" 

"Jay, I don't want to keep you a secret. I want to call you my partner at work, just like I want to hold your hand on the street. I want to kiss you, Jay, go out for walks with you, and go to dinner. I want you, and I want everyone to know it," she says sweetly, and Jay feels his heart ready to come out of his chest. What he had done to be lucky enough to have Emma by his side. 

"Does that mean I can call you my girlfriend?" he teases her with a big smile. 

"Only if you let me call you my boyfriend Halstead" she teases him too, and while they're ready to kiss, the bell interrupts them. 

"Ugh, Will Halstead, always ready to ruin a romantic moment," Jay complains and gets up to open up to his brother, while Emma laughs.

"Well, everything looks fine. Nothing different from yesterday except your smile that I've never seen it this big before," Will tells her as he finishes with the examination and Emma looks towards Jay, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Will. 

"Thanks. You want to sit down and eat something, or you have to go straight to work?" 

"The truth is I have some time 'till my shift starts" 

"Perfect, sit down. Jay made some toast" she announces, and Jay gives his brother a plate along with a cup of coffee. 

"So you two kissed?" he asks them as he eats his toast, and their eyes widen, while their cheeks turn red. 

"I'll take that as a yes," he continues, laughing at their reaction. 

"I have to remember to ask Adam and Kim for my money. They owe me 20 bucks," 

"What? Why do they owe you money?" 

"Well, it was a small bet we made yesterday at Molly's. Kim said you wouldn't make a move while she's hurt, while Adam said you'd be terrified to make a move in general. But I believed in you, bro," he explains to Jay and continues to laugh. 

"Wait, you bet for us?" 

"If you find that strange, you might want to know that Trudy owes at Kevin too," 

"Wait, what?" they still can't believe what they're hearing. 

"Yeah, it was a team bet. she agreed with Adam," 

"Oh my God, you are unbelievable," Emma says, and eventually laughs at their situation, too, but her eyes are pinned to Jay's. They both have the same thoughts, relieved at the idea that their entire team was going to accept their relationship. 

"Anyway, I don't want any more details about what happened there," he says, pointing to the side of the bed. 

"But I'm happy for you," he continues, smiling at them. 

"Thank you," they both reply, smiling at Will.

"Do you have any plans for today?" Jay asks when they're alone again. 

"I was hoping you'd stay a little longer," she replies, and Jay, satisfied with her answer, wraps his arms around her. He hadn't felt that way in a long time. But actually, did he ever feel that way? 

"You know we haven't been on our first date yet," he tells her after a while. 

"Oh Jay Halstead, are you a man who likes first dates?" 

"It depends on my date. And you, Emma Spencer, deserve a date. You deserve everything," he tells her sweetly. 

"You're set to make me cry, that can't be explained any other way. I'd love to go on a date with you, but I'd rather not have bruises on my face. It's enough for me that tomorrow I'm going to have to explain to Cindy and Chris what happened," 

"Are you going for dinner?" 

"Yeah, we thought that tomorrow will be okay since the last time I canceled. I didn't know I will look like I was in a wrestling" he chuckles with her reply. 

"You can come if you want to," she tells him again and Jay stays silent for a moment.

"Jay Halstead, are you nervous?" she teases him, and Jay awkwardly rubs his neck. 

"Oh, my God, Jay, are you kidding me? There's nothing to worry about. You know them very well. I mean, you've known Christopher for years, you go to Molly's almost every night. You already have been to their place when you came to see if I was okay" 

"I know, but... this was before I kissed their somehow daughter," he tells her shyly, and Emma can't help but smile. 

"You're sweet when you're shy. But you don't have to worry, they like you a lot. Besides, you said everyone was waiting for it to happen, so they'll already know," she reassures him and shoves more into his arms. 

"Okay then. I'll think about it" 

"Good. So, home and movies?" 

"My favorite" he replies, kissing her.